Majiphyte 2!!



Magicians are a type of mage that must receive a magic-based tattoo, known as a sigil, in order to practice magic. They can only practice one strand, however, as learning more strands is ineffective at best and fatal at worse. Becoming a magician is easier and safer than becoming a witch, as it does not require any sort of injection or any major common side effects. Instead, magicians obtain their magic through sigils, which are tattoos created with a special, monster-blood based ink. Depending on the strand, the ink may include additional magical substances in order to properly work. Sigils allow the body to absorb mana and compress it into different forms. Learning magic without having any internal source of magic is a difficult and long task, and can take years for magicians to be able to cast any spells from the strand they choose.

Magicians may only practice one strand, as each of the four strands requires its own unique way of absorbing magic and one sigil is only able to absorb mana in one way depending on the ink used. Getting multiple sigils is a horrible idea, as it may cause all the sigils to turn inactive and useless at best, or activate all at once and cause the magician’s body to have a violent, and commonly fatal, reaction. Magicians can, however, cast hybrid spells in pairs/groups of magicians and witches, and is the only way they can cast spells outside of their strand. As sigils are not internal like Beast Blood is, magicians cannot become spellbound, but experience slightly stronger side effects of using magic than witches do.


  • TYPE: Transmutation
  • CLASS: Primordial
  • ELEMENT: Unknown
  • Rarity: Very rare
  • CAST BY: Bodily Function
  • CAST TIME: Varies
  • COOLDOWN: Varies
  • RISKS: Paralysis & Vulnerability

Ferroshifting is one of two surviving natural forms of shapeshifting, allowing the majiphyte to transform either part(s) of or their entire body into a magic-based metal. This particular metal is not found elsewhere in the world but closely resembles iron, hence the term 'ferroshifter'.  This ability often doesn't manifest until the majiphyte is a toddler and is often preceded by the ferroshifter developing fangs (if not already present) as well as blue oral pigmentation.  

The simplest way to use this ability is pretty instinctive, as the flesh or the shifter's equivalent will transform into the metal with no other change, retaining the form of the original body part and acting as armor. However, with enough practice, the ferroshifter can learn to control the shape the metal takes, able to form objects like simple shapes, tools, or weapons out of their limbs, as long as the size difference between the two forms isn't drastic. Once a limb is shifted, the ferroshifter will be unable to move those transfigured body parts normally (such as fingers, toes, etc.) until they change it back to organic material. Similarly, a ferroshifter would be unable to completely transform their entire head/face into metal for very long, as it could eventually lead to suffocation since the rest of the body is organic. Transformed areas of the body will become heavier due to the added heft of the metal, but this can be reduced by limiting the spread of the metal transformation to only what is needed.

By closely studying metallic objects, experienced ferroshifters are able to take on their form by transforming their entire body into metal and shaping it to match the desired object. Holding these full-body forms implements a second form of internal mana that allows the body to take on a more inorganic form that doesn't experience bodily needs, so suffocation or pain is not an issue in these cases. This secondary mana allows a fully-transformed shapeshifter to hear and talk using the same form of telepathic communication that familiars use. However, a ferroshifter cannot see or move on their own in a fully-body form.  

Enough force on the shifter while in a metallic, whether it be strain from bending, from being dropped too hard, or another source, can knock a ferroshifter back into their original form.  Otherwise, ferroshifters are able to hold a full-body metallic form for a rather long time. Though the longer a form is held, the harder it is to get out of it. A way to remedy this is to allow a portion of their form to turn back into an organic state, such as an eye or their mouth, which can also serve other purposes as well.  High temperatures have an immense effect on ferroshifter's internal mana, which not only affects their ability to use magic but their body and health overall. Usual summer weather has very little effect on them, but extremely hot climates and environments can cause ferroshifters to become sluggish and sickly, with long exposure often resulting in an intense case of magic fits later on. It slows their ability to use their magic, causing their skin/metal to enter a liquid state as it tries to take form. This leaves them vulnerable, as if this liquid is severed by an outside force, it can cause that limb to be severed entirely if direct action is not taken immediately. Because of this, it's also near impossible for a ferroshifter to hold a full-body form in this state. Open wounds also have a similar effect on the body's ability to use magic, and it's often advised never to shapeshift while severely injured as it can cause further injury or worse.

KNOWN USERS:Name, Name, Name