The Eastern Mountains


The Eastern Mountains

Located in the top right corner, this frozen wasteland was once home to many a different nomadic tribes that lived their lives through many different but noble traditions. Trade and prosperity were thriving here and were just awaiting for other civilisations to reach out and one day help them become a part of the vast world, however life is no such nice place. Some 70 years after the void isle incident, another monstrous user of mana appeared, this one was no mage and was simply a creature that had become far to close to the purest form of mana as a living being. It too was touched by a spirit that lingered deep in the forgotten lands and was easily swayed in to a path of destructive force, the final battle against this beast took the eastern mountain ranges from a thieving world.. to nothing but a frozen waste land with storms raging of ice and snow.

It has since regained some of it's community, as progress from the void isle researchers have led to breakthroughs that have helped tame the rapid mana storms. But it will still be many generations before this place regains any semblance of life..