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Long ago, when the world was new, vast oceans covered Aquaria and the world was populated by aquatic species.

One of these species was the Aquagons, a wingless species of dragon that thrives in the aquatic environments of Aquaria. Hatched from eggs, Aquagons spend most of their early lives around the place where they were born, getting to know the other members of their group before going off on their own to explore the world.

While Aquagons are typically very social creatures, this period of independent exploration is critical to their development, as it allows then to interact with other species and learn more about the world, as well as learn about the dangers there are. Once this exploration is complete, many Aquagons return to their homes.

About Aquaria
  • Aquaria is a watery planet in a distant solar system. It does have some land, which is inhabited by various species such as humans, but the majority of the planet's life is aquatic.
  • Aquagons are believed to have evolved from dragons who adapted to Aquaria's environments.
  • Aquaria is roughly 2 billion years old, according to some sources.
About Habitats
  • Aquagons have adapted to live in nearly any aquatic environment.
  • Aquagons are among the most adaptive species on Aquaria.
  • Many of the places that Aquagons inhabit would seem uninhabitable to humans, due to extreme conditions in some and a surplus of less friendly aquatic species living in others.
  • More information can be found under the "Habitats" section.
About Lifespan
  • Aquagons are hatched from a gel-like egg. Eggs are typically found in groups of up to 20.
  • After hatching, Aquagons develop rapidly for about six months. They spend another four months with their family after that.
  • After their first year, Aquagons set out to explore the world for close to four years, although the length of this journey and time taken can vary greatly depending on their experiences.
  • What Aquagons do after their journey varies. Most choose to return to the place where they hatched and others continue to travel or settle elsewhere.
  • Aquagons can live for an average of 80 years, but mature by the end of their first year, unlike humans.
About Behavior
  • Aquagons are typically very social creatures and they can also be very curious. They love exploring and discovering new things.
  • It’s not unusual for Aquagons to have small treasure piles where they keep their favorite (and usually shiny) things.
  • They’re not afraid of interacting with other species, often befriending or playing with anything from humans to birds to whatever lives in the deepest trenches. However, their willingness to approach other species does vary depending on their experiences and some Aquagons avoid certain species altogether.
  • Aquagons tend to live and travel in groups.
Featured Characters

Character description Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.


Character description Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.


Character description Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.


Lunia is another mascot for the world and serves as an example of a common Aquagon from the Glacial Sea.

Character Of The Month


Noctis was one of the first Aquagons created and serves as an example of an Intergalactic legendary. He is also one of the world's mascots!