
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the 5th Anniversary event!
I wish I could have contributed more this year, myself, but seeing everyone give each other gifts and kind words has truly made me so happy. We've built a wonderful community over these past 5 years and I truly hope this community sticks around for longer. We're small, but that's not always a bad thing - I've gotten to know many of you a lot more personally this way!

This is a milestone for me, and I hope you all know how much you mean to me! Thank you so much for this event; I hope many more will come from it in the coming years!

Now, enough bein sappy, I'm sure you guys want to know the results of the raffles!
I've already replied to the comments of those who won their raffle prizes. 

Here's the list of winners!

In addition to these prizes and as a surprise to everyone, I'm also gifting everyone who entered the raffle 50 Ethereal Dust!!

As for our Raffle Adopt and the DTA/WTA...


Konpeito Party has been won by... CrossesNBatwingz! [NuggetRed]


Birthday Cake-icorn will be announced shortly!

Thank you all so much for a wonderful event. I'll be giving out prizes for the Art Gifts shortly as well!

EDIT 5/30: I am extending the gift-giving event to June 13th! I'm not sure why the Raffle had the date of the 13th, BUT I'M GOIN WITH IT - gives people more time to draw xD

Hello everyone and welcome to the 5th Annual Ringox Anniversary Event!!

Every year we try to run an event that spans a few weeks so people can celebrate our lovely community. 

The event lasts from today until June 4th, so all deadlines are until then! 

Once again, you don't need a Ringox to participate in any of the events!

If you would like to join our Discord to join other events, raffles and contests, here's a link!

   [Main Even] Gift-Giving Extravaganza!  

In addition to the fantastic party that the Progenitors display, they have decided to host a huge, gift-giving exchange!

Event Details:

From today to June 4th, members of the community  can create art of each others' Ringox and earn prizes for doing so!
The amount of art you give, big or small, earns you both Ethereal Dust and different prizes :>

The content you create can be sketches, full drawings, or writing! The images don't have to be
Every piece you do for this event will earn you 20 Ethereal Dust!

Prize Chart
[Total Pieces of Art = Prize Earned]
1  = 20 Ethereal Dust
5 =  200 Ethereal Dust
7 = A Free MYO Slot
10 = A random mutation
13 = A Kichi Coin
15 = A Free MYO slot with up to 3 mutations OR a Hybrid MYO Slot
17 = A Mutation of choice [Includes Seasonal]
20 = A Kichi Coin
25 = An Unlimited MYO Slot / Custom

Anything over 25 will gain 50 Ethereal Dust per piece!


  • This  isn't an Art Trade- the person you draw art for doesn't necessarily owe  you art. It IS a nice gesture, but this is about GIVING and not RECEIVING, yes?
  • Be nice! Everyone draws at their own pace. That's why this lasts the whole month.
  • Each piece should be posted in THIS COMMENT or in the special channel I created on Discord! so it's easier for me to count! If it's not posted there, just poke me if I forget to count it.
  • The prizes will be given out as art is shared in the thread 

I may add to the rules if I see something that needs to be said!

  Other Events   


To enter the Raffle, just comment on the journal! You'll be given a number, and I'll be raffling the prizes off on June 13th

Here's the list of prizes: 

  • 1 Custom will be given out, with up to 3 Mutations 
  • 1 Common Custom  
  • 3 Free MYO slots  
  • 5 lucky people will win 50 Ethereal Dust! 
  • A custom with 1 mutation OR a crossbreed with your own CS. Crossbreeds with other CS can only be done with the owner allows it. It's up to you to ask.  

Event Adoptables!



Happy May, everyone!

Ringox MYOs Open!

As of May 1st, MYOs are open all month! Please refer to the end of the bulletin for information on that! MYOs do not expire, and you can purchase them until the end of the month!

Ringox FIFTH Anniversary Event

Wow, I can't believe we're at five years, already! The even will begin toward the end of the month, May 22 to June 4th! Throughout the event there will be a Free MYO event for all FTOs! Starting at the beginning of May I will also begin selling MYO slots, again. We will have raffles as we have every year on both the Discord and posted to TH! I'll be posting a reminder again, with an official logo soon!

Thank you all for reading!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to DM me on TH BritishMindslave or send me a message through Discord via britishmindslave#9661

MYO Information:

MYOs will be on sale from May 1st to 31st!

