Happy October! Guest Artist + Spook Month Stuff!

Posted 3 years, 8 months ago by BritishMindslave

Should we hold a small contest for Halloween?

9 Votes Absolutely! Costumes and cnady galore!
2 Votes I am too busy/burnt out from the last event, so I'll sit this one out!

Hey, Ringoxes! Happy October! 

First off; our Guest Artist for this month is Yazoothefallen!! 
Make sure to check out his page to see what kinds of neat adopts are coming out through the month!

Fall/Halloweentime is one of my favorite seasons, so I always like to do events and such. Since we had the Autumn Decay event, I probably won't be doing a Halloween Contest or event anytime soon (unless people really, really want me to!) but we at least have some potential for cool Ringox adopts comin out!

We have a Halloween Gacha planned on top of all the neat adopts Dame will be making, so stay tuned for that! 

Thanks for reading! We'll keep you posted on events to come~

Event Post [Decay's Corruption]


Forweeks, the battle between the Exiled One and the Progenitors waged on. Between them and their followers, there were many shards collected for their own means. The Shrine, despite the constant abuse, held up against the mighty corrupted Deirdre's attacks. Many were injured, but none were lost to her powerful assault. There were slews of Ringox returning with shards to give them to their Progenitors and the Avatar of Autumn, Medysa.

The Progenitors collected in the center of the Shrine with their beaten and bruised comrades, looking down at Medysa who had called them forth with news. She stood with Thaleia close beside her as her attendant.

"Your Graces..." She spoke softly but with confidence, clutching something close to her chest. She held out her hands to reveal the core. "It's... Still a little cracked, but I have returned most of it to its former glory."

It looked as if it had been pieced together with care and delicacy, as someone who would be familiar with their own core could do. The Three looked it over from their distance, many Ringox craning their necks to give it their own look over, children clinging to parents with wide-eyed discovery. 

Nebula looked between his two peers. Fae was the first to smile brightly, though that wasn't much past her usual self, and Amaryllis nodded sternly, closing their eyes and crossing their arms, a sign of approval.

"Medysa, you have done your best. I'm sure your Lady will be most appreciative of your efforts." Nebula said, offering her a soft smile of his own, "Your greatest test, now, is to return the core to her."

There was an uneasy feeling spread over the crowd of Ringox cramped into the shrine. Thaleia frowned and looked over at Medysa, who only nodded.

"Lord Nebula, I implore you. Let me help her." Came Enmu's voice as he pushed through the crowd. He quickly approached the Progenitors and stood by Medysa, "She shouldn't have to do this alone."

The Ringox who had collected seemed to agree, many beginning to offer their own services and the group becoming loud very quickly before Nebula held up his hand.

"No, Enmu. She must do this herself. There's not much we can do to help her other than make sure she's not interfered with. If Deirdre kills her own Avatar, there's not much we can do for her." He explained, sympathy apparent in his voice.

Enmu backed down, looking over at Medysa who had more than steeled her resolve. She really was willing to die for her Goddess.

Soon after, the collection of Ringox made their way back to the entrance of the Shrine. It wouldn't be long before The Exiled One sent her new toy after the Shrine again. As expected, the Vulture Beast came soaring down from the darkened sky with a fierce screeching.

"Good luck this time, suckers!" Laughed The Exiled One from behind her. She floated in the air close by the beast.

The Ringox wasted no time defending the Shrine at Nebula's orders. The Progenitors created a force shield around the Shrine, with many Ringox lending their magic to fortify it. Deirdre's assault rained down upon them with intensity. Seeing an opening, the Ringox positioned for attack made their move and struck her to the ground, a few getting tossed around like ragdolls as the beast resisted their attacks. Then, the Progenitors pulled her to the ground with ethereal chains.

"We won't have much time, act quickly!" Called Enmu as he assisted the Progenitors as best he could.

Medysa came from behind the crowd, making her way to the beast with little apprehension.

"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing? Back off!" The Exiled One hissed, trying to pull the chains from her minion. She moved her hand back to send a flame at Medysa, but was struck down by a blast from Amaryllis. Fae blew her an exuberant raspberry.

Deirdre let out a mighty cry, shaking the earth, as she tried to break free from the chains. Her Avatar reached up and held her face, an immediate effect taking hold of the fallen goddess. There was whispering, and the core floated up between them. It seemed to re-find its orbit at her sternum, and a bright light enveloped the realm. A screech was heard, sounding more like the Exiled One than the beast that had stood there previous.

