With the chaos unfolding at the Shrine Between Realms where many of those who had signed up for 'singles' had met the unfortunate fate of becoming rather beastly in form, many of its patrons who were not ill-afflicted had made an effort to find poor Primavera and put a stop to another of The Exiled One's schemes. Even those who had found it difficult to operate without opposable thumbs work valiantly to keep their corrupted brethren from eating each other!

In the end, good triumphed over evil and the Exiled One lost, again!

Primavera, escorted by her husband Enceladus and her son Endymion, made her way to the crowd of Ringox. Everyone seemed to be relieved!

"Thank you for all your efforts, everyone!" Prima spoke with a large smile on her face, "I'm so thankful to all of you for getting me out of that mess. Now, since I was able to obtain some dust from The Exiled, I should be able to turn everyone back!"

With the help of The Progenitors, Primavera and the deities spread the now-purified dust over the crowd. Soon enough, everyone would return to their former selves with little effort.

"There's a bunch of this dust left over... It seems like not everyone will be fully healed of this issue." Nebula mentioned, swirling his vial of dust around and looking over the crowd, "I can still sense the dust within some of these Ringox."

"Nothing to worry about, I think." Amaryllis corrected, "Those who can access these powerful forms may be helpful later on. Besides... I think your avatar may profit off of this."

There was a side-eye at Enmu, who seemed to be bottling the dust, himself. He did, however, walk it over to the Abandoned Shrine for safekeeping.


Thank you to everyone for participating! I know I put two events far too close together- I won't be doing that again.

With the conclusion of this event, we have unlocked a new form, which will be available for purchase soon! I raffled off a few, the details will be written and illustrated soon. Only those who won obtained the form via raffle will obtain Beast Form! It will be available through The Exiled's Shrine soon for purchase with Dust! ouo/

{Spring Coalescence} CLOSED

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by BritishMindslave

Coalescence Basics

Once every Season, Coalescence Slots open up to allow people to Coalesce their Ringox, or allow someone without a Ringox to obtain one! There are several options at this time in order to obtain a Ringox:

A. Pick two from the pool of "singles" to Coalesce together.
B. Present your own Ringox to Coalesce with one of the "singles"
C. Present two Ringox for Coalescence. It can be one of your own and one of another person's (only with their permission!) OR two of your own.

This season, I am only accepting 10 designs for me to design personally. I will inform everyone when the limit is reached!
2/10 Open

On the Season's Coalescence journal, you will post a comment with your choice:
Ringox Pair:[Single A + Single B], [Single A + Own Ringox], [Own Ringox + Other User's], [Two of your Own] 
Dame: Parent 1  
Sire: Parent 2 
Modifiers: See "Modifiers" section
Result: DYO, Child, Child + Adult, or Child + Offbase Adult. 
Form of Payment: We are only accepting paypal- but if you have a slot voucher you may use it here!


  •  Once a Ringox has been bred, they cannot Coalesce again for two seasons
  • The owner of the child between two separate Ringox owners belongs to whoever posted and paid, but may be transferred 
  • The child does not need to be canonically related to its parents
  • The child of a Coalescence pair this season cannot be bred for one season.
  • You don't need to keep their age canon, either. They can be as new or old as you want.
  • Remember to keep parental age in mind if you wish to keep them related!


Arthur/Hyouga x Kay
Brybella/Hyouga + Fuyutsuki
Shihab/Seraphina + any canon child of Nebula
Priapus + Primavera

Basilika is a hybrid and cannot pass down his Hybrid nature



Primavera, the Deity of Spring and Life, is available for one Coalescence during Spring. In addition to being limited, there is 100% chance to get the NATURE mutation in the offspring.
If you would like a slot for Coalescence, please fill out the form with her and whoever you wish to partner her with.
This can be done in addition to your own pair, or on its own entirely. You will not have to pay for the Coalescence unless you win.


