Catxolotls's Bulletins

July Updates and Exciting News

Posted 11 months, 6 days ago by ttamagoya

Hello all! Here are these months updates and some very exciting news!

Big Upcoming News


The Catxolotl official site and ARPG is slated to launch on 11th August

To prepare for the site's launch, this month's content will be a bit less packed, but I hope you all will really enjoy the site when it launches! Because of this too, there is no planned adopt batch or new pets for this month as I prepare for launch!

Raffle Winner!

Thank you for participating in last months prompt!! The winner for the Meowting Lime Pop Catxolotl has been rolled, congrats to ShouK for winning!! I will transfer the Catxolotl to you shortly ~

To prep for the site launch, this month's raffle is a Catxolotl Egg! In other words - an MYO slot!


To enter the raffle, you can receive one ticket for each of these actions

Enter the July Prompt
Draw Gift Art for the July Prompt

The raffle will end on 11th August and results will be announced on the new site!

July Prompt

July's Prompt theme is Dog Days!

July is the hottest month in the northern hemisphere, also known as the dog days of summer!

In this intense heat, depict how your Catxolotl is dealing with it! Are they dying in a puddle of their own sweat? Taking a swim to cool off? Or maybe they enjoy the heat and take the opprtunity to wear some new summer drip? 

Requirements are lax for the prompt! As long as it roughly follows these criteria, it is acceptable!
- Art must be coloured, lines do not have to be clean but should be readable! Minimum 1 fullbody Catxolotl or halfbody human form!
- Writing must be at least 300 words and about the subject matter!

The Catxolotl used must be in the TH world! 

If you don't own one, you may use Jidan or draw someone else's Catxolotl as gift art (Remember to ask for permission first!)

For this prompt, each submission nets you one raffle ticket.

Gift art submissions net you one extra raffle ticket in addition to the first one!

To claim your rewards, fill out this google form!

Hello all! Here are some updates for this month!

Raffle Winner!

Thank you for participating in last months prompt!! The winner for the Lovely Jelly Catxolotl has been rolled, congrats to squish for winning!! I will transfer the catxolotl to you shortly ~


This month's raffle catxolotl is the Meowting Lime Pop Catxolotl!


To enter the raffle, you can receive one ticket for each of these actions for a maximum of 5 tickets

Enter the June Prompt (2 tickets max)
Draw Gift Art for the June Prompt (2 tickets max)
Fill in the Suggestions form here! (1 ticket)

June Gacha!

A little gacha is prepared for June! It will be posted on 3rd June, 8 am Singapore Time on my toyhouse as a bulletin! 


Here is a little preview of the designs! It will be priced at 25 per roll and 35 for a claim!

The full designs are already revealed on my Patreon!

June Prompt

June's Prompt theme is Summer Treats!


It's heating up lately and cooling, refreshing treats are all the rage!

Draw or write about a Catxolotl enjoying a summer treat! It can be sweet, savoury, real or made-up, anything!

Requirements are lax for the prompt! As long as it roughly follows these criteria, it is acceptable!
- Art must be coloured, lines do not have to be clean but should be readable! Halfbody with the treat is acceptable!
- Writing must be at least 300 words and about the subject matter!

The Catxolotl used must be in the TH world! 

If you don't own one, you may use Jidan or draw someone else's Catxolotl as gift art (Remember to ask for permission first!)

For this prompt, in addition to a raffle ticket, you can redeem 1 pet for each prompt submitted!


This month's new pets are the Hampter and its Refreshing and Summer Variants! (Respective to above image order!)

Additionally, if you create gift art/writing for your prompt, you are eligible to one extra entry for the Meowting Lime Pop Catxolotl Raffle!

To claim your rewards, fill out this google form!
I will keep track of the pets and tickets claimed in a google sheet !

News and Upcoming

I'm working on a big project for Catxolotls! It's very exciting and I'm excited to share it when its all done. 


Progress on this project is currently being shared over on my Patreon if you're curious! Any support means a lot to me!

Happy Mermay!
I though it'd be fun to do some art prompts like an ARPG, so here is the first one for the month of May!

Draw a Catxolotl going for a swim, playing in water, etc!

The Catxolotl used must be in the TH world! 

If you don't own one, you may use Jidan or draw someone else's Catxolotl as gift art (Remember to ask for permission first!)

For this prompt, there are two pets up for grabs as rewards!

Choose between the Duckypod or the Froggofly for each prompt completed (That means you must complete the prompt twice to get both!)

Additionally, if you create gift art for your prompt, you are eligible to one entry for the Lovely Jellyfish Catxolotl Raffle! (limited to one entry per person)
This Jellyfish-themed Catxolotl comes with a unique and exclusive pet - Moumi!

To claim your rewards, fill out this google form!
I will keep track of the pets and tickets claimed in a google sheet :)