
The currency for this species is called slumbercoin!

Slumbercoin can be earned by completing prompts.


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Dreamy token: 20 SC 

A shiny token that is a common welcome gift for those who are new to the dream world.

dreamy MYO

Dream note: 3 SC 

Sometimes less is more. This enchanted slip of paper can change you to a simpler form.

Changes a slumberkin to the dreamy subtype. Lucid/nightmare exclusive traits will be lost.

note: not needed to downgrade an undesigned MYO. lucid and nightmare MYOs can be used to make a lower rarity subspecies for free

Lucidity scroll: 5 SC 

Have you ever wanted to be..... aware? Well this enchanted scroll can help open your eyes.

Changes a slumberkin to the lucid subtype. 

Dark tome: 10 SC 

Be careful handling this! This darkly magical tome is ready to burst with nightmare magic. I’m not... technically allowed to sell this, but some people like the physical changes it can bring.

changes a slumberkin to the nightmare subtype.

Shining star: 10 SC

I plucked this straight from the wishing tree! Aha.... don’t tell anyone... I’m not really sure what it does.

adds any one special trait to a slumberkin.