

Ctrl+F for unfamiliar words. If something's not here it might be here, on the main terms list. This list is in alphabetical order.

aner - the second-highest caste of Ant society. Physically strongest, typically managers, under 10% of a colony. Along with gyne, are required to produce children for the colony. They run the whole colony from the top.

blood - used to denote caste, as each has its own blood color. Gyne bleed dark blue, aner teal, ergates orange, and dinergates yellow.

colony - the most important part of Ant culture, the superstructure they live and die in. The colony is valued above the self, and perpetuating its control and influence is the pinnacle of life for Ants. 

colonymates - an Ant's fellow peers, members of the same colony. The bond they share varies from platonic to romantic; Ants are nearly incapable of forming familial attachments and do not feel that their colonymates are family. They are often slightly confused by the concept of siblings, parents, or children, though lineage of important colony members might be tracked.

demigod - a being half god, half mortal. They have the ability to "respawn" after dying, and larger-than-average magic pools. Demigod Ant children are always the products of one-egg clutches; i.e. they will have no clutchmates.

designation - a series of letters and numbers given to ergates and dinergates to differentiate them. Though they are allowed to name themselves - and may be referred to by their names by their direct superiors - they are expected to give designations when prompted. Aner and gyne have no designations, name themselves at age 20, and refer to one another by nicknames until then.

dinergate - lowest caste, the cannon fodder. Small and hardy, and make up the bulk of the colony, but often die early as their lives are undervalued. Usually boisterous and excitable, and work within External Management.

duel - a fight between two Ants to determine which is the leader of the colony, or who deserves a ranked position. Killing the other Ant is severely looked down upon, as murdering colonymates is seen as especially heinous - duels are fought until forfeited or unconsciousness.

egg - Ants are oviparous. Eggs are laid by gyne, which later hatch into young Ants, who develop at different rates depending on caste (gyne being slowest, dinergates fastest).

ergate - second-lowest caste, the domestic caretakers. They work within the colony and ensure it is fed, clean, and organized. Typically meek and shy, work within Internal Management.

External Management - the branch of colony bureaucracy that deals with forces outside the colony - wars, diplomacy, universal laws, treaties, etc. Aner and dinergates classed here are stereotyped as rowdy and loud.

feelers (also antennae) - sensitive receptors growing from an Ant's head, used for pheromone communication. Extremely sensitive to both pleasure and pain; touching them is very intimate. Length can denote caste, though mutations are not uncommon.

gyne - the highest caste, the only egg-layers. Extremely rare, very coveted. Born Immortal, but can be killed through means other than age, so their protection is a top priority.

Immortal - unable to die by age, but can be killed through any other means (illness, murder, etc). Occurs naturally in all gyne and rarely as a mutation in other castes. Can be 'blessed' by gods into Immortality.

Internal Management - the branch of colony bureaucracy that deals with forces within the colony - cleaning, construction, maintenance, food, etc. Aner and ergates classed here are stereotyped as withdrawn and introverted.

Leader [x] Sir - the correct, formal, and polite way to refer to one's colony leader. "Leader [x]" is the more informal, casual version. Referring to them by only name is considered disrespectful.

Lesser god - the only active type of god in Myrme. Relatively low on the god spectrum, but still vastly more powerful than mortals. 

mage - an individual whose career involves the constant use of magic. Can specialize in combat, healing, or practical magery. Stereotyped as slightly unhinged and feral.

magic - catch-all term for the minor reality warping granted to beings who can utilize the element Magninium. More info here.

mutation - Ants naturally have a high rate of beneficial mutation, as a way to combat potential inbreeding. As such, strange appearances and alterations to the base body plan (two legs, four arms, small tail) are not unheard of. Most are shrugged off or normalized, unless they completely alter swaths of someone's body (for example, wings completely down one's back and tail).

patron - title given to a god who has declared preferential loyalty to a certain colony; i.e. "Palorme is the patron of Rain Colony".

pheromones - specialized hormones Ants secrete from the antennae on their head. Used to give nuance to a particular sentence or word, communicate silently, express feelings, and serve as comfort. Not necessarily sexual.

raid - when a colony attacks another. Full-scale battles are uncommon - raids are typically a medium-sized group of Ants seeking to steal resources or gyne.

ranked - refers to an aner in a colony who has a managerial title, like "Head of Construction" or "Education Supervisor". They lead branches of colony bureaucracy and are politically influential. Contrast with 'unranked' aner, who work underneath them and defer to their orders.