After the light had cleared, the Realms appearance also changed. The decayed, rotting colors shifted in glorious color to those of fire and autumn. A cool breeze shifted the now-colorful trees, that had regained some of their leaves. Before them stood the deity of Autumn, Deirdre, who held her Avatar close.

"My Lady..." Medysa whispered as Deirdre released her from her grip. Deirdre smiled at her- a rare sight indeed- and spread her wings.

"NO!" Screamed The Exiled One from behind them, and Deirdre turned to face the jilted former-goddess. She stood with rage, her tailed swaying angrily. 

"Begone, wretch." Nebula called over to her, "Or you'll lose your core, this time. Or maybe I can borrow one of your tails?"

There was a jest in his voice, but the Exiled One was not laughing. She clenched her fists at her side, screaming with anger, and popped in a puff of smoke and fire. She was gone.

Deirdre approached the group of Ringox with her Avatar in tow, the crowd in awe and asking about her health and wellbeing, etc. She held her hand up gently.

"My children, I am fine." She assured, "Because of your help, I have returned to my former self fully. I cannot thank you enough, truly. I am honored to have such faithful followers."

"As long as you're alright, maybe we can do a re-run of the festivities. You know, so you can actually participate!" Fae chirped, flying up to Deirdre with excitement and twirling around her.

Deirdre looked over her very tired-looking kin, then back at the Progenitors.

"Perhaps they can rest. Then we can have a very low-maintenance celebration." She offered, tucking her wings further behind her. "I'd like for them to be at their best for the season ahead."

And so, within another day's time, the Changing of Seasons was given a proper re-visiting. Many enjoyed the change of pace, being less about music and excitement and more of a low-key campfire-and-song sort of deal. There was laughter and celebration still, with stories being shared over s'mores, sweet treats, and warm drinks. It would truly be a moment for the history books.


Congratulations, you won!

The scoreboard was:

Progenitors: 111
The Exiled One: 30

Because it was over 36 points:
 Everyone gets 200 Dust + 5 Traits + 3 Kichi Coins get raffled / Highest Points gets a Kichi Coin OR Custom/MYO!

The highest point-earner was Randomlybrie!

As a reward as well, Deirdre has a lot of extra magic to give! This year, 3 Ringox will get the opportunity to breed with her.
Medysa is also available to breed!

Additionally, Elemental [Decay] will be automatically given to those children, as well as the opportunity to gain it from breeding.

As Summer's last days came to a close, Ringox gathered at The Shrine Between Realms to give thanks to Sol for the wonderful memories given to them and welcome Deirdre and the glorious colors of Autumn. 

As the leaves turned in a colorful spectacle, Ringox watched in awe as the trees within the Realm shifted and shuddered into their bright, firey hues. Deirdre would soon appear, and this would mark the Season's End for Summer- as always with the changing of seasons.

Waiting with bated breath, the colors continued to shift further and further- much more into the brown and dull hues. Soon, the audience would watch as the trees, foliage, flora and fauna began to die and rot. This was not customary.

The Progenitors watched pensively, Nebula's brow furrowed as silence grew over the crowd of Ringox. He stood from his place on the roof of the shrine, but stopped as a burst of smoke arose from the center of the stage.

Out sprung a large, beastly Vulture-esque creature who towered over the guests. It let out a terrifying screech, shaking the earth. As it spread its wings and all nature around it began to decay.  

The Progenitors jumped to action to protect their kind, trapping the giant bird-beast within a magic cage. They could heard laughter from behind the monster, and the cage was broken. 

The Exiled One landed atop the monster, cackling.

"Like my new teammate?" She taunted, "Deirdre honestly looks so much better like this! And I loooove what she's done to the Realm!" 

The bird-monster made its terrible screams, shaking the earth again. The Exiled One held up what would unmistakably be recognized as Deirdre's core.

"I'll be making her a permanent addition to my collection. Good luck enjoying your Autumn now!" She laughed, throwing the core into the air, Before the Progenitors could move, she shattered it into many pieces, which shot in every direction. Deirdre lifted off with a massive beat of her wings, taking off into the sky.

Agape, in awe, completely confused, the Ringox gathered around their Progenitors for answers, but received none. Behind them, a soft voice spoke up:

"Please, My Graces. If I may offer my services..." 

