The Prophet of Ink

2 years, 10 months ago
2 years, 5 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 10 months ago

The story of my version of Sammy Lawrence and his life. (This fic's chapters will be a lot shorter than 'Alone in the Studio's)

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Author's Notes

TW: Child abandonment in freezing conditions

Chapter 1: Baby In The Snow

   It was a strange day for the biker. He'd gone to work as usual and then rode around town as usual. He was training for a biking trip across the state of Delaware so he decided to do this daily. But today, something seemed off. It never really snows in California. For as long as the biker had lived there he never even saw a speck of it. But today... There was plenty of it. So much in fact that his work was off for the day as the snow was too high for most people to drive through. The biker decided to start biking earlier so he could get more practice in, making sure to only stay where the snow wasn't.

   As he passed his normal route, he heard the faint sounds of a child. The child was... Crying? That was strange. Kids never usually were around this place, as it had a lot of smoke stores and casinos which weren't appealing to young kids. So why was one here? And why was said child crying? The biker got off his bike and followed the sound of the crying.

  The sound lead him to an alleyway where he found an infant child laying in the corner. He was shaking. He didn't have a cloth or blanket with him and was dressed in a small, short-sleeved onesie. His red hair was covered in frost, the rest of his body has started frosting over too. Who on earth left a newborn child here?? Especially out in the snow! 38982102_elEtdU6bX954g75.jpg

   The biker didn't have time to think more as the baby went silent. The biker panicked and scooped him up, taking off his jacket and wrapping the child in it to keep him warm. "I gotta get him to the hospital!" The biker hopped on his bike, baby in one arm, and biked to the hospital as fast as he could. He dashed in and frantically gave him to the doctors, begging them to help. The doctors took the baby and assured the biker that the child would be in good hands. He hoped so. He really hoped so.