Alone in The Studio

3 years, 1 month ago
2 years, 6 months ago
19 16129 2

Entry 10
Published 3 years, 1 month ago

Mild Violence

This is a fanfic that show's what happened to Joey during the studio! Hope you like! TW:// Character Death, blood, injuries (I don't go into detail tho dw ^^)

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Chapter 10: Fooled

Joey knocks on the door to Susie’s hideout. The door opens for him, “Right this way my dearest Joseph~” Joey grumbles. He wished she’d stop with the flirting. Joey makes his way to where Susie is. She greets him with a smile as Joey hands her the hearts.41984043_zW84il9K29sf8Ap.jpg  She giggles. “Why thank you~!” Joey rolls his eyes. Susie gives Joey a fake affectionate look. “Y’know Joseph, I must say. You’re really good at doing things for me~ I wish I could have you forever~” Joey blinks. What does she mean? “But oh, you want to go and kill that disgusting Ink Demon and then leave~!” She pouts dramatically. “And I can’t have that! I want to keep you all to myself!” Joey tensed up. Something wasn’t right. He grips onto his axe, daring Susie to try anything. “Susie, I made a deal with you. I help you with your tasks, and then we stop the Ink Demon. Don’t go back on that.” Susie gives Joey a threatening smile, “Oh, I can if I want to. There was no contract involved so I legally don’t have to do ANYTHING for you, Joseph.” Joey glares at her. This was the Susie he knew. Susie maniacally laughs. “I can’t have you leave Mr. Drew! You deserve to rot down here with the rest of us~!” She pulls out an axe, pointing it at him. “Do you have any objections, MISTER DREW?” She launches herself at Joey swinging the axe at him. Joey dives out of the way. ‘Susie don’t do this! I can help you! I can help you be human again or I can turn you into a perfect Alice!” Susie growls, “I’d rather DIE than have you help me!” Joey winces and tries to run off only to get thwacked in the leg with the non-sharp side of the axe. He winces and trips. Susie laughs maniacally, “SAY GOODBYE JOSEPH! Nobody will EVER miss you!” “NO!” Joey yells and he knocks Susie to the ground immediately running off. He ran far far away. He didn’t care if he got lost again, all he wanted to do was get out of the angel’s domain. Joey stops to take a breath, looking around. He was lost but he wasn’t near Susie anymore. He sighs, relieved. He wasn’t as torn up about this as he was with Sammy’s ‘betrayal’. Mostly because he could kinda see it coming. He sits down and goes to take a drink of water. Great. It’s empty. He’d completely forgotten to refill it because he was so caught up in helping Susie. He sighs. He really couldn’t help her huh? He takes a sip of his Bacon Soup and sighs. He’s useless. He’s awful. He can’t do anything right. He can’t save anyone. Not even himself.