
Deity: Zealwarrior / Oriella

Mersers are a mortal-based species. they look pretty similar to mortals, although they have the ability to change their skin to scales, or pop feathers out suddenly. adaptation, speed, and vigor is their game.

a couple thousand years ago, mersers had the ability to adapt to whichever season they were in... and it was seemingly effortless. in the air, they could sprout feathers to glide and slow their fall. in water, their lungs could adapt to water instead of oxygen as if they were magic.

due to a certain... event... the mersers specialized. Now, they can either grow feathers and fly, or be an aquatic critter and swim around in the ocean. No in between.

Aerial mersers grow wings and feathers, and almost always have some wings present on them. They live primarily in the Sky Kingdom, taking care of wyverns. They are rarely seen outside the Sky Kingdom as of recent times-- due to rising tensions with the Hellion Kingdom.

Aquatic Mersers, meanwhile, can grow scales as soon as they touch water. They almost always have antennae on their heads, as well as a few other weird quirks, such as sharp teeth or webbed feet (flexible). They're seen mostly in the "Merser Palace," and in the surrounding ocean and beaches. Not a lot of mersers are seen outside, unless if they have a mission~

