Secrets Untold

Lunebel zombee
3 years, 18 days ago
1 year, 10 months ago
7 2409

Chapter 3
Published 3 years, 16 days ago

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As Basileios crossed her threshold, Danaë was struck immediately by how usually… cheerful he seemed. She liked the guy, he was a faithful patron and, to some extent, perhaps even a friend.  He had always been nothing but charming – as noblemen often were – yet, there seemed to be some genuine joy within him, dissipating the gloom which usually followed him. She could almost swear he was happy to see them, she thought to herself with a grin.

Lucie gasped and giggled as the man teased her twisting the pink fabric of her dress as he ruffled her hair. “You wouldn’t dare! You’d upset my mom.” She chirped, rosy cheeked. Her mother put her hand to her chin, in an exaggerated thoughtful pose.

I’m not sure, pipsqueak. I’m not going to like it much when you get bigger than me, you know. She signs with a smug smile, exchanging an amused glance with the man.

”Mom!” the little girl yelped in laughter. You better go before he gets you. She adds, signalling the child she could leave. Lucie nods, bowing deeply before Basileios – as she liked to do when she was wearing dresses, why else would she wear a dress besides pretending she was a princess?.  ”Just you wait, I’ll be taller than both of you in no time. It was good to see you, Sir!”. With those words, the child runs off, leaving behind a few dry leaves and peals of laughter.

It’s good to see you again, you look happy. It’s uncanny. The woman signs with playful eyes.

Let me get a look at that. Danaë signs, as she carefully lifted the trinket up. She crinkled her nose as she inspected it from every angle – lingering on the writing she could not completely decipher. You have found a very rare item. This is most definitely an enchanted amulet, but I’m not sure what it does. She muses, her bells chiming lightly. You will need to treat it with extreme care – it could be dangerous. She adds, giving Basileios a serious look. While amulets were not generally crafted to be used as weapons, some could prove dangerous inside wrong hands – such as magic imbuement. Shapeshifting also, to an extent.