Species Rules

Canon Species Rules

This page exists to touch on guidelines for creating characters in this world! If anyone is interested in an OC for one reason or another, this is just guidelines for any rules that may exist in their designs (like none do, but I think it's worth touching on).

Designs Details + Options:


Most of these characters are rainbow colored, so there isn't much restriction on fur color and patterns. While some will look like their relatives, it's not required and you can do whatever. Characters like Bob, Zonya and Iris have more realistic colorings, so that is also on the table it's just not required. Really, go ham, they don't need magic or to be from the valley to be colorful, it's regular for the animals in this universe. Generally, background animals are colored more traditionally (i.e. rabbits), but that's for the sake of not wanting to make background animals look as interesting as the main characters.

If they have magic or are descended from someone who does, they have markings around their eyes. They often reflect their powers, but don't always need to.


Unlike fur color, black or white sclera is determined by the magic. If a character is too close to the underground caves, the magic will 'corrupt' them, and their sclera will turn black as a mark of this. This can be passed onto children, even if the 'corruption' doesn't. There is no other way to have your eyes turn black unless you or a relative went into the caves or tunnels. Due to this, a lot of burrowers and underground creatures almost always have black sclera but it's less common for most other animals above ground.

Hybrids and Species:

Hybrids are also very loose and not taken seriously. Most canon characters are wolves, foxes, cats or even lynxes, but if you wan them to be a rabbit-lion, go ahead. Mostly just here for me to cover that it is a free for all.


Originally, most of the first characters made had real human names (Alex, Vivian, Eros, Bob, etc.), but over time, that went away and most are named after things found in nature (Thorn, Amythest, Frog, etc.). Really anything flies at this point, but natural names are more common, especially in the younger gens. Some can double as real names (Iris, Jay, Lily) but it's mostly incidental.