Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Are Catxolotls a closed species?

The answer to this question is complicated. However, in essence, as of now Catxolotls are not run like a closed species. I do not have any intentions to run them like a typical closed species. While this might change in the future, for now it's better suited to think of Catxolotls as a unique mix between a 'Species' and an petsite/ARPG, as I plan to implement prompts and pets/collectibles.

Q. Can I make my own Catxolotl?

I am not against people making their own characters inspired by Catxolotl anatomy, however these characters will not be recognized as real Catxolotls and will not be accepted for use in prompts or events.

Q. Will there ever be MYOs then?

As of now, I am considering the implementation of some MYO type tickets. If I do implement them, they will rarely if ever be sold for cash, and will more than likely be raffled, earned through prompts, etc.