MYO Ringox are $10 each slot!
Mutations may be purchased for $3 each

(Seasonal mutations cannot be purchased)
HYBRID MYO are $20 each

There are 4/5 Hybrid slots available!



  • MYO slots are non-refundable from me, however you may re-sell the slot for the price you paid for it.
  • Finished  and approved MYO designs can be resold for the slot's price, with price  additives for any commissioned artwork you personally paid for, provided the artist allows it.
  • Designs cannot be used without my approval.
  • Designs  may not under any circumstances infringe copyright of another species  or media. I reserve the right to reject a design if I find it too  similar to anything I have seen.
  • If your MYO is denied, don't feel bad! I will always give suggestions as to how to change something.
  • I  will not tolerate any sort of art theft, tracing, or copying of any  kind. There's a difference between reference and plagiarism. If I catch  you after a design has been approved, you will be given a chance to  change the design, and denial will result in the rejection of my  business completely.
  • I must be credited as the CREATOR of your design if you upload them to Toyhou.se. This is not to steal your character, it is just to monitor trade activity. You are the Designer and Owner of the MYO, I am the Creator of the Species.


  • Hybrids between Ringox and another species are either with your own Closed Species, an existing species within mythology/lore, or with expressed permission from the species owner.
  • I am not responsible for contacting the owner of a closed species, you must provide proof. Often times, this would require another MYO slot from another species, I assume.
  • Hybrids CAN be mixed with  species from games/anime/other media, I don't mind!  They can also be a  mix of 2+ species if you can find a way to still  make them look like a Ringox!


  • Once you purchase the slot, based on the guidelines provided in the sales post that show which traits you may use, you can then create your design. 
  • I will send you a "MYO Vial" on Toyhou.se with Masterlist info, mutation info, etc.
  • Unless  specified otherwise, designs may be created using a base, free-hand, or by commissioning an artist. (Please credit bases & artists accordingly.)
  • Once  the design is complete, it must be DMed to me on Discord or on Toyhou.se for approval. I will try my best to answer any/all approvals within 24 hours, however if I fail to, feel free to note me again.
  • Once the design is approved, feel free to use it as you would any other! It's officially yours.

["Welcoming Spring with Gusto!" still has 10 Days left!]

Coalescence Basics

Once every Season, Coalescence Slots open up to allow people to Coalesce their Ringox, or allow someone without a Ringox to obtain one! There are several options at this time in order to obtain a Ringox:

A. Pick two from the pool of "singles" to Coalesce together.
B. Present your own Ringox to Coalesce with one of the "singles"
C. Present two Ringox for Coalescence. It can be one of your own and one of another person's (only with their permission!) OR two of your own.

This season, I am only accepting 10 designs for me to design personally. I will inform everyone when the limit is reached!
0/10 Open [FULL]

On the Season's Coalescence journal, you will post a comment with your choice:
Ringox Pair:[Single A + Single B], [Single A + Own Ringox], [Own Ringox + Other User's], [Two of your Own] 
Dame: Parent 1  
Sire: Parent 2 
Modifiers: See "Modifiers" section
Result: DYO, Child, Child + Adult, or Child + Offbase Adult. 
Form of Payment: We are only accepting paypal- but if you have a slot voucher you may use it here!


  •  Once a Ringox has been bred, they cannot Coalesce again for two seasons
  • The owner of the child between two separate Ringox owners belongs to whoever posted and paid, but may be transferred 
  • Please ask the owners before assuming canon relations. Most parameters are listed on the Singles' Post!
  • The child of a Coalescence pair this season cannot be bred for one season.
  • You don't need to keep their age canon, either. They can be as new or old as you want.
  • Remember to keep parental age in mind if you wish to keep them related!


Please check for relations before pairing!
Shihab cannot breed with Nebula or Vardan children
Fae cannot breed with her own children
Basilika children require permission for Falinkubus Hybrid trait from ClyncyeRudje

15063899?1679039136 5323082?1573313202 6102341?1582230358 6290753?1591799606 7897381?1602869377








Primavera, the Deity of Spring and Life, is available for one Coalescence during Spring. In addition to being limited, there is 100% chance to get the NATURE mutation in the offspring.
If you would like a slot for Coalescence, please fill out the form with her and whoever you wish to partner her with.
This can be done in addition to your own pair, or on its own entirely. You will not have to pay for the Coalescence unless you win.


