⚠ Oneiric Storm Alert ⚠

Alcyon Corporation's intelligence division has issued an oneiric storm alert. Unusual activity has been spotted in parts of oneirosea corresponding to:

  • All of Tokyo's special wards
  • Northeast Kanagawa

The storm is estimated to last until approximately 1:00 JST. This page will be updated with the latest estimate as more information is uncovered.

Hazard & Impact:

High oneirosea activity increases the risk of dangerous dreams, possession, and changeling attacks.

The storm is forming in a stationary area of oneirosea. At this time, it is expected that it will disperse without drifting to any other areas. However, those within 10km of the alert area are advised to keep track of updates in case this changes.

Precautionary Actions:

  • DO NOT GO TO SLEEP, and rouse anyone in your household who is currently asleep. If sleep is inevitable (e.g. due to medical necessity), supervise the sleepers until the alert is over; if they wake up and begin behaving oddly, call Alcyon Corporation's changeling emergency line immediately.
  • Stay indoors, preferably alone or only with people you know well. Confirm the identity of any visitors by asking for personal knowledge (birthdays, anecdotes, etc.) or previously-established trust passwords before allowing them inside.
  • Do not attack any suspected changelings, as this could escalate the situation or injure the possessed person. Run away and hide instead.
  • To receive the most up-to-date information on oneiric storms and changeling alerts, download the Alcyon Corporation alerts app.


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ora-orange said:
ughhh I'm right on the edge of the warning zone :\ thx for the heads up, staying home just to be safe

sailorkrill_12 said:
I work the evening shift and there's no way my supervisor's gonna let me take a day off for a storm she can't even see. Guess I'll die.

SailorC0nch replied:
better than the early morning shift 4 hours after this alert ends lol. i don't care anymore, i'm going to sleep, if demons want my body they can have it

cool username btw :) star sailors rules

windswellls said:
seriously? second one this month??

anonymous replied:
oh did you think it is a coincidence that the areas where alcyon corporation has branches open get so many anomalies? seriously we already know they are in leagues with the demons what with the "diel project" and all the misinformation campaigns. just one look at a global incident map any of them and you will know what i mean especially the historical ones since there were barely any oneiric storms before they showed up on the scene 40 years ago. stop letting these mega corporations control everything you do even the basic human functions like when you go to sleep.

SEAF00D replied:
LMAO those maps are basically just population density maps. Changeling attacks dont happen that much in rural areas where theres like 5 people per km2 and they dont have anything to worry about other than their carrots?? Yeah thats soooooooo weird, there cant possibly be any other reason for it other than a huge crazy conspiracy, let me go tell all my friends. Chill out, grandpa

anonymous replied:
you are the one who needs to "chill out" as you put it. yes you should tell all your friends because maybe they will have more sense than you and actually take a look at all the facts to realize i am right. i could say so much about how alcyon conveniently ignores all the real statistics except the ones that make it seem like they actually care about safety but you are not going to listen to me any way so it would just be a waste of time. i will pray for your soul and hope you wake up before they execute the final phase and the extraterrestrials return.

SEAF00D replied:
OMFG well I gotta know more now, tell me about the alien invasion grandpa

windswellls replied:
uhh can you guys not do this on my comment?

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