Sasani Sani - TMOFACQ Answers

2 years, 11 months ago
2 years, 11 months ago
3 2191

Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 11 months ago

Answers to ‘The Mother of All Character Questionnaires’ a DnD Character reference for Sasani Sani, a FFXIV Lalafell. These answers may be short and this may not be an interesting read, this is mainly uploaded as personal refernce and character building for Sasani. The resource can be found at :

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Physical Traits

  1.  How old are you?

Sasani is 25 years old, she was born on the 20th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon.

  1.     What is your gender?


  1.     What is your species/race?

Plainsfolk Lalafell

  1.     How tall are you?

88.0 cm (2ft 8inch)

  1.     How much do you weigh?

40 lbs (18.2 kg)

  1.     What is your general body type, frame, bone structure, and poise?

Sasani has a very standard body type for a lalafell, a wide, rotund frame. She is on the smaller side for her race, but holds the same stocky, plump structure. She holds her feet firmly on the ground, and is quite sturdy in her balance.

  1.     What is your skin colour?

Sasani is fair and light skinned, with the slightest whispers of a tan beginning to form across her face and backs of her hands.

  1.     What is your hair colour?

Sasani has dirty blonde hair, appearing light brown in darker, night lighting and blonde in daytime lighting.

  1.     What is your hair style?

Sasani has a thin set of straight bangs that cover her forhead, framed on either side by pointed pillars of hair that reach to her chin. Above her ears there is a long plait that circles her head, and her hair is split into two sides of short hair at the back. Her hair reaches only a couple of centimeters past her chin in total.

  1.     Do you have any facial hair?


  1.     What is your eye colour?

Honey brown.

  1.     Does it change?

In direct sunlight, Sasani’s eyes could be perceived as orange or a bright, glowing brown.

  1.     How attractive are you?

Sasani has a strong cuteness to her face, as many lalafell do, but her eyebrows are stern and pointed. She can be seen as compellingly adorable, but not physically attractive in a sensual way.

  1.     What is your most distinguishing feature?

Sasani doesn’t stand out much, and the strongest feature on her body aesthetically would probably be her brown eyes due to how they get caught in the light.

  1.     Do you have any scars, tattoos, or birthmarks?

Sasani has a large birthmark of a reddish patch spanning from underneath her ribs to her mid thigh. 

  1.     If so, how did you acquire them?

She acquired this simply from being born.

  1.     What do these distinguishing marks look like?

It forms mainly as a large splatter, much akin to thrown paint, it is rather large and often is misinterpreted as a scar or burn mark.

  1.     Do they have any special significance?

Sasani’s father would always refer to it as the map of Sasani’s heart, making it an island of her own imagination. She is very fond of it because of this.

  1.     Where are they located?

From underneath her ribs to her mid-thigh.

  1.     What is your handedness (left/right)?

Sasani is left-handed, although has a decent amount of skill in her right hand aswell.

  1.     Do you resemble some currently known person?

No, not as she is aware of.

  1.     What is your hand size/description?

Sasani has short, stubby hands, often referred to as working hands, they have small nicks and scars that are minor and Sasani cannot recollect where she got all of them.

  1.     Do you wear a uniform?

She doesn’t wear a uniform, however she has a specific set of outfits that she is very fond of wearing.

  1.     What kind of clothing do you wear?

Sasani has a few key items that she wears with a combination of sturdy shirts and pants to create her favourite outfits. She has her mother’s ‘Holy Scarf’ which is quilt-like in appearance, it has a large, almost flag-like proportions and is a mix of light pink, brown, creams and various neutrals in scattered colour blocks and patterns. On the first and last block, there is an embroidered picture of four sprigs of Althyk Lavender, sprouting between a small bush of Midland Basil, this is a symbol of her mother (Lavender) and brother (Basil) and she keeps it close to her heart as a reminder. 

She also has a small winter cap to keep her ears and head warm in cold weather and a small flat hat for accessorising in hotter weather. 

She has a lovely light grey poncho, that she is quite privy to on long cold journeys from place to place, and has a puffy dark green coat for the coldest of pilgrimages. She owns a soft white shirt and a soft white blouse which she circles between, and has a pair of short brown trousers and a small brown skirt for different weathers. 

She doesn’t own many shoes, and her main pair is her trusty brown boots which she uses for nearly all weather conditions and occasions, except especially fancy ones.

She has one bag, a fat leather satchel her great grandad made that was handed to her by her grandfather. It is worn and old but it holds up well and she loves it dearly. The main fastener has a symbol of a scythe, alluding to her great grandfather’s botany.

  1.     What is your clothing's style or level of sophistication?

Sasani’s style is usually quite simple, holding close to her use of accessories to stand out. She stands out as an adventurer as her clothes are slightly too expensive to be a commoner but too worn to be a noble.

  1.     What size are you for various pieces of clothing?

Like most Lalafells, Sasani’s clothing is loose-fitting so she doesn’t really go for any size, as well as it being custom made to her own benefits, or handed down.

  1.     Do you wear makeup?

Sasani applies a small amount of dark orange eyeshadow to the top outer corners of her eyelids and applies some light rose blush to her cheeks.

  1.     Do you wear glasses/contacts?

For specific texts, Sasani may require glasses to read, but this only really stands for magical texts or scripture, due to the infuriatingly tiny nature of such. Mostly she regards herself as well-sighted.

  1.     What sort of vocal tone do you have?

Sasani’s voice is midtoned, sometimes lifting up into a slightly higher register when excited. She is not high-pitched, and could even be considered close to a hyur in speaking voice.

  1.     Do you get sick?

Sasani rarely gets sick, she is more prone to reckless wounds than illness.

  1.     Maybe you catch the flu twice a year and that's it? Or maybe you have a weak immune system and catch anything that goes around?

Sasani has a very high tolerance to illness, she rarely gets sick.