

The group was founded by lizardotaku & aviatorhead

All content belongs to it's rightful creators and the moderator team.

Warning!! This World deals with themes of body horror as well as general horror! Please take caution when perusing the world and when joining!




The Academy for Sick Spirits and the Undead is extending an invitation for you to come join us! Our academy was built from the ground up specifically to cater to all the individual needs of every individual spirit, old or new. Our learning environment and facility is the best in the world of the living AND dead. 

We’re terribly sorry to hear about your recent passing. Death and resurrection are quite a process for everyone, but with our lovely and welcoming Academy, you and your loved ones can continue finding education and worth. We pride ourselves in our wonderful education system, all customized to each and every wonderful student! Simply come to our office with your letter, and start our easy application process. It will be the best decision of your afterlife!



04 · 24 · 2019

Welcome, all students and staff, to the grand revision of Sick Spirits Academy! All pages have been remade with coding as well as having been touched up and expanded upon! If you have any questions, please feel free to message a mod! But for the time being, have fun exploring!

Next Event

work in progress

04.22.2019 This is an event that is a work in progress! Check back for more details soon!



Latest Bulletin


Posted 5 years, 23 days ago by lizardotaku
"HELLO! And welcome to my wonderful academy! You may refer to me as Headmaster, sir, mister, whatever your pleasure may be~!"

"I'm positive you must know what this place is all about already, but I don't mind giving you the run down since you seem so incredibly interested, huhuhu~!"

"This Academy is a safe haven for the undead such as you and I- a magnificent building that belongs to yours truly! (And through the wonderful power of governemnt funding!) We accept students of any age who are looking to learn and better themselves in our fine community! We're also often looking for new staff members~ (Keeping track of all of you is quite the hastle, a few sometimes manage to slip through the cracks...)"
"Interested in joining? I know you must be! (This is the only school us undead are legally allowed to attend here, anyway...)"

"We're always thrilled to have a new student in my beloved academy! Please direct yourself to our rule bulletin, hosted and enforced by our wonderfully merciful SDC team, then fill out an application sheet, whether that be for enrolling as a student or applying as a staff member!"

"We're incredibly excited to meet our new friends and family! Ciao~!"