DYO: Design your own. You don't need to design a child version first!
Child: I design the child for you on the child base.
On-Base Adult: I design only an adult version, on-base.
Child + Offbase: I design the child, and the adult is freeform without a base.

Option A: Coalescence with two Singles together.
-DYO / Child: $5
-On-Base Adult: $8
-Child + Offbase Adult: $10

Option B: Coalesce your own Ringox with a Single
-DYO / Child: $5
-On-Base Adult: $8
-Child + Offbase Adult: $12

Option C: Coalescence between two of your own or your own + another person's Ringox
**Note: This can be split between the owners and gives the option of two children if both participants want a child.
-DYO / Child: $5
-Child + On-base Adult: $8 ($12 for two children)
-Child + Offbase Adult: $12 ($18 for split cost, two children)



 Unstable Dust [$2]- Increase chance of random mutation by 5% [Stackable, up to 50%]  
Strange Dust [$12]- Choose any mutation, but 10% chance of corruption 
Blessing of Lineage [$2]- Increase chance of specified parent mutation by 10% [Stackable, up to 50%] 
Blessing of the Elements [$5]- Choose an Elemental Mutation
Blessing of Seasons [$3]- Increase of seasonal-based traits 5% [Stackable, up to 50%] 

Spring Mutations Available:

Core/Ring: Multicore
Elementals: Wind + Nature
Coats: Fluffy, but slightly shorter
Ear Varient: Wing Ears
Other Exclusives: Terrarium Trait


[Coalescence Rundown]

[We still have an event going, also!]

Signups end Monday, March 20th!

There are Mod Ringox that will be offered as "singles" for people to pick pairs, or offered as a pair for your own!

This is completely free and doesn't sign you up for any adoptables or anything. It just gives us a pool to choose from!  A few things of note:

  • If you offer your Ringox as a Single, you can't offer them again for two breeding seasons (six months, basically)
  • You may still breed between your own Ringox this season
[Single Signup Form]
 Comment below with this form if you'd like to offer a Ringox for others to choose during breeding!

Ringox Link: TH or Otherwise. You may post multiple links here!

Restrictions, if any: If your Ringox is related to another single you're posting. Otherwise you can leave this blank!

Disclaimer: You understand your Ringox may be chosen multiple  times for breeding. This is non-negotiable, but won't result in  permanent damage to your Ringox. The deities aren't responsible for any  damages that may occur during breeding. By posting your Ringox you agree  to these terms and conditions.

Also sorry this is late xD

The Shrine Between Realms has always prided itself in keeping an Eternal Springtime, but there are parts away from the main shrine that still feel the effects of other seasons - particularly when that deity is visiting during their time. Enceladus has always been known to blow through only a few times during Winter because of Thaleia's dislike for her dying flowers. This time was more prevalent, as he made himself present for a special request.

Heralding all Ringox, he stood at the entrance of the Shrine.

"Kind subjects, I have a request of you. As you know, Springtime is nearly around the bend and it is a time my wife Primavera and I will exchange places. Though our time together through the rest of the year during the other two seasons is more plentiful, our wedding day was shortly before the beginning of Spring." He explained, "Because this is a special occasion for us, I would like your help in preparing the Realm for Spring. With your help, my beloved may step back for a little longer while we share this space together in honor of our 500 years of matrimony."

A gong was struck, the blunt sound ringing through the air. Enmu approached the front beside Enceladus with a smile on his face.

"If any of you want to help, Thaleia and I can provide some direction. Please do what we can to prepare our realm and give these two lovebirds some ceremony." 

Welcoming Spring with Gusto

This year will be Enceladus and Primavera's 500th Anniversary! For some gods, it seems silly to celebrate such an event, but for Enceladus, it's a huge milestone!
Because  he wants to make it special, the God of Winter is asking his loyal subjects (and all other Ringox) to help him decorate the Shrine and welcome his beautiful wife of Spring in a special way! 

How to Participate

Draw or write your Ringox cleaning up the realm for Spring. Actions like cleaning the Shrine, planting flowers, removing piles of snow and ice, things of that nature! They may also decorate for the appearance of Primavera! Remember, we're wrapping up winter for the entrance of Spring. Does your Ringox use magic to keep the weather fair or do they help replanting the flowers and trees around the shrine?

