
Deity: Truthseeker / Lotus

Sages are one of the mortal-based species on tinbilia. that means, creator based them off of the humans she found endearing.

every full-sage has to have sage markings (a black with white speckle pattern somewhere on the body, usually face) and they usually have horns, although with mixes / bad luck, horns are not guaranteed.

their lifespan depends completely on knowledge. learning more, means they live longer. they live a few hundred years on average, although outliers (especially teachers) live to be in their thousands.

they can use different types of magic. general magic is magic any sage and anybody with a crystal can harness. so nothing elemental. moving objects, opening portals, and having access to a magical storage all fall under here.

then, there's elemental magic! this is fire, water, and energy. Water can be specialized to be either ice, or boiling water, which is up to the sage on how to use it. Fire always burns, although different colors may burn differently (different colors can only come as a result of mutations / soul magic). Lastly, energy magic can either be used for electrocution, and other electricity related things, or necromancy. few sages know necromancy, due to the looked-down nature of the magic.

Most sages attend Sage Schooling to learn magic, although being homeschooled is not unheard of (especially since the Grand Venus is one to build vendettas).
