Rotten Girl

2 years, 10 months ago
2 years, 10 months ago
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Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 10 months ago

Explicit Violence

(TW: Yandere content, gore)

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Chapter 2

It had been a couple of months since those girls kept winding up dead and Sen, the model student of Hagikura Academy disappeared. Of course all evidence was pinned onto Koi since she was the last one seen with all of them, but the only evidence they could possibly prove was Sen’s shoes. Which was highly unlikely to be actual evidence since they hung out quite often so it was more than likely she had ended up with one of his uniform shoes.

In an effort to escape her scapegoated blame (that there was evidence for but you wouldn’t get a confession until you literally went into her head.), she quietly unenrolled during Spring Break and enrolled into a public school nearby that luckily hadn’t heard of her blame.

They however had heard of the attacks. And none was more wary of the new classmate than Pico fuckin Fulp. Something about his new classmate rubbed him the wrong way, like she was hiding something. Not a taxidermied corpse of her best friend that she killed and turned into her doll but less freaky. Like a secret Tiktok where she spilled tea about the school or smthn.

What really bugged him was how chummy she was getting to Keith and Lucy. As if the murders weren’t occurring she offered them a place to study and hang out.

Unfortunately for him, Koi was dead onto him being suspicious of her. What was worse was her heart was flaring up again for these two idiots she tutored. They were so charming and adorable, they reminded her of...

Oh no. Koi guess she had to burn that bridge when she got to it.

Fortunately that bridge came in the form of not only a group project but Pico and his right hand duo having to take a 2 week trip to see his dad. Koi couldn’t help herself, she had to protect them. They had both seen many traumas in their life, they couldn’t be put in the path of danger any longer. She had been recording their songs as they performed at lunch as a memory, them not knowing about her hidden desires. Keeping them secret for their voice boxes.

They had decided on Saturday to do the project, unknowingly deciding their death day.

”Sen I’m so worried, what if they find out about you or finally connect the dots. What if Pico comes back early or her parents find out.” It was only Friday night and Koi was pacing a hole in the floor and muttering to herself and Sen. The first incident had been out of passion, she just did it, she never thought about it. Then it hit her that she never gave him a response, quick typing something in her remote.

You just have to try your best that’s all. I’ll still be here for you.” God his voice was music to her ears. It’s almost like he read her mind.

“You’re right. I’ll just take it slow, set up the traps, the equipment is already set up in the shop.” A deep breath. “I can do this.” She sat next to him, grabbing the tv remote and wrapping his arm around her. “And I’ll have you by my side.”

That was easier than expected. They just waltzed into her basement as she was baby talking to Sen as if he were nothing more than a toy.

”Koi what are you... have you been hiding him here this whole time?” Lucy asked.

”Oh! I’ve been waiting for you two!” Koi finally noticed them before the steel door behind them slammed shut and locking, a sound proof barrier turning on as well. “Please come in!” Sen didn’t move an inch. That’s when Keith noticed the stitching she worked so hard on.

”The stitching? Oh, that’s just make up that’s all.” Despite the obvious blood encrusting some of the thread just barely. The way his skin was paler than the photos, the eyes seemed to randomly show different emotions like a furby.

Wait he was pretty sure those were furby eyes.

“I suppose I should come clean about that, I haven’t been the most honest haven’t I?” She rubbed the back of her neck. “I haven’t been revealing the full extent of my personality. One part that’s come recently in. See, Sen was often surrounded by girls who would clearly toy with him and hurt him. Ones who wanted to use him for a status. I was only seen his ‘clingy friend no one could shake off.’ So they really didn’t listen to my warnings. I just did what any good friend would do. Kill them. Put his manipulative girlfriend’s body on his dormstep. Then he would come back to me for comfort because he never realized his sweet little buddy was the one killing them. I just enjoyed his touch, his warmth, his comfort as he held me close. But more girls came closer to him asking him to protect them from the big bad killer. If you look at him the dude’s a twink, if anything my work just bulked him up a bit. Then, he confronted me about it. Someone had told him the rumors about me committing the murders. So I confessed, they were getting in the way and I felt like that if I told him my true feelings, it would destroy our friendship, the one relationship that I really had there. I’m always alone, hell I don’t have a single picture of parents in my house because I don’t have any.” A light chuckle. “I couldn’t let him leave so he tripped over a trap, got pinned in place, and...” Two stabbing motions over the doll’s heart. “He had helped me research taxidermy once for a school project so I figured with my advanced knowledge of robotics, I didn’t have to skin his cute little face and risk damage, I could implant the taxidermy into him. Some chemicals here and there, a remote control voice box hooked up to a breathing pump, some basic animatronic joints, and we have the new and improved Sen! One who won’t ever leave me or fall for their tricks again!”

”Doesn't it feel wierd? How his hands are all cold and clammy or the fact you killed him?”

”Not at all my dear Lucy.” Koi chuckled. “I only did it to protect him. Besides, I designed his components to mimic the human body’s warmth and breathing as close as possible! I’ve had more practice since, and that’s where you two come in! Welcome to Koi’s wierd family!”

The second it came out on the news that the duo were missing, they took the first flight out and back to the city. Pico knew exactly who did it. He didn’t care about the shit here. He had a gut feeling about this.

His gut feeling was right about it being Koi but wrong in the worse way possible. Rushing to her house to see Lucy’s parents sobbing as they held her body, dolled up with joints and too creepy as fuck eyes and that man who looked too similar to Keith doing the same muttering “little man I’m so sorry.” That was almost as bad as the incident. He knew he was on to something, WHY DIDN’T he prevent it!? Then the woman of the hour was being escorted out of her house in handcuffs and that boy from the headlines being dragged out as well, his face forced into a smile with stitching. Pico could only presume it was the case for the other two.

Just what the hell happened to her? Was she insane? There seemed to be no sign of her parents or any other relatives. It was more likely she snapped under the stress of her loneliness and the academy’s high standards and unfortunately he was the first. Maybe she regretted her actions so that’s why she transferred? But was one not enough? She had to take his friends? He just wanted to get into her head for as long as possible just to figure out what happened.

”Ms. .... has pleaded to insanity for 5 counts of  first degree murder, 1 count of manslaughter, a lot of counts of tampering with the evidence, and 3 counts of tampering with a deceased persons. Any other notes to make?”

”Could I please have Sen with me. Or at least long enough to say goodbye? And a word with Mr Pico Fulp please.”

”Pics, I’m sorry I did that to them. They just had the perfect relationship and I just... it reminded me of what I wanted my relationship with Sen to be like.”

”They had their ups and downs Y’know? Especially with her parents. Dad wouldn’t go down without a fight. A well fought one at that. Sometimes I just wish I could’ve met ya earlier. You remind me of someone I wished I could of helped from years ago.” 

Treatment was hard. She was inconsolable when separated from Sen and retreated into him when he was returned to her. The remote was hidden in her room so no one could use him against her in a way she didn’t like, the volume in Sen was turned down so quiet at night no one could hear them.

”I’m sorry I drug you into this mess. I just wish I could’ve manned up and told you how I feel Sen... Especially before the taxidermy.”