Solranic Kluftroses


  • Savanna/Desert-dwelling Most Solranics reside within Roeback Country and Manta's Mouth due to their build and general short fur. They will struggle to survive in colder climates such as within the Frigid Lands and Shadowspire Point.


  • Akhal-Teke/Marwari/Arabian like body structures. Muscular but fine boned.
  • Arched, Roman noses often seen in their facial structure but not always.
  • Colours range (normally) between rich browns to sandy cream with dark markings.
  • Antlers Are normally those of Mhorr, Gemsbok, Wildebeest, Sable Antelope, Nyala, or Kudu.
  • Patterning May resemble antelope, deer, savanna cattle or even in rarer cases copy the markings of non-cervidae/bovidae creatures.
  • Long tails provide them with a counter-balance, similar to meerkats, allowing them to stand up for extended periods and observe their environments for danger. These tails are also used in a similar way to cheetahs', providing a "rudder" to quickly change direction when running at high-speed during hunting or fleeing. These tails are somewhat prehensile, meaning they can hold onto items if needed.
  • Fangs are similar to Chinese Water Deer and able to shift in their skulls depending on the scenario.
  • Gender/Sex is biologically undetermined for every Kluftrose-- they are biologically neither male nor female. This is due to them being made primarily out of magic rather than physical substance as the creatures of our own world are. This being said, they still choose pronouns for formalities and can be masculine/feminine depending on personality.


  • Their Arcane use is akin to most other Amaryllians however they often harness the sun's energy to power resources, picture magical solar power.
  • Antlers are HUGELY important in their society. They are never shed and gain banding during their lifetime to represent age. Sawn-off antlers represent a social outcast or criminal. As they grow older, Kluftroses gain "banding" on their antlers. The more "bands" on a kluftrose's antlers, the older they are.
  • Although not as used nowadays, the chestnuts on the inside of their legs are used as scent markers to outline territory and leave messages.

Name meaning "Of Sun", Solranic Kluftroses are one of the Kluftrose subspecies. They are the most common Kluftrose in Amaryllis.

  • Their diets are omnivorous. Although known in the past to be opportunistic scavengers, nowadays they tend to trade from markets and live sustained on meats (usually fish or small prey such as rabbit and fowl), fruit, vegetables, berries and grains.
  • Jewellery is worn on the necks, tails, faces and sometimes antlers to flaunt wealth, social status and (a single silver band on the left antler) partnership.
  • Mythology Once upon a time Solranics could walk on water such as in the legend of the qilin. Nowadays, only those who have access to this through magic can walk on water but the ability has been recorded in mythology as how lily pads came to be- being a resemblance of cloven hoofprints over water.

Asteranic Kluftroses


  • Tundra/Glacial Dwelling Most Asteranics reside within Shadowspire and The Frigid Lands due to their longer, more cold-climatized fur. They will struggle to cope in hotter climates such as Roeback and Mantasmouth.


  • Ardennes/Belgian Draft like body structures. Well-built and chunky with a large skeletal structure.
  • Arched, Roman noses again often seen in their facial structure but not always.
  • Colours range (normally) between black and snow white in, most commonly, the Caprine and Reindeer family. They have two coat colours, one being their Summer Coat and the other being their Winter Coat. Their Winter Coats are usually light greys/white with very little darker colour. Coats can also more uncommonly be inspired by beasts such as lynx/bobcats and wolves.
  • Antlers are normally those of Caribou, Elk or, predominantly, goats.
  • Long tails similar to Solranics, are used as balance, especially when climbing. Asteranics are too heavily built for them to use it to rise up onto their hind-legs like Solranics and are not built for speed however their tails are instead heavily furred and used for warmth. Often they will place their hooves on their tails to avoid snow. Their tails are much more diverse than Solranics and can be more commonly seen as long, stubbed or unicorn-like.
  • Fangs are similar to extinct (or are they?) sabretooth tigers/smilodons. They cannot be moved between combat/grazing positions like Solranics but are more fragile than they may appear.
  • Reindeer Hooves to help deal with the frost underfoot. They are able to click similar to reindeer's own hooves and can be used to identify other family members when in snowy weather.
  • Gender/Sex is biologically undetermined for every Kluftrose-- they are biologically neither male nor female. This is due to them being made primarily out of magic rather than physical substance as the creatures of our own world are. This being said, they still choose pronouns for formalities and can be masculine/feminine depending on personality.
  • Arched Spine unlike horses, their spines arch up rather than in.


