Landscape, Critters & Regions

Homeworld is comprised entirely of a vast endless sea, split into 3 regions at the game’s beginning.

The largest is Bubblesea, a coldwater sea somewhat like the Pacific Northwest. It is ruled by the Azazelians, whose mysterious leader claims the gods will come back if all of Lesprisea is a reality in which objects make a funny “bong” noise when you hit them. Though this reality may sound whimsical, the Azazelians are absolutely ruthless in their efforts towards this goal, not afraid to murder spirits and drain them of their magic to feed the head Roholim’s power.

Despite the adversity in Bubblesea, it is the location of the Carcanizath’s ruins of Before and thus where most choose to live.

The next-largest is the Abyssal-lands, a wide region that scrapes along the bottom of the world. The only light is that of glowing mushrooms, and the rule is that the more fear one inspires, the more powerful you are; so the Abyssal-lands are filled with horrifyingly morphed creatures who draw out the deaths of their prey. It’s even more hostile than Bubblesea, and the Cephalophim huddle within their ruins, paranoid and ever-silent. Who, exactly, rules over this realm is a mystery.

The smallest region but by far the friendliest is the Reefwyrld, home of the Reefelines. A warm and wacky coral reef, the most eyecatching creatures in Reefwyrld gather power, and the landscape and animals are all vibrant and constantly putting on elaborate displays and parties. At Reefwyrld’s very center, the pocket dimension in which kidnapped creatures go is held in a miniature orb, spinning constantly. Reefwyrld is ruled by a quartet of sapient stones, who have almost certainly been here since the Before but refuse to tell anyone anything because they think it’s hilarious.

Creatures of Lesprisea are split into two categories–normal everyday sea creatures like basking sharks or anchovies, and Demons–free-roaming spirits not tied to a stead. They resemble normal beasts, but with fantastical elements. They come in five breeds: monstrosities, fae, elemental, aberration and dragon. They are very close to the stars. Demons come in varying levels of intelligence (and, despite the name, varying levels of hostility). Any who venture into Reefwyrld are mysteriously imbdued with the knowledge that imparting a calmed Demon with one of your flavors of magic turns it into an Imp.