Option A: Coalescence with two Singles together.
-DYO / Child: $5
-Child + Offbase Adult: $10

Option B: Coalesce your own Ringox with a Single
-DYO / Child: $5
-Child + Offbase Adult: $12

Option C: Coalescence between two of your own or your own + another person's Ringox
**Note: This can be split between the owners and gives the option of two children if both participants want a child.
-DYO / Child: $5
-Child + Adult: $8 ($12 for two children)
-Child + Offbase Adult: $12 ($18 for split cost, two children)



 Unstable Dust [$2]- Increase chance of random mutation by 5% [Stackable, up to 50%]  
Strange Dust [$12]- Choose any mutation, but 10% chance of corruption 
Blessing of Lineage [$2]- Increase chance of specified parent mutation by 10% [Stackable, up to 50%] 
Blessing of the Elements [$5]- Choose an Elemental Mutation
Blessing of Seasons [$3]- Increase of seasonal-based traits 5% [Stackable, up to 50%] 


Multiple Cores, Nature and Wind Mutations
The Spring Goddess is exclusive to this season.
Fluffy, but slightly shorter coats
Wing Ears are an available Trait

[Spring Coalescence is here! If you would like to sign your Ringox up for singles, please post your Ringox here!]

On the topic of Singles... Something hasn't seemed quite right.

The day of signup descended upon the Shrine Between Realms, where all Ringox come together for their seasonal coalescence. Those who are willing to donate their dust- some looking for love, some just trying to unload their ethereal buildup of dust, and some hopefuls looking to gain fertility for the upcoming year- had lined themselves up nicely for signup. 

Many had come early this year, and Enmu was certain it was because of the nicer weather in the Realm. He always felt they hung around for so long beforehand. They had a week... Why come on the day of? He would never truly understand, but he upheld his duty, silently longing for the lovely Prima to eventually find herself a suitable avatar for this instead.

It wasn't before long that he noticed something... Peculiar. 

One of the young Ringox (the first in line, he remembered his bright red and white coat), who had been exceedingly laid-back and talkative had curled himself up in a corner of the shrine. A few of the other patrons had been prodding him with questions about his well-being, only to be waved off. Something about bad prawns. 

Not seconds later he was writhing on the floor and making whale noises.

Enmu jumped up from his position at the table and ran to him as other Ringox either prepared for battle or ran for safety. He squinted at the slowly morphing kin before him before tossing seals at the entrances- at least he could stop this beast from leaving the shrine.

"Oh, Gods... What is it this time?" He asked himself, his tail flicking a bit.

The Ringox before him shifted into a beastly version of himself, getting to his feet- he was not quite in the form of a Ringox anymore, but he was. His core and his Ring still remained where the Gods had put them. The man looked at his clawed appendages and made more noises- this time more distressed.


"I'm a whale?!" He managed to shout.

"You were always a whale." Enmu corrected, still a safe distance away so he could properly survey the scene.

"I MEAN-- I'm MORE of a whale!" Lokelani shouted again, this time his tail thrashed about and caused a bit of damage to the floorboards.

Seeing the Ringox had some level of sentience and sense of self made Enmu's haunches relax, but he was still on edge. What... Happened? As he opened his mouth to speak again, ready to probe for more answers, another few Ringox began to writhe in the same manner. Enmu looked quickly around before ripping the seals off and shoving people out of the shrine.

There was no way the Shrine could hold more than one whale.

"Everybody- out of the Shrine!" He ordered to try and keep things orderly.

As Ringox began to transform and others took care to check them over, the Progenitors made their appearance to assess the situation. 

Fae flitted between the beastly-looking Ringox as Amaryllis and Nebula stood back and scratched their heads... This was new.

"Hmmmmm~ it seems like they're all taking the same forms as their tails. But a lot bigger, in some cases!" Fae observed with enthusiasm.

"This isn't something to be excited about, Fae." Amaryllis signed, "They've become beasts. Some of them barely know how to walk- we should probably get a tank for those with aquatic traits. That can't be good for them..."

Nebula rubbed his chin in thought before he turned to Enmu, who had been hanging back to smoke from his kiseru. He waved away the smoke as he approached the fox.

"These Ringox... They were here to sign up for their Coalescence, yes?" He asked. Enmu's ears perked up and he summoned his list from the smoke, looking it over.

"Oh..." Enmu muttered, "It looks like... The ones who transformed had already donated their dust."

Fae made some sort of "OOOOOHHH" and Amaryllis turned to the two with a deep scowl.

"That can only mean one thing, I'm afraid..." Nebula began. Before he could continue, however, there was a loud popping noise from around them.

"That's right, you charlatans!" Rang the voice of one particular individual- The Exiled One. Her voice continued from somewhere around them, "Haha! You can't have a successful coalescence without your precious Prima! How can a bunch of beasts fight my lovely followers? You're powerless when your followers are so brainless!"

The Exiled One began to laugh. Amaryllis and Enmu grit their teeth, Nebula had crossed his arms. Many Ringox looked shocked.

"I'm not brainless, you hag!" Lokelani wailed, the voice breaking through the vilainess' shrill laughter.

