Secrets Untold

Lunebel zombee
2 years, 11 months ago
1 year, 9 months ago
7 2409

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 11 months ago

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It was a quiet day at the farm. Few besides the local villagers wandered all the way to the old wooden structure these days – ever since Danaë had moved in, she had struggled to settle with a rhythm so different from what she was used to when working in the bustling cities of Ivras.  She held shop alone that day, with Lucie for only company. The little girl quietly reading in a corner of the room, holding a herbarium that looked much too big for her tiny hands. She herself stood at the counter, quill in hand, enjoying the afternoon sun to answer a large stack of letters. Fire crackled lightly inside the furnace, casting a smell of burning oak and wood resin within the large room.

Mama”, the little girl called, pink eyes perking up above the large volume she had skimming through for the past hour, “have you gotten any news from Quillon recently? It’s been a long time since he wrote to us, and he promised he’d send me a flower from the Sunless Jungle.” The bells at her mother’s wrists giggled in response, as tender eyes lay upon the silver-haired girl as she carefully stored the quill away.

I’m sure a letter is on its way, little love. Hopefully he’ll tell you all about the pink frogs you were so interested in, too.

Lucie gasped at the response, giggling as she closed the heavy book, covered in drawings of various herbs. ”You’re silly, Mom. I just hope he’s fine-“

Her babbling was interrupted by the door suddenly creaking open, the silhouette of a man appearing on the threshold. Danaë noted to herself that she really needed to do something about that door – perhaps windchimes would do the trick. Lucie swiftly ran towards the counter, a smile on her face as she recognized him.

Oh! Good day sir Ba..” she interrupted herself, visibly focusing as she crinkled her little nose. “Basil… Ba-si-le-ios.” She always had trouble saying the man’s name, and likely would for some more time. “How can we help you today?” she chimed, holding her hands behind her back.  Danaë waved hello, inviting her long-time patron to come closer with a bright smile as Lucie carefully watched her signing, ready to translate. Danaë had informed him through a letter about her recent move, and was always pleased to find him returning, wherever she went. The man never came without an interesting request – he was sure to make for entertaining company today as well.