
Kaoriyume Lore

What are Kaoriyume?

Kaoriyume is a type of dream spirit with the appearance of a humanoid sheep, who can usually only be seen at night when everyone is supposed to be asleep. All kaoriyume has a very special tie to dreams, while some protect people's dreams, others guide dreams towards people.

How do they do this though? Everytime a new Kaoriyume is formed, they are gifted with the power to make and use dream dust. This dream dust can be controlled and called forth through their hands, and is usually used to deliver dreams or to defend with.

What identifies a Kaoriyume?

Physically defining features

Kaoriyume always takes the appearance of a humanoid sheep, mostly in the form of sheep ears, hooves and a pair of horns. Even though it’s mostly normal for them to have sheep tails as well, it is not unusual to see a kaoriyume with a tail from any land mammal.

General physical traits that identify a kaoriyume consists of their sheep features of course, but they also have other important physical features, like their dream marks, the wool around their necks and ankles, their dream mark(s), their lanterns and the weapons or objects that are part of these lanterns. These are the most basic traits, though wings and halos are also sometimes present on a kaoriyume.

Kaoriyume's eyes

Usually, kaoriyume keeps their eyes closed whenever it is light out. It is not that they can’t see, but rather that their eyes are sensitive towards light. Having closed eyes also makes it easier for them to channel and use their dream dust, and helps them to better sense sleeping individuals that they can deliver dreams to, or whose dreams need protection. These are the basic reasons as to why they prefer to keep their eyes closed, but also because having open eyes dull their usual senses.

Sidenote: Kaoriyume can still open their eyes, and making a separate eye reference is okay, but closed eyes are required on the main character design.

Dream dust and lanterns

Even though kaoriyume can use dream dust through their hands, it is easier to control bigger amounts of dream dust through their lanterns. Every kaoriyume has a lantern attached to them, and said lantern can detach from the kaoriyume and transform either into a weapon or an object. These objects or weapons are usually unique to the individual kaoriyume, and no one else but themselves can utilize them. It is important to note though, that the lantern does not disappear, but instead is either a part of the object/weapon or attached to said object or weapon in some way.

More general knowledge about Kaoriyume and their world

Their realm and way of living

Kaoriyume live and exist within a realm named Aginikumo. This is where they live their day to day life, alongside other spirits. This realm is similar to “Earth” with the same time schedule, but it’s a lot less technologically advanced, and more nature based instead.

They can have jobs within this realm, if they desire to have more to do than just their dream delivering and protecting duties, but there’s also a lot of kaoriyume who prefer to keep themselves dedicated to what they were created to do.

Kaoriyume shares this realm with other types of spirits, but they’re mostly spread out across the realm and rarely meet each other. Also- when it comes to jobs, there’s lots of different things they can do. As mentioned, the realm is mostly nature based so most kaoriyume live in small simple villages or towns scattered across the realm. It is within these simple towns where they can take up different types of work, like blacksmithing, baking, working at inns or restaurants and many more.

Other than these small towns and villages, there is one big city known as the capital city. This place is where more influential spirits of all kinds live, and where bigger events are held.

Kaoriyume sheepling form

All kaoriyume can have a sheepling form, which is basically where they can transform into a small round version of a sheep. Usually, they only use this form when they’re scared, weak or need to hide, but there’s also some kaoriyume who prefer to sleep using this form. It is not every kaoriyume that actively uses their sheepling form, but it is still possible if they wish to.

Side note: The sheepling form is optional and not required when you make a kaoriyume.

Where does the name Kaoriyume come from?

The name “Kaoriyume” is derived from the old irish word ‘Caoiri’ meaning sheep, and the japanese word ‘Yume’ [ゆめ] meaning dream.

Code by Aurorean