A thin Ringox with a Scorpion's tail approached, holding a piece of Deirdre's core. She held it tightly, as if it was precious. Medysa, the Avatar of Deirdre, stood before them with a slightly trembling form but determination in her features.

"If we can get most - if not all- of the pieces of Lady Deirdre's Core, I may be able to restore her, as her Avatar." She continued wistfully.

"Oh, well that sounds easy enough!" Fae chirped, turning to the group with a smile that was so unfitting to the grim situation. Nebula nodded, unsure if he was agreeing because it was true or out of kindness for Fae.

"If we do not find her core pieces, it may change the coarse of Autumn for a long time coming. With the Equinox only in two weeks' time, we must act quickly."



The Exiled One has claimed Deirdre, the Deity of Autumn, as a pawn in her schemes! The Progenitors are asking for all Ringox to try and find the pieces of her core and bring them to her Avatar, Medysa

There are several prompts that you can choose to participate! Draw or write one or any of the following:

Find a piece of Deirdre's Core. 

 It can be a chunk or a tiny piece. Nobody knows how many pieces there are, but there are a lot. These pieces have been tossed into dimensions and all around the Shrine Between Realms! 

Keep the Shrine Safe!

Even if she flew off, the Exiled One wants to destroy the Shrine or take it over. Your Ringox can help defend the Shrine from decay with spells, charms, whatever they have as a talent, or even by fighting off the Exiled One, her cohorts, and/or Deirdre herself. (As reference, she has become humongous Bearded Vulture. Go wild if you want to make it look monstrous!)

Help the Exiled One...?

Not all Ringox as good, as shown by the growing numbers of The Exiled Cult. Your gremlin can help by collecting shards for Her, stopping others from finding pieces, and being a general nuisance. Each cult entry will take away from the progress of others!


Points and Victory

Each entry will earn points toward the restoration of the deity Deirdre. Each entry is worth 1 point per Ringox. You may draw or write for others or your own, and there is no limit to entries. There is also no quality requirements! 

At the end, all the points will be counted up and totaled, the amount will determine what prizes are given! Regardless, there will be a surprise during the next Breeding Season!

Prize Chart:

  • 0 or below: Everyone who participated will receive 25 Ethereal Dust and the one with the most points gets 50 Ethereal Dust!
  • 5-10: Participants get 100 Ethereal Dust each / Highest Points Earned receives a Kichi Coin© (good for anything in the shops!)
  • 11-24: Participants get 100 Dust + 3 Traits will raffle off / Highest Points gets a Kichi Coin!
  • 25-35: Participants get 100 Dust + 3 Traits +2 MYO Slots get raffled! / Highest Points gets a Kichi Coin OR Custom!
  • 36+: Everyone gets 200 Dust + 5 Traits + 3 Kichi Coins get raffled / Highest Points gets a Kichi Coin OR Custom/MYO!

Please submit entries to the Events folder, link them in the Discord, and/or submit them to ToyHouse with the Event Name in the description!

All Entries must be submitted by 11:59 pm EST on September 19th!


First off, our guest artist for this month is planetariumpixel!
Stay tuned for their upcoming designs all month!

MYO Information:

MYO Ringox are $10 each slot!
Mutations may be purchased for $3 each
HYBRID MYO are $20 each
There are 5/5 Hybrid slots available!



  • MYO slots are non-refundable from me, however you may re-sell the slot for the price you paid for it.
  • MYOs cannot be traded as just an empty slot, only sold. They can only be traded as completed and approved designs.
  • Finished and approved MYO designs can be resold for the slot's price, with price additives for any commissioned artwork you personally paid for, provided the artist allows it.
  • Designs cannot be used without my approval.
  • Designs may not under any circumstances infringe copyright of another species or media. I reserve the right to reject a design if I find it too similar to anything I have seen.
  • If your MYO is denied, don't feel bad! I will always give suggestions as to how to change something.
  • I will not tolerate any sort of art theft, tracing, or copying of any kind. There's a difference between reference and plagiarism. If I catch you after a design has been approved, you will be given a chance to change the design, and denial will result in the rejection of my business completely.
  • I must be credited as the CREATOR of your design if you upload them to Toyhou.se. This is not to steal your character, it is just to monitor trade activity. You are the Designer and Owner of the MYO, I am the Creator of the Species.