  • Their Arcane use is akin to most other Amaryllians however they often harness the energy of the stars and moon to power devices. Their magic has been known to take more primal roots and energy, being more unpredictable and emotion-dependant.
  • Antlers are just as important in Asteranic Society as they are for Solranic. Banding is used to measure age as the antlers/horns do not shed! Sawn antlers are a sign of a social outcast/captured criminal.
  • Although not as used nowadays, the chestnuts on the inside of their legs are used as scent markers to outline territory and leave messages.

Name meaning "Of Stars", Asteranic Kluftroses are one of the Kluftrose subspecies. They are the second most common subspecies and the draft-like, almost prehistoric, mountain and frost-dwelling portion of the breed

  • Their diets are omnivorous. However, due to their sabre fangs, they are primarily carnivorous and prefer to wait hidden on cliff-sides to pounce on unsuspecting prey. Hunting is a large part of their tradition and they will often hold competitions. Although their large body masses are easily able to crush small prey, they prefer to use their fangs to provide a fast death and avoid damaging their food, helping it preserve.
  • Jewellery is lesser seen on Asteranics. They prefer totems, hanging trinkets and cloths.
  • Mythology It is thought that these kluftroses inspired the beginnings of the medieval unicorns. They are an incredibly old subspecies, predating the other subspecies all the way to the ice age. Although their appearances haven't changed too much over time and they have since fled Earth, their morals are still very much set on justice. Like medieval unicorns, they are more likely to help innocents and are terribly gullible to being lured into traps involving injured creatures- whether they are a wild, kluftrose, amaryllian or human.

Nuberanic Kluftroses


  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown

Name meaning "Of Clouds", Nuberanic Kluftroses are one of the Kluftrose subspecies. They are the only flying subspecies and are small, mischievous and bat or bird-like.

  • Trivia facts or other miscellaneous information about the creature can go here.
  • Donec congue dignissim efficitur. Aenean neque justo, vulputate quis mattis a, varius sed neque.
  • Pellentesque dapibus in orci a elementum. Aliquam mollis bibendum sem, id aliquam lorem efficitur nec. Sed lacinia, lacus quis pretium tempor, quam nisi condimentum diam, vitae sagittis sem sapien hendrerit nisl.

Undaranic Kluftroses


  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown

Name meaning "Of Waves", these hydro-powered kluftroses are found in the oceans, the rivers and the lakes across Amaryllis. Thought to be descendants of kelpies and hippocampuses, they are primarily carnivorous creatures. They are well known for being keen and useful individuals towards the underwater kingdoms but are a rare, and lucky, sight to see from land and boat. Their motives however can flicker between being genuine and helpful guides for lost sailors to conniving predatory sirens for unsuspecting travellers.

  • Trivia facts or other miscellaneous information about the creature can go here.
  • Donec congue dignissim efficitur. Aenean neque justo, vulputate quis mattis a, varius sed neque.
  • Pellentesque dapibus in orci a elementum. Aliquam mollis bibendum sem, id aliquam lorem efficitur nec. Sed lacinia, lacus quis pretium tempor, quam nisi condimentum diam, vitae sagittis sem sapien hendrerit nisl.

Silvanic Kluftroses


  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown

The oldest of the Kluftroses, the rarest found and the most magically powerful, the Silvanics (Name meaning "Of Silver") take influences from all of the other existing subspecies. Most alike to Solranics in appearance, they are the most in touch with the magical energy of Amaryllis and take their powers from the earth and vegetation around them. They are regarded as powerful and wise but secretive beings and as forest-guardians by some. Wherever they go, forests and plants tend to follow. The White Forest in Stormholm is thought to be an ancient grove created by one of these powerful beings. However, due to the rapid evolution caused by Amaryllis' abundance in magical energy, they are gradually going extinct...

  • Trivia facts or other miscellaneous information about the creature can go here.
  • Donec congue dignissim efficitur. Aenean neque justo, vulputate quis mattis a, varius sed neque.
  • Pellentesque dapibus in orci a elementum. Aliquam mollis bibendum sem, id aliquam lorem efficitur nec. Sed lacinia, lacus quis pretium tempor, quam nisi condimentum diam, vitae sagittis sem sapien hendrerit nisl.
Code by Aurorean