
💞 Trading Center

Have you lost connection with your little companion or simply looking to see what people might offer for them? Well, don't worry! This is the place specifically dedicated for the trading, seeking and selling of Berrians!
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Prompts & Quests

✏️ Prompt Hub

Welcome to the Berryverse prompt hub! Here, you will find a couple of ways to earn starberries, items or collectibles!
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📌 Job Bulletin

You are at the center of the plaza when up ahead, you see a brown board with a variety of pages on it. The board is pinned to a brick structure with the edges of the board being partially covered with growing vines. Although the pages seem to be faded, you could just make out the different jobs that could get you a few starberries — perhaps some exotic eggs or potions too. You decided to take a moment to decide on what you would like to do.
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