Alone in The Studio

3 years, 1 month ago
2 years, 6 months ago
19 16129 2

Entry 2
Published 3 years, 1 month ago

Mild Violence

This is a fanfic that show's what happened to Joey during the studio! Hope you like! TW:// Character Death, blood, injuries (I don't go into detail tho dw ^^)

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Chapter 2: Shawn

 A few days have gone by since the day of Buddy’s passing. Joey shut down the studio. It wasn’t safe anymore. He couldn’t have more people die. After finding Buddy, Joey found the bodies of Dot and Norman, both killed in similar fashions to Buddy. He’d buried all of them. It’s the least he could’ve done after…. After he failed them. After he failed Dot. After he failed Norman. After he failed… Buddy. The pain of his death still stung. Being stabbed would’ve hurt less than seeing Buddy dead.  Buddy was like a son to him. His mom entrusted Joey to look after him and he failed. No wonder she was so angry at him. He had to be the one to give her the bad news. In short, there was a lot of yelling and screaming. All Joey did was listen to her shout those things at him, but he didn’t care. This was his punishment. He DESERVES this after Buddy passed away. 


Joey snapped his attention to the voice. It was Shawn Flynn. Joey tries to compose himself as he speaks. “Oh! Heya Shawn! Uh… What’re you doing here? I told you all to leave the studio! It’s not safe!” 

Shawn smirks,” I could ask you the same thing.” Joey sighs. “Shawn, this is my studio. I’m the one who needs to solve this mess.” Shawn raises an eyebrow, “By YOURSELF? Ya sure Boss? Sounds to me like you have a death wish.” Well, he wasn’t exactly wrong. But Joey wasn’t lying either. He NEEDS to get to the bottom of this. For Dot. For Norman. For Buddy. Joey looks up at him,” Shawn I’m serious. I just want everyone to be safe.” Shawn thinks for a moment, “Where’s Alpha and Bendy?” “I sent Bendy with Tom and I sent Alpha somewhere safe. I’ll get him when this is all over.” Joey says. “IF this ever ends” Shawn points out. “Joey, we've never had employees die here before, and by a mysterious being nonetheless. This situation is a mess.” Joey sighs ‘Sheesh pal, you don’t have to be so blunt about it.”38982235_TtoTMb73QHOFFU9.jpg

“I’m not the only one who feels like that. You do realize when you told everyone to leave, nobody left right?” Joey’s face goes pale. What. This was not the time for his employees to disregard his wishes. Normally he was fine with it but not now. Don’t they get how SERIOUS this situation is? Joey grimaces, “Well… I’m gonna get to the bottom of this. I’m going to stop the death.” Shawn snorts, “Ooookay then mister determined. At least take me with you.” Joey looks at him “Wha-?”

    “Think about it. If you go alone you will most likely die. With me there, there's less chance for that to happen. "Joey blinks. He’s right. He sighs. “Oh alright. You may come with me.” Shawn went a bit red and smiled, “YES!” He realized he was being loud. “Er- I mean uh… Thanks, Boss. I appreciate it. Mhm.” He gives Joey a thumbs up. Joey, being oblivious, returns the thumbs up. “Let’s get going then.”