The Badlands


The Badlands
Located in the middle of the map, unmarked, underneath Vaporia and above the Scotched Lands. This location offers.. very little. It is widely regarded as a lawless zone, mainly made up of desert spaces and long spanning ancient but forgotten cities now laying in the dunes as relics. Three main locations are on offer here:

  • The Hub, a semi central location that hosts the main gangs and rulers of the badlands. 
  • Grave of the Ancients, this is a long one but it explains in lore why the badlands is currently the way it is. It was once a lush land of life, but this place was it's doom
  • The Western Expeditionary Headquarters, that's a mouthful right? A joint united nations effort to try and reclaim the badlands and explore it's lifeless wastes. Mapping the territory and conquering it's many dungeons, ancient ruins and more