The Song of the Ancients

5 years, 8 months ago
5 years, 8 months ago
1 604

Entry 1
Published 5 years, 8 months ago

These are the stories and histories of the world where the deities live.

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From nothing to everything

Before everything, there was only space and time. After unthinkable amounts of time, they became one conscious being, named Anu. He was very lonely, so he split himself in two, so he could have another to love. They are now the Anu, Anu Beriah and Anu Livia, and they loved each other more than anything.

But one other was not enough to cure their loneliness, and now the gods felt their loneliness double. They created a world to live on, and a small group of deities to keep them company. These were the deities of light named Bel, life named Aine, and solitude, who was given no name. The world was dark, so the lonely gods gave Bel a domain of his own, the sun. The world was barren, so the gods gave it to Aine, and nature sprouted in his footsteps. He created a cycle of life, and was so tired he laid down in a crescent shape and slept. He became a high mountain range, named Aine after him.

Solitude was lonely, too, as she was created in the gods' image, as if she were their child. They paid her no attention, for they had enough loneliness of their own. She created a place of her own, orbiting the world, though high up in the sky. It was grayish, and a little deformed, but she loved it. This would be her realm, and she called it Ait Suyn. The lonely gods envied this realm, and so they, too created theirs; a bigger satellite orbiting closer to the planet, pale white, perfectly round, and shining bright like a star, to outshine that of Solitude. They built a glorious palace there, to celebrate themselves. Their moon was named Ait Set, and the palace was named Bhaile Set after it.

The gods were worshipped by their deities, and in their greed, created more. So many the earth couldn't sustain them anymore, and slowly started dying. When the gods noticed the decay, it was almost too late. They summoned all deities to Ait Set, in an attempt so save dormant Aine's creations. They decided only a certain amount of deities would be allowed on the earth at the same time, while the rest would serve them in their palace. They were given mortal bodies of their own choosing as they went there, and when a vessel dies, the deity goes back to Ait Set while another takes its place in a body of their own.

But the worship of the deities was not yet enough to cure the gods' loneliness. They longed for more attention and to be loved more, and this longing made them blind to all that they already had. In a rush to satisfy themselves, they created flawed creatures to walk the earth, and were enraged to find these creatures did not love their gods like they were intended to. These creatures were men, and they did whatever they wanted.

Enraged at men, and annoyed at their mistakes, the gods created more creatures to love them, and these were the elves. They were superior to men, and loved the gods. The Anu were unhappy still, and their greed, they created more and more. They had exhausted their power, and the creatures they made weren't as intelligent, and could not speak like men or elves. These were the animals they gifted to Aine, to live in all places.

Weary, the Anu went left the world, and fell into slumber. The deities living in the halls of Bhaile Set take care of the creatures of earth in their stead, and also of their sleeping spirits.