.myo info

updated: 23.08.2023

By owning/purchasing an Aequor/Aequor MYO slot or participating in the species, you have agreed to all TOS.


  1. MYO slots refer to tickets which you can "make your own" designs.
  2. An MYO slot is mandatory when making new designs.
  3. MYO slots are obtainable in the folowing ways:
    • Species events.
    • Purchasing during sales.
    • Raffles.
    • Gifts or trades.
    • Through Aequor Credits (ac) from the shop.
  4. During sales, MYOs will have a flat price of $25. There are no rarities.
  5. There will be raffles held in the Discord server on months where there are no MYO events.
  6. However, there are events that may give MYOs with mutation traits.
  7. All users are only allowed to have 3 unused MYOs at a time.
  8. MYO slots have a 3 week cooldown before it is able to be transferred.


  1. These are compulsory traits for an Aequor:
    • Tiger ears - Tiger ears on top of head with eye-like markings.
    • Nucleus - Nucleus beside tiger ears, connected by two nerves into the head.
    • Tail body - Fish body-like tail with stripe markings.
    • Tail tip - Fin/Tentacle/Chela tail tip corrsponding to its respective class.
    • Major appendage - Sprouting from the tail base.
    • Minor appendages - Sprouting from the cranial notch.
  2. A transparent png of your reference not required but preferred.
  3. References do not have to be fully rendered and lined.
  4. References have to be at least flat colored.
  5. Sketches should be clean enough to distinguish traits.
  6. If any compulsory traits are obstructed, it is recommended to show additional reference for it.
    • Such as the eye-like marking on tiger ears.
  7. References of parasite dominant form is not needed for approval nor is it required.
  8. It is recommended to WATERMARK your images when submitting for approval.


To submit an MYO for approval, dm @rinri0527 with the following info. Or join the discord.

  • Title: Aequor MYO Approval - [your username]
  • Body:
    • [Proof: permission from designer (if applicable)]
    • [ML: masterlist link]
    • [visual/links of design reference]
    • [Class: oesteichthyes/cephalopds/crustaceans]
    • [Species: common name of animal chosen (if not, scientific is fine too)]
    • [Special traits: (if applicable)]
  • If there are no responses after 72 hours, feel free to ping/dm again.
