
  • CAPITAL                                                                                 Renvae
  • LANGUAGE                                                                       Zescish
  • CURRENCY                                                                 Zescian Ayrs
  • CORE VALUES                     Wealth, Trade, Prosperity
  • PRIMARY GOD                     Leonora, Divine of Light
  • MAJORITY RACE(S)                               Human, Elves
  • GOVERNMENT                                                                       Theocracy
  • Zesceau

"The self-proclaimed beacon of light for all of Delanor, Zesceau is the link between east and west. However, all light must cast a greater shadow..."

Zesceau is a mid-sized nation located in the center of Zesceau and forming the exclusive land link between eastern and western Delanor. An extremely serendipitous location, Zesceau has always been a mercantile nation, becoming the cornerstone of trade all throughout Delanor.

A theocracy, Zesceau is under the absolute authority of Leonora, the Divine of Light. She is said to be a descendant of Osuna herself, a claim backed by both her uncanny resemblance to Osuna, and her power exceeding that of many other Divines. Leonora is often worshipped as the only true goddess in all of Delanor.

Though politically not the largest nation, Zesceau's influence is insurmountable. Nearly every nation uses both Zesceau's native language, Zescish, and its minted currency, Zescian Ayrs. Additionally, its neighboring countries Crislorn and Avesha are becoming less and less distinct from Zesceau day by day, Crislorn well on its way to becoming being a Zescian puppet state.

Zesceau has clear plans to become unstoppably powerful, spreading their will far and wide until all of Delanor is under their one, singular, banner. Due to this, there are many sub-factions that attempt to slow or stop the spread of Zesceau's influence... disappearing slowly but surely, day by day. The Light cannot be so easily stopped.