
"Psiridea" is how we, specialists of the Sanctum, refer to an ethereal phenomenon that allows the thoughts, feelings and memories of those under its influence to resonate outside of their self, externalized as they are within a shared navigable mindspace.
The complex system of psychological, spiritual, analytical and creative, or otherwise introspective dynamics it has created is something we have been living, observing and studying since its birth.
Alongside the people closely tied to it, some of them having grown up with it, a small community has been forming here for a while.

We refer to a person who interacts with the psiridic mindscape as (someone) connected to Psiridea, or attuned to Psiridea, or a (psiridic) user.

Psiridea seems to radiate in locations in different concentrations, based on factors like distance from its birthplace, number of users in the area, and psiridic expertise of the users in question.

The Sanctum, its birthplace and home to many of its experienced users at some point, is its strongest beacon. Only a few other have been formed afterwards — all smaller circles of  lesser intensity, largely radiated from specialists who resided there.

This seems to be the effect of what we call conscious catalyst, a mysterious self-amplifying carrier still at the center of many of our questions. As it lingers in the air and around each user, it forms the paths of our connection.

Table of contents
  1. Psiridic mechanics
    1. Tele-empathy
    2. Out-of-body projection
    3. Collective lucid dreaming
    4. Clusters and constructs
  2. Potential dangers
  3. Jargon

While unbiased in terms of aesthetic, Psiridea's effects seem intrinsically in tune with one's spirituality.
Among our observations and reflections, parallels have been drawn with percepts of religious studies — often of buddhist, taoist or spiritist belief — and experiences such as sonder, yuugen or nearing ego-dissolution.

We have felt the literal lack of distinction between self and not-self. The lack of separation between one and another.
The sensation of consciously drifting, cross-resonating, knowing the mind of another as our own.
The vividity of expression onto three-dimensional canvases, the rhythm of blur and focus, immensity ebbing and flowing.
The way that everything is just spectrums of association, reachability, openness, density.
The way that everything is just floating energies sharing wavelengths.

The experience is often overwhelming and beyond words.
Even experienced users have difficulty describing it, the way it speaks to them, having often had no need to really "describe" anything communicated psiridically to another user; newcomers are often intimidated by it at first, not having yet formed a relevant framework to think in.

This is the challenge of communicating the full weight of something that speaks the loudest in the language of pure thought, if you will, when limited to methods like verbal communication.

The same challenge is faced by us as we document our still-incomplete knowledge of Psiridea in concrete form and narrate the events that led us to form it.
We won't hide it: it's not easy to comprehend and discuss in a reductive way.

Hopefully, as you witness our studies and stories, you'll be able to fill mental gaps and make sense of the information shared with you.

We look forward to hearing about your personal discovery and understanding of it.