
Maneki Shopkeep: Anything peak your interest?

Common MYO Free
Summons a kleptomimi deity. Common kleptomimis have access to all common and standard traits. DM masterlist account for a slot!

Uncommon MYO 5
Summons a kleptomimi deity. Uncommon kleptomimis have access up to uncommon and common traits.

Rare MYO 10
Summons a Kleptomimi deity. Rare kleptomimis have access to rare, uncommon, and common traits!

Uncommon trait blessing 3
You have the lord of the spirit realms blessing! Upgrade one of your traits to uncommon rarity

Rare trait blessing 5
You have the lord of the spirit realms blessing! Upgrade one of your traits to Rare rarity.

item 6 name 300
item description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.