  • Each entry will be awarded 25 Dust. 
  • If you include Ringox owned by other people, you will obtain another 25 Dust, and so will the other user(s)!
  • Written entries have a minimum length of 500 words.
  • Drawn entries can be sketches but it must be clear what your Ringox is doing! If they are just standing in the image, it does not count. If they are standing with a shovel, that's more valid - just include a little story in the description!
  • Please get permission before drawing/writing another person's Ringox! (You don't need mod permission to draw mod Ringox)

Please submit entries to the Events folder on DA on link them in the Discord event channel OR under this bulletin! 

The event deadline March 31st! Please get your entries in by then!

You may be thinking - boy, this will probably get me a lot of Ethereal Dust that I can only use to get mutations and MYOs. Do I have a great solution for you: We're going to have an Exclusive Prize Shop! Whether you have a ton of Dust saved up or earn a bunch from the event, you will be able to use it to purchase exclusive Ringox designs that will be available in the shop!

{There will be a link to the Forum Shop once it is prepared!}

Have Fun! 
If you have any  questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to DM me on TH  BritishMindslave or send me a message through Discord via  britishmindslave#9661

Also, the link to our Discord is finally active again if you're interested in joining!


MYOs will be on sale from March 1st to 15th!

MYO Ringox are $10 each slot!
Mutations may be purchased for $3 each
(Seasonal mutations cannot be purchased)

First Time Owners - you can get a MYO for 50% off this month only! 

HYBRID MYO are $20 each

There are 5/5 Hybrid slots available!




  • Hybrids between Ringox and another species are either with your own Closed Species, an existing species within mythology/lore, or with expressed permission from the species owner.
  • I  am not responsible for contacting the owner of a closed species, you must provide proof. Often times, this would require another MYO slot  from another species, I assume.
  • Hybrids CAN be mixed with species from games/anime/other media (such a Viera), I don't mind!  They can also be a  mix of 2+ species if you can find a way to still make them look like a Ringox!


  • Once  you purchase the slot, based on the guidelines provided in the sales  post that show which traits you may use, you can then create your  design. 
  • I will send you a "MYO Vial" on Toyhou.se with Masterlist info, mutation info, etc.
  • Unless   specified otherwise, designs may be created using a base, free-hand,  or by commissioning an artist. (Please credit bases & artists  accordingly.)
  • Once   the design is complete, it must be DMed to me on Discord or on  Toyhou.se for approval. I will try my best to answer any/all approvals  within 24 hours, however if I fail to, feel free to note me again.
  • Once the design is approved, feel free to use it as you would any other! It's officially yours.


Hi, guys! I'm going to try to get these moving again, sorry for the lack of updates otherwise! I've been more active on Discord, naturally. 

Here are some things I have planned, with an event starting tomorrow!

Welcoming Spring with Gusto

This year will be Enceladus and Primavera's 500th Anniversary! For some gods, it seems silly to celebrate such an event, but for Enceladus, it's a huge milestone!
Because he wants to make it special, the God of Winter is asking his loyal subjects (and all other Ringox) to help him decorate the Shrine and welcome his beautiful wife of Spring in a special way! 

This is an Art Event! Details will be revealed tomorrow on March 1st - this won't be a contest, but an art exchange/art event. Each entry will obtain Dust to be used in the shop - a temporary shop will open toward the end of the event with some special prizes to exchange! The event will end on March 31st.

MYOs Opening!

MYOs will be open from March 1st to March 15th. First Time Owners will receive a discount of 50% - $7/myo for this month!

Spring Coalescence

The Coalescence will begin March 21st! I'll make a journal for Singles later in the month as usual, a week before the even, for those who would like to toss some designs into the mix.

Ringox Fifth Anniversary Event

The Fifth Anniversary Event will be held May 21st-June 4th! Throughout the event there will be a Free MYO event for all FTOs! We will have raffles as we have every year on both the Discord and posted to TH! I'll be posting a reminder again, with an official logo, in May. I want to do something special, since it's been 5 years, so I'll be tossing ideas back and forth about it maybe during streams or in the chat. If you have any suggestions for what you'd like to see for the anniversary event, toss me some ideas!

Thank you all for reading!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to DM me on TH BritishMindslave or send me a message through Discord via britishmindslave#9661


Coalescence Basics

Once every Season, Coalescence Slots open up to allow people to Coalesce their Ringox, or allow someone without a Ringox to obtain one! There are several options at this time in order to obtain a Ringox:

A. Pick two from the pool of "singles" to Coalesce together.
B. Present your own Ringox to Coalesce with one of the "singles"
C. Present two Ringox for Coalescence. It can be one of your own and one of another person's (only with their permission!) OR two of your own.

