ID Card

To all staff:

This message is a friendly reminder that it is your responsibility to keep your company-issued ID card safe! Due to recent budget reallocations, "mission-related damage" and "lost in oneirosea" will no longer be considered acceptable reasons on the standard ID reissue form starting on the 1st. To prevent losing access to security-locked areas and/or your shell, please take extra care to protect your ID card in the future.

-- Alcyon Corporation

kingfisher logo Alcyon Corporation


Character Name

job title

ID No. : 000 000 000
Designation : Diver (natural)
Division : Intelligence
Rank : Abyssal
  • Short bullet-point bio.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
  • Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.
  • Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.


<!--the accent color used in this preview is #FECB49. you should ctrl+f replace this with an appropriate color for your character's department-->

<!--profile container-->
<div style="max-width: 700px; margin: auto;">
    <div class="row no-gutters">
        <!--left side-->
        <div class="col-sm-6">
            <!--card front-->
            <div class="m-sm-1 h-100 card flex-column justify-content-between" style="border-radius: 20px; overflow: hidden;">
                    <!--colored stripe-->
                    <div style="height: 50px; background-color: #FECB49;"></div>
                    <!--light stripe-->
                    <div class="bg-light text-dark" style="height: 25px;">
                        <h1 style="font-size: 20px; font-variant: small-caps; margin: 0;  position: relative; top: -35px;">
                            <img src="" alt="kingfisher logo" style="height: 100px; border-radius: 50%;" class="bg-light ml-2">
                            Alcyon Corporation
                    <!--end light stripe-->
                <!--end top-->
                <div class="p-1 pt-4 text-center">
                    <!--character img; use a square pic. change url in src="" to change-->
                    <img src="IMGURL" style="border-radius: 20px; height: 150px;">
                    <!--character name-->
                    <h2 class="mb-0 mt-1">Character Name</h2>
                    <!--job title-->
                    <p class="text-muted mb-2">job title</p>
                    <!--info table-->
                    <table class="border-0 text-left m-auto" style="max-width: 300px;"><tbody>
                        <!--row 1-->
                            <td style="padding: 3px">
                                ID No.
                                <span class="pull-right ml-2">:</span>
                            <td style="padding: 3px">000 000 000</td>
                        <!--row 2-->
                            <td style="padding: 3px">
                                <span class="pull-right ml-2">:</span>
                            <td style="padding: 3px">Diver (natural)</td>
                        <!--row 3-->
                            <td style="padding: 3px">
                                <span class="pull-right ml-2">:</span>
                            <td style="padding: 3px">Intelligence</td>
                        <!--row 4-->
                            <td style="padding: 3px">
                                <span class="pull-right ml-2">:</span>
                            <td style="padding: 3px">Abyssal</td>
                    <!--end info table-->
                <!--end middle-->
                <!--bottom stripe-->
                <div class="mb-0 justify-content-center align-items-center" style="height: 50px; background-color: #FECB49;">
                    <img src="" style="max-width: 70%;" alt="">
                <!--end bottom stripe-->
            <!--end card front-->
        <!--end left side-->
        <!--right side-->
        <div class="col-sm-6">
            <!--card back-->
            <div class="m-sm-1 h-100 card flex-column" style="border-radius: 20px; overflow: hidden;">
                <!--top stripes-->
                <div style="height: 50px; background-color: #FECB49;"></div>
                <div class="bg-light text-dark" style="height: 25px;"></div>
                <div class="px-1 py-2 flex-grow-1">
                        <li>Short bullet-point bio.</li>
                        <li>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</li>
                        <li>Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.</li>
                        <li>Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.</li>
                        <li>Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.</li>
                <!--end middle-->
                <div class="p-3">
                    <!--sig box. replace url in src() to change img-->
                    <div class="bg-light card rounded-0" style="border-top: none; border-left: none; border-right: none; height: 50px;
                    background: url(IMGURL) center no-repeat; background-size: contain;"></div>
                    <p class="text-right text-muted" style="font-size: small;">Signature</p>
                <!--bottom stripe-->
                <div style="height: 50px; background-color: #FECB49;">
                    <div class="text-center py-3">
                    <a class="fal fa-code tooltipster text-dark" title="code by octopi" data-placement="bottom" href=""></a>
        <!--end right side-->
<!--end container-->