"What?!" The Exiled One shouted.

"I'm aware of myself! Don't make me look stupid, you mangy witch!" Lokelani shouted back, flapping his fins angrily. Soon after, there was a chorus of other more beastly Ringox shouting the same thing.

"Well, don't think that will stop me!" The Exiled One tried fruitlessly to yell over the angry demands to turn them back and various insults. She screamed, and the air seemed to clear of her presence.

"Sounds like a search-and-rescue mission." Nebula sighed, looking over his forces. Enmu nodded, taking out his clipboard. "Continue with the signups and coalescence. We'll get her back together in the meantime."


[Spring Singles, Beastly Tingles Event Details]

The Exiled One has once again meddled in the affairs of Coalescence! She has captured poor Primavera in an attempt to corrupt more Ringox and regain her powers. Fortunately, Primavera is far too tough to be corrupted like Deirdre! But we have to save her, of she might succeed!

Find Primavera and Fight the Followers!

Your Ringox may or may not have been transformed during this event. Feel free to play with it! The form is a more beastly form of what your Ringox's tail is- if they are a cat Ringox, they are now a large cat! Are they a fox? Beastly fox! Think if your Ringox was a Digimon version of their tail. That's what we're going for!

The Exiled One says you can't fight- prove her wrong! Show your Ringox- beast form or not- looking for Prima. 

Help the Exiled One...?

Not all Ringox are good, as shown by the growing numbers of The Exiled's Followers. TEO's followers have not been transformed into beasts- or have they? If you signed one up for Singles, they very likely got caught up in this mess- ouch!

You may draw them thwarting the others! Maybe they're helping her keep Prima tied up, or they're scouting to keep people away. 

Each cult entry will take away from the progress of others!


Points and Victory

Each entry will  earn points toward the finding of Primavera! Each entry is  worth 1 point per Ringox. You may draw or write for others or your own,  and there is no limit to entries. There is also no quality  requirements!

At the end, all  the points will be counted up and totaled, the amount will determine  what prizes are given! Regardless, there will be a surprise after the Coalescence!

Prize Chart:

  • 0 or below: Everyone who participated will receive 25 Ethereal Dust and the one with the most points gets 50 Ethereal Dust!
  • 5-10: Participants get 100 Ethereal Dust each / Highest Points Earned receives a Kichi Coin© (good for anything in the shops!)
  • 11-24: Participants get 100 Dust + 3 Traits will raffle off / Highest Points gets a Kichi Coin!
  • 25-35: Participants get 100 Dust + 3 Traits +2 MYO Slots get raffled! / Highest Points gets a Kichi Coin OR Custom!
  • 36+: Everyone gets 200 Dust + 5 Traits + 3 Kichi Coins get raffled / Highest Points gets a Kichi Coin OR Custom/MYO!

Please submit  entries to the Events folder, link them in the Discord, and/or submit  them to ToyHouse with the Event Name in the description!

All Entries must be submitted either to Toyhouse, the Group, or on Discord by April 3rd!


[Breeding Season Rundown]

There are Mod Ringox that will be offered as "singles" for people to pick pairs, or offered as mate for your own!

This is completely free and doesn't sign you up for any adoptables or  anything. It just gives us a pool to choose from!  A few things of note:

  • If you offer your Ringox as a Single, you can't offer them again for two breeding seasons (six months, basically)
  • You may still breed between your own Ringox this season
[Single Signup Form]
 Comment below with this form if you'd like to offer a Ringox for others to choose during breeding!

DeviantART Username: For reference purposes (if applicable)
Ringox Link: TH or Otherwise

Disclaimer: You understand your Ringox may be chosen multiple  times for breeding. This is non-negotiable, but won't result in  permanent damage to your Ringox. The deities aren't responsible for any  damages that may occur during breeding. By posting your Ringox you agree  to these terms and conditions.

I chose to do this in a separate bulletin because it would get buried with all the MYO information, forgive me for the double-post,,,,

Welcome to February! As previously stated, there are a few events during this month that need extra information! I will also be posting this on deviantART (providing dA functions lmao)

Who doesn't love a good gift-giving event? From 2/1/21-2/28/21, members of the community can create art of each others' Ringox and earn prizes for doing so!
The amount of art you give, big or small, earns you both Ethereal Dust and different prizes :>

The content you create can be sketches, full drawings, or writing! The images don't have to be
Every piece you do for this event will earn you 20 Ethereal Dust!

Prize