This season, I am only accepting 10 designs for me to design personally. I will inform everyone when the limit is reached!
10/10 Open

On the Season's Coalescence journal, you will post a comment with your choice:
Ringox Pair:[Single A + Single B], [Single A + Own Ringox], [Own Ringox + Other User's], [Two of your Own] 
Dame: Parent 1  
Sire: Parent 2 
Modifiers: See "Modifiers" section
Result: DYO, Child, Child + Adult, or Child + Offbase Adult. 
Form of Payment: We are only accepting paypal- but if you have a slot voucher you may use it here!


  •  Once a Ringox has been bred, they cannot Coalesce again for two seasons
  • The owner of the child between two separate Ringox owners belongs to whoever posted and paid, but may be transferred 
  • The child does not need to be canonically related to its parents - Please check with the owner of the single to see if they allow canon relations!
  • The child of a Coalescence pair this season cannot be bred for one season.
  • You don't need to keep their age canon, either. They can be as new or old as you want.
  • Remember to keep parental age in mind if you wish to keep them related!



Ranki can't be paired with any of his children. Syouhi is one of Ranki's children.
 Arvad | Saeran : No Canon Children
Gloria: No canon children without prior discussion

Endymion: Cannot be paired with children of Sol/Soleil/Enceladus/Primavera due to relations!


ENCELADUS,  the Deity of Death and Winter. In addition to being limited, there is 100% chance to get the NIGHTGLOW mutation in the offspring.

If you would like a slot for breeding, please fill out the form with him and whoever you wish to partner him with.

This  can be done in addition to your own breeding pair, or on its own entirely. You will not have to pay for the breeding unless you win.


DYO: Design your own. You don't need to design a child version first!
Child: I design the child for you on the child base.
On-Base Adult: I design only an adult version, on-base.
Child + Offbase: I design the child, and the adult is freeform without a base.

Option A: Coalescence with two Singles together.
-DYO / Child: $5
-On-Base Adult: $8
-Child + Offbase Adult: $10

Option B: Coalesce your own Ringox with a Single
-DYO / Child: $5
-On-Base Adult: $8
-Child + Offbase Adult: $12

Option C: Coalescence between two of your own or your own + another person's Ringox
**Note: This can be split between the owners and gives the option of two children if both participants want a child.
-DYO / Child: $5
-Child + Adult: $8 ($12 for two children)
-Child + Offbase Adult: $12 ($18 for split cost, two children)



 Unstable Dust [$2]- Increase chance of random mutation by 5% [Stackable, up to 50%]  
Strange Dust [$12]- Choose any mutation, but 10% chance of corruption 
Blessing of Lineage [$2]- Increase chance of specified parent mutation by 10% [Stackable, up to 50%] 
Blessing of the Elements [$5]- Choose an Elemental Mutation
Blessing of Seasons [$3]- Increase of seasonal-based traits 5% [Stackable, up to 50%] 

Winter Traits Available:
Elements: Ice, Metal, and Wind
Ears: Arctic
Exclusive: Nightglow
Multi-Ring, Multicore, Off-Placement Core + Ring


[Coalescence Rundown]

Signups end Monday, December 19th!

There are Mod Ringox that will be offered as "singles" for people to pick pairs, or offered as a pair for your own!

This is completely free and doesn't sign you up for any adoptables or anything. It just gives us a pool to choose from!  A few things of note:

  • If you offer your Ringox as a Single, you can't offer them again for two breeding seasons (six months, basically)
  • You may still breed between your own Ringox this season
[Single Signup Form]
 Comment below with this form if you'd like to offer a Ringox for others to choose during breeding!

Ringox Link: TH or Otherwise. You may post multiple links here!

Restrictions, if any: If your Ringox is related to another single you're posting. Otherwise you can leave this blank!

Disclaimer: You understand your Ringox may be chosen multiple  times for breeding. This is non-negotiable, but won't result in  permanent damage to your Ringox. The deities aren't responsible for any  damages that may occur during breeding. By posting your Ringox you agree  to these terms and conditions.

