The Continent of Amaryllis
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Live, laugh, love.

— Quote Speaker

Amaryllis is the home planet and continent to Amaryllians and Kluftroses.




Stormholm is the biggest country in Amaryllis and the one where most creatures dwell. It is well known for having links to the other countries via the Agave Sea in the centre of its territory and is well linked to neighbouring countries through both its ports, rivers and trade routes.

Stormholm is primarily grassland however in the North, closer to the poles, large, extinct volcanic mountains and glaciers are present and home to resident colder-dwelling species.

To the East, taigas and tundras skirt the landscape, making the rows of budding heather a beautiful sight in spring but almost uninhabitable in the colder months.

In the South lies wetlands and deciduous forest, home to Amaryllis' more elusive forest-dwelling and aquatic species.

The West meanwhile holds a popular trade route between neighbouring countries but especially to travellers from the Roeback Country.

The White Forest skirts Stormholm to the south. This forest is known to be home to many mystical creatures and has been described as "The Source of White Magic" by philosophers. Whether this is true or not remains a mystery but it is true that when someone from the outside steps into these woodlands, you can feel and hear the magical energy buzzing in the air.

Roeback Country

Roeback Country

The Roeback Country is the second largest country in Amaryllis, encompassing a large section of the West.

Mainly savanna and grassland territory, this area of Amaryllis is known for its traditional roots.

Weathered rock formations give way to beautifully sculpted villages dotted across the sun-baked landscape. In this sub-tropical climate, close to the equator of the world, the creatures here have adapted well to survive.

The Dunsdon River winds through the landscape, bringing an oasis of life and hydration to the country's capital, Draxning.

To the East of Draxning, the Horscombe Trade Route links Roeback to Stormholm.

Meanwhile, following the Dunsdon River to the South leads to the Cleoke Route to Cerulea and the Padster Path to the East leads to the Angora Plains, taking the traveller through the Hatbury Wilds- A large, deciduous forest.

Angora Plains

Angora Plains

The softly rolling hills of Angora is a country well known for rest and relaxation. Many creatures come here to escape from life in the capital cities. Nemaford serves as its "capital", despite the country not officially having one due to their laid-back nature though another popular town is Pilces which serves as a trade city to the North of the country, with direct access to the Sea of Spades.

Angora is the country which is encompassed on all sides by deciduous forest and thus, they use these resources in building frequently.

Also well-known to Angora is their hot springs which are commonly found in the northern-most regions, close to the city of Pilces.

These parts are home to a variety of grassland creatures who are primarily herbivorous. Carnivores are sparsely found.

Shadowspire and the Frigid Lands


Chilling tundra and taiga give way to sharp, cliffs of ice and snow. The glaciers at Shadowspire Point and the Frigid Lands nearly reach the North Pole and can freeze a young Kluftrose to the bone if left unprepared.

Temperatures sink down to −40° F (−40° C) in winter months, meaning that these northern regions are nearly inhabitable.

But life always finds a way...

Some Kluftroses have adapted to the extreme temperature and frostbitten blizzards, as have other creatures here! Thus, despite its chilly weather, they have managed to set up towns and a capitals.

The capital of Shadowspire, Draxtedge, resides within the spruce and pine forest, just bordering the tundra. It's just about warm enough for visitors to visit, as long as they're well wrapped-up! Though, not many would recommend staying for too long...

Meanwhile in the Frigid Lands, the residents have formed the fishing village, Maltery where they have been well known to provide filling seafood and strong alcoholic drinks.

Cerulea and the Trivian Mountain Range

Cerulea and the Trivian Mountains

Cerulea wraps around the South of Roeback and borders Stormholm. It is a thin stretch of country in comparison to the other, larger ones and is well known for its successful fisheries and portside towns.

Its capital, Guildbury, rests in the southern part of the country, providing access to trade through means of the Cerulean Sea, but also holds the best fishing docks in the entirety of Amaryllis. They have a rich, sea-faring culture, full of song and festival, and their taverns aren't afraid to stay open for extra hours to cater to the weary sailor. Although Cerulea hasn't got the best of beaches, due to their cliffside-landscape, they do have beautiful towns and houses that wrap along clifflines, facing the sea.

The Trivian Mountain Range however is wildly warned against travelling through, home to superstitions of ghosts and vengeful spirits of travellers and merchants who have lost their way within the mountains. It is said that the wind in these mountains is living and mournful of the lost. In the dead of night, the whistling through the trees and over rock formations casts out a deadly but poignant melody, warning travellers to stay away.

The Opal Lands and Tribica (AKA Mantasmouth)


The lowest point in Amaryllis' continent is known to be the hottest, being close to the equator and therefor the closest to the sun. Also called "Manta Ray's Mouth" and shortened to Mantasmouth, the south of the continent is home to a variety of hot-climate dwelling creatures, including many reptiles and the famous, elusive dune wyrm.

