- πŸŒ™ Welcome to morn πŸŒ™ -
The All of Morn is a broken down mall on the planet of Somnio, the Earth's former moon.

Many, manyΒ years ago, Earth was destroyed by a cruel man only known now as "The Hatter." He, along with centuries of history and culture, were extinguished in the chaos and fire his nuke made-- and as fragments of the earth launched into the atmosphere... one small chunk of land with an ancient structure on it fell to the moon.

Here, is where Destiny's children live; creatures born from the tears of two ancient souls who's names will never be remembered.

The planet was dubbed Somnio by it's people, based off ancient scriptures and movies that survived the blast. The only part of the moon not flooded with tears is a small park, along with this mysterious ancient structure... a structure with the words "All of Morn" above it's entryway.

Somnians, with the help of magic, hardwork, and prayer, have turned the All into an ever-winding, ever-growing structure, one that almost lives and breathes on it's own.

Sectioned out into five main places, the All branches and twists and turns, and you'll never know where you'll end up the farther you go...

But be warned; the heart of the moon is cold, and monsters lurk in the shadows of the memories long past. The ancients are still out there; in fact some are convinced they never left.

Keep your head on your shoulders, keep yourself on your toes. But most importantly know;

The trees always fall in the forest, the fish always flow downstream, the sun always rises in Morn...Β 
And we'll be okay.

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