omfg I'm just picturing Roxie and Leon getting through game levels on the way to the captain's sanctuary, where each one is guarded by one of the crew members with their bullet patterns.

I love that you can see the names of the patterns with the "file names," it adds a lot of flavour to them. If only everyone decided to make collaborative art installations with these instead of using them as combat practice; many of them already seem to have the right idea 😌 Jun having surfboard-shaped and wave-themed bullet patterns seems very on brand for them, I love it.

“In space, you never know when somebody’s gonna try to do hot stunts and crash into your shoulder, forcing you to reveal a secret that lands you a lotta unwanted attention, some potential jail time, and your mom blowing up your phone.”

This feels specific 🤔🤔 I wonder if it's referring to a specific incident. Speaking of incidents, I am intrigued to know what Aiden has in store.

I support Roxie's cape dreams 🙏

EDIT: Also, 8 chapters! I wonder if it's one for each crew member.

Yes!! Too bad the ship's too small for proper levels, but I can dream.

I had so much fun making everyone's bullet patterns fit them and giving them names. I don't know if the characters would normally be this creative when it comes to designing patterns, but it'd be no fun if the patterns didn't go all out. There's so many things this could be used for other than combat practice, if the IF could open their minds. And yes, that incident refers to something that happened around the time they met Aiden.   

Thank you. With your support, Roxie can get a cape of her own.