Hello and welcome!~

Currently I am in major WIP mode right now as the world, whilst just starting on TH, needs to be taken from random bits of paper, mental notes, and various RP's over the years. And turned in to proper pages, information, text.. yada. So I ask that whilst you are more than welcome to come along, get involved, roleplay, etc. Just have a little patience as I slowly get this world fully on track for what I want to present to the world.

To give a little TL'DR details for now:
The Shattering, of Mana, and Soul. Is a long series which takes the concept, inspiration and basic ideas we all came to love in the first few years of the MLP:FIM series and takes them to a more adult focused and more fantasy based setting. We will be dealing with lots of more 16 / 18+ material (Not sex related, more world and reality related) so take that as you need to before you get involved. Topics such as death, disease, worldly destruction, injustice and all sorts of bad juju, and I promise that I aim to try to ensure that the bad sides of this world are the major focus. As they are the ones that I believe can really make a story shine, whilst the 'hero's' can be managed at a much later date.

If anything is of interest to you, please reach out if you wanna talk!~

Latest Bulletin

The beginning of something beautiful!

Posted 3 months, 7 days ago by MrDragon

Well, at long last I was able to finally come up with a name that works in to the lore that will be created. Now I hope to move forwards and really flesh out the beginning details and start to incorporate all my little notes in to a proper fleshed out lore guide.

So much to do!~

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