Opal Lands are known for their open cast mines and quarries. The country is rich in jewels and abundant in opals, hence the name.

Tribica meanwhile is well known for their capital city's handblown glass sculptures and their extensive adaptations to the desert using technology that is becoming more and more akin to the modern technology we have today.

Seal Cove provides direct access to the Cerulean sea, popular with local beachcombers and fossil hunters. Its sandy beaches are known to be the best, and the cleanest, in the entirety of Amaryllis with crystal clear water and calm tides that nurture the Manta Coral Reef.

Primal Lands and Shard Isle

Primal Lands and Shard Isle

Dense rainforest takes over the far east of Amaryllis. Home to the continent's more tropical creatures, the Primal Lands and the Isle of Shard are known to be dangerous to traverse without a guide but those who trade with the residents are known to be able to bring great fortunes back home, including precious metals, rare dyes, effective medicines and a plethora of rich spices.

Often enough, if a creature of Amaryllis is sick, they will turn to the Primal Lands and they in turn show great generosity as long as you can get to them.

The jungle floor is dense and filled with not only dangerous creatures and toxic, carnivorous plants but also with hidden cliff-faces, cave openings and sticky, saline lagoons. Traversing its terrain is almost as dangerous as the things that dwell in it.

Villages within the Primal Lands are usually set in the canopy in tree-houses and the residents are normally brightly coloured and have adapted to be able to glide (and sometimes fly) to avoid the forest floor.

The Isle of Shard can only be reached from Thetford port just North of the Primal Lands or by Aldockwar, a small village on the East coast. Travelling to the Isle of Shard is advised against however due to it being even more dangerous in wildlife and uninhabitable to most Amaryllians. However, it is said that a temple of monks reside in a small harbour village within Mazion Cove. In desperate cases, some may turn to these monks to try to cure ailments of the mind and the harbour village multiclasses as both a good trade source for exotic plants and pets as well as a sanatorium.

Earth 1880

You heard right. In the canon universe, Kluftroses can occupy both Amaryllis AND a parallel world beside it. Here's more information on said world.

On the other side of Amaryllis is our own world, Earth, where all humans reside. Most creatures residing in Amaryllis are warned against visiting Earth due to its dangers, however it is a possibility that few have decided to do. Any and all creatures that decide to travel to Earth are placing themselves at risk.

Earth's Effect on Amaryllians

While on the planet, Amaryllians CANNOT wield magic. This is because naturally creatures wield magic in Amaryllis by harnessing the planet's magical energy. Earth does not have a strong enough magic energy (Although it used to) to be able to be used in spellcasting.

Amaryllians can choose between being visible and invisible due to their magical structure. This is done by warping into surrounding shadows, including the shadows of other creatures. (Hence, Amaryllians have been nicknamed "Shadows" in the past.) They can use shadows to travel undetected but if the shadow disappears (because of a sudden light source etc) then the Amaryllian will be forced out to be visible again.

Amaryllians can travel between Earth and Amaryllis by using moonlit water. They can only travel during the night when the moon is out (does not work when the moon is clouded over OR when there is a new moon). By entering and submerging into a water source (such as an ocean/sea/river/lake/pond/etc), then activating their magic, they will be able to travel to the other world. It is important to think of the area they want to land in otherwise they might appear in a dangerous scenario (such as a river with steep banks that's hard to get out of etc), most Amaryllians choose to appear in "The Serpentine" or "The Basin" in Hyde Park. (Map below) but other reasonable water sources are also valid. The Thames river is NOT advised due to it being used as a sewage system in the era. (It was said at the time that if someone fell into the river and didn't re-emerge within some minutes, they were deceased. That's how bad it was.)

Information on Earth

The time period is currently the Victorian Era and Amaryllians/Earthians alike must abide to this. (I.e. no iphones/teslas/space rockets/gaming pcs/etc please!)

Most Amaryllians will find themselves in Victorian London when having travelled to Earth. This is at the time of the industrialisation era and so you can expect large factories, smog-filled skies, cobbled streets and horse-drawn carriages. Think dystopian.

Although not all Amaryllians will appear in Victorian London, this is advised. Amaryllians can also appear in the countryside OR in other parts of the globe as you wish!

Humans will not take kindly to seeing an Amaryllian. Although many species can get away with being spotted due to looking similar to live on Earth, remember Kluftroses especially look out of place. Travelling to Earth is done at great risk of being captured, killed or worse and not taken lightly. All Amaryllians will have been warned of these dangers and possibly advised against travelling to Earth (usually by parents) but of course natural curiosity cannot be helped.

The reason there is folklore, mythology and "monsters" is due to Amaryllians in the past being caught/spotted by humans.