[Autumn Coalescence] [CLOSED]

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by BritishMindslave

Coalescence Basics

Once every Season, Coalescence Slots open up to allow people to Coalesce their Ringox, or allow someone without a Ringox to obtain one! There are several options at this time in order to obtain a Ringox:

A. Pick two from the pool of "singles" to Coalesce together.
B. Present your own Ringox to Coalesce with one of the "singles"
C. Present two Ringox for Coalescence. It can be one of your own and one of another person's (only with their permission!) OR two of your own.

This season, I am only accepting 10 designs for me to design personally. I will inform everyone when the limit is reached!
4/10 Open

On the Season's Coalescence journal, you will post a comment with your choice:
Ringox Pair:[Single A + Single B], [Single A + Own Ringox], [Own Ringox + Other User's], [Two of your Own] 
Dame: Parent 1  
Sire: Parent 2 
Modifiers: See "Modifiers" section
Result: DYO, Child, Child + Adult, or Child + Offbase Adult. 
Form of Payment: We are only accepting paypal- but if you have a slot voucher you may use it here!


  •  Once a Ringox has been bred, they cannot Coalesce again for two seasons
  • The owner of the child between two separate Ringox owners belongs to whoever posted and paid, but may be transferred 
  • The child does not need to be canonically related to its parents
  • The child of a Coalescence pair this season cannot be bred for one season.
  • You don't need to keep their age canon, either. They can be as new or old as you want.
  • Remember to keep parental age in mind if you wish to keep them related!



Please check lineage before pairing! All children (canon or not) have parentage listed on the masterlist!
There are no listed character with relations, but this does apply to potential single x personal pairs!

Basilika cannot pass on Hybrid Trait unless permission is given by ClyncyeRudje! (Ask them first if you roll this trait!)







DEIDRE,  the Deity of Decay and Autumn, is available for one breeding this Fall. In addition to being limited, there is 100% chance to get the Void  and Metal mutation in the offspring. 

If you would like a slot for breeding, please fill out the form with her and whoever you wish to partner her with.
This  can be done in addition to your own breeding pair, or on its own  entirely. You will not have to pay for the breeding unless you win.


DYO: Design your own. You don't need to design a child version first!
Child: I design the child for you on the child base.
On-Base Adult: I design only an adult version, on-base.
Child + Offbase: I design the child, and the adult is freeform without a base.

Option A: Coalescence with two Singles together.
-DYO / Child: $5
-On-Base Adult: $8
-Child + Offbase Adult: $10

Option B: Coalesce your own Ringox with a Single
-DYO / Child: $5
-On-Base Adult: $8
-Child + Offbase Adult: $12

Option C: Coalescence between two of your own or your own + another person's Ringox
**Note: This can be split between the owners and gives the option of two children if both participants want a child.
-DYO / Child: $5
-Child + Adult: $8 ($12 for two children)
-Child + Offbase Adult: $12 ($18 for split cost, two children)



 Unstable Dust [$2]- Increase chance of random mutation by 5% [Stackable, up to 50%]  
Strange Dust [$12]- Choose any mutation, but 10% chance of corruption 
Blessing of Lineage [$2]- Increase chance of specified parent mutation by 10% [Stackable, up to 50%] 
Blessing of the Elements [$5]- Choose an Elemental Mutation
Blessing of Seasons [$3]- Increase of seasonal-based traits 5% [Stackable, up to 50%] 

Autumn Traits Available:
Elements: Rock, Metal, Nature
Exclusives: Ghost and Viscous
Ears: Tanuki
Tailmouth Mutation


[Coalescence Rundown]

Signups end Wednesday, September 21st!

There are Mod Ringox that will be offered as "singles" for people to pick pairs, or offered as a pair for your own!

This is completely free and doesn't sign you up for any adoptables or anything. It just gives us a pool to choose from!  A few things of note:

  • If you offer your Ringox as a Single, you can't offer them again for two breeding seasons (six months, basically)
  • You may still breed between your own Ringox this season
[Single Signup Form]
 Comment below with this form if you'd like to offer a Ringox for others to choose during breeding!

Ringox Link: TH or Otherwise. You may post multiple links here!

Restrictions, if any: If your Ringox is related to another single you're posting. Otherwise you can leave this blank!

Disclaimer: You understand your Ringox may be chosen multiple  times for breeding. This is non-negotiable, but won't result in  permanent damage to your Ringox. The deities aren't responsible for any  damages that may occur during breeding. By posting your Ringox you agree  to these terms and conditions.