

stay as long as you want, provided you have coin

With obnoxious neon lights lining the outside of the building, all points towards the enterance of this seemingly tiny hole-in-the-wall PC Cafe esatblishment.

You would be speechless if you took a step inside. At the desk would be one of many more-than-average looking attendants donning cat ears to greet you with a smile and take your hand to guide you to 'your very own special place', as they'd call it. Then, after taking your credit card from you while you are still shocked at the great service, you would then get to work; whether that be play or play or play or play....

Netcatfe is a well oiled machine, run by Sir Nazumu himself. The neon lights, the attendants, the exceptional looking rooms, they are all a ploy of getting newcomers to come, sit down infront of a PC and lost track of both time and money. And. it. works.

Nazumu is rather proud of this little scheme and goes out of his way to findw ways to further perfect it and keep clients coming back..

Owner Nazamu

Industry Gaming/Entertainment

Theme Sci-Fi + Cats