  • Hybrids between Ringox and another species are either with your own Closed Species, an existing species within mythology/lore, or with expressed permission from the species owner.
  • I  am not responsible for contacting the owner of a closed species, you  must provide proof. Often times, this would require another MYO slot  from another species, I assume.
  • Hybrids CAN be mixed with  species from games/anime/other media, I don't mind! They can also be a  mix of 2+ species if you can find a way to still make them look like a  Ringox!


  • Once you purchase the slot, based on the guidelines provided in the sales post that show which traits you may use, you can then create your design. 
  • I will send you a "MYO Vial" on Toyhou.se with masterlist info, mutation info, etc.
  • Unless specified otherwise, designs may be created using a base, free-hand, or by commissioning an artist. (Please credit bases & artists accordingly.)
  • Once the design is complete, it must be noted to me for approval. I will try my best to answer any/all approvals within 24 hours, however if I fail to, feel free to note me again.
  • Once the design is approved, feel free to use it as you would any other! It's officially yours.

A BIG shout-out to ClyncyeRudje for working on the Visual Masterlist (RingoxRegistrar) for us!
They have done us a great service getting that done. IDK how I would manage without them. ;;

{Spring Breeding Season}
Despite my backlog, I still intend to open breeding season for Spring on March 20th!
By default, all children will be DYO this season. I'm sorry I keep changing it, trial and error is a teaching tool LOL
Going  forward, I'm just trying to find a way to balance everything! I will  likely have the price for DYO and my designs the same this time.

{FTO Adopts Coming Up!}
As a way of allowing more people into the community, I am allowing members of the Discord to create FTO Adoptables!
This means people who already own one Ringox get to design a free Ringox for first-time-owners!
This event is completely voluntary, as I already have a sheet of FTO Ringox I'm working on.

I will be releasing them as a set! The deadline for this is February 29th!

{FTO Adopts Rules}
-You must be a member of the Discord and own at least one Ringox!
-No mutations, since these are free designs.
-Only one design per person, it must be full-body. It's up to you if you wish to use a base, but you don't have to!
-You must send me a transparent file so I can make it all spiffy!
-The  design doesn't have to be one you made for the event (if you didn't get  to sell a design during your time as a Guest Artist, you may use one of  those!)

{Official New Mutations}
I have a suggestion thread for mutations, and many people who participated in my Guest Artist had some creative ideas~

So coming off of that, I am officially announcing "Munchkinism" as a trait!

I  will be creating a guide on the trait in the days to come, so stay  tuned for that. If you have a suggestion for a trait, you can drop it in  our Discord or in the suggestion thread on TH.

{Other Loose Ends}
I will be opening MYOs for Ringox in March ouo/

Thanks for reading, see you again soon!


MYOs have opened once again! 

MYO Ringox are $10 each slot! 

Mutations may be purchased for $3 each 



  • MYO slots are non-refundable from me, however you may re-sell the slot for the price you paid for it.
  • MYOs cannot be traded as just an empty slot, only sold. They can only be traded as completed and approved designs.
  • Finished and approved MYO designs can be resold for the slot's price, with price additives for any commissioned artwork you personally paid for, provided the artist allows it.
  • Designs cannot be used without my approval.
  • Designs may not under any circumstances infringe copyright of another species or media. I reserve the right to reject a design if I find it too similar to anything I have seen.
  • If your MYO is denied, don't feel bad! I will always give suggestions as to how to change something.
  • I will not tolerate any sort of art theft, tracing, or copying of any kind. There's a difference between reference and plagiarism. If I catch you after a design has been approved, you will be given a chance to change the design, and denial will result in the rejection of my business completely.
  • I must be credited as the CREATOR of your design if you upload them to Toyhou.se. This is not to steal your character, it is just to monitor trade activity. You are the Designer and Owner of the MYO, I am the Creator of the Species.


  • Once you purchase the slot, based on the guidelines provided in the sales post that show which traits you may use, you can then create your design.
  • Unless specified otherwise, designs may be created using a base, free-hand, or by commissioning an artist. (Please credit bases & artists accordingly.)
  • Once the design is complete, it must be noted to me for approval. I will try my best to answer any/all approvals within 24 hours, however if I fail to, feel free to note me again.
  • Once the design is approved, feel free to use it as you would any other! It's officially yours.