Alone in The Studio

3 years, 1 month ago
2 years, 6 months ago
19 16129 2

Entry 11
Published 3 years, 1 month ago

Mild Violence

This is a fanfic that show's what happened to Joey during the studio! Hope you like! TW:// Character Death, blood, injuries (I don't go into detail tho dw ^^)

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Chapter 11: A Plan

   Joey walks down the hallways aimlessly, deep in thought. What’s he gonna do now? He can’t save anyone. Nobody wants his help. He sighs. “Maybe I should…” he pauses and thinks for a moment. He doesn’t know. For now, he should just collect some supplies. He dully begins to look around for any supplies. He finds some cans of Bacon soup, but no water. He grumbles. He needs that the most. He checks everywhere, and eventually finds some water left in the water fountain. He fills his bottle up. How long until he runs out of water? Now that the studio is shut down the bank would eventually shut down the studio's electricity and water supply. He sips his water. He needs to preserve this. He doesn’t know when he’ll run out of it. He guesses that if being confined to this studio taught him anything, it was to be grateful for what he’d had before all of this. He never used to have trouble finding water or non-rancid food. He sighs. Oh what he’d give to just grab Bendy and Alpha and book it out of the studio. He could easily leave but… That would be unfair to everyone still trapped here. He couldn’t abandon them. He’d just have to think up a plan to stop all this. Joey sits down with his supplies and thinks for a moment. Hmmm… What to do. First, he’d have to find out the Ink Demon’s weakness… Which sadly meant purposefully trying to find the Ink Demon. The thought of him running for his life from the Demon terrified him. After what he did to Shawn, how easily he was killed, he can’t think of anyway he’d survive. He’d just have to rely on his agility. After finding out the Demon’s weakness, he’d then set up traps to exploit said weakness, though if the weakness made the Ink Demon cry he wouldn’t do that. After he made him cry once, he sure doesn’t want to do it again. After he traps the Demon, he either somehow tames the Demon, or he kills him. Joey nods to himself. The plan itself wasn’t that bad, it’d just be really difficult to pull off. He stands up again. He should get started. He had no time to waste. The more he just sat there, the more people would die. How does he lure out the Ink Demon? Just by being loud and getting his attention? Huh. He’ll try that. Joey grabs his axe. “OH! OH THE HORROR! I ACCIDENTALLY UH…. I ACCIDENTALLY SPRAINED MY ANKLE. OHHH MAN! IT SURE WOULD BE A SHAME IF I WAS ATTACKED RIGHT NOW, SINCE I’M SO UH… DEFENSELESS!” He looks at his axe. “OHHH MAN! I SURE WOULDN’T LIKE IT IF THE INK DEMON CAME AND UH… KILLED ME! THAT SURE WOULD SUCK! OHHHH MANNNNN!” Suddenly ink webs covered the walls. He was there. 41985230_mD7CoidaobiWhRD.jpg“Yes!” he whispered. His plan worked. Joey immediately froze up however, sure his plan worked but now the Ink Demon was here, someone who could EASILY kill him. Joey runs over to a break in the hallway and hides, gripping his axe. Joey could hear the Ink Demon coming down the hallway, breathing heavily like a wild animal seeking out prey. Joey grits his teeth and grabs his heart. Why whenever the Ink Demon shows up does it feel like he’s gonna have a heart attack? Joey takes a deep breath. Here goes nothing. He leaps out from behind the corner and thwacks the Ink Demon on the leg with the handle of his axe. The Ink Demon yelps and whirls around seeing Joey there. He roars with anger and tackles Joey to the floor, morphing his hand into a spike to stab Joey. Joey panics and kicks the Demon right in the chest, knocking the Ink Demon off of him. Joey stands his ground and glares at the Demon, “Try me.” The Ink Demon hisses in response as spikes of ink form out of the ground to trap Joey and stop him from running. Joey gulps. Now he HAS to do this. He’s unable to leave now. Joey glares at him,” Stopping me from leaving huh? That’s a cheap move Mr. Inky Demon.” The Ink Demon hisses back as if he was trying to sass him back. Joey tightens his grip on his axe and the Ink Demon stands there too, shifting his hand into a spike. They were both daring each other to make a move. 

The Ink Demon was the one who did, launching himself at Joey. Prepared this time, he dove out of the way, hitting the Ink Demon in the leg with his axe. The Ink Demon shrieks in pain, and grabs his leg. Joey looks over at the ink spikes blocking his way. He could jump those. While the Ink Demon was distracted Joey runs up to the spikes and jumps over them. “Catch me if ya can!” he yells at the Demon as he takes off. The Ink Demon jolts his attention to Joey and hisses in rage. It usually wasn’t THIS hard for the Ink Demon to kill someone. He dissipates the ink spikes and he runs after Joey, though was having a bit of trouble due to his leg injury. The Ink Demon forms ink spikes in front of Joey, trying to hopefully slow him down. Joey dodges it and looks behind him. The Ink Demon was on his tail. Joey panics. He can’t keep running for much longer. He was starting to get tired. The Ink Demon starts scratching at him, with Joey only barely being able to dodge. The Ink Demon forms his hand into an ink spike and goes to stab Joey. But all of a sudden the Ink Demon freezes, dropping to his knees. Joey turns around and stops too, looking at the Ink Demon in confusion. The Ink Demon was on the floor, grabbing the area with the hole in his chest. He hisses in pain. Joey blinks. That must be his weakness! He looks at the Ink Demon before running off. He’s on phase two now. When he gets far away he stops to take a breath. How on earth did he not die back there? Well, he was actually kinda happy about not dying that time. He found the Demon’s weakness. He could set some traps up to catch him too. All he had to do is just run away from him until…. Well whatever happened to the Ink Demon happened again. But what does he do then? Kill or tame the Demon? He doesn’t know. He doesn’t wanna kill the Demon after he made him cry. That’d feel cruel. But how on earth could he TAME him?? He’d probably get murdered on the spot. Well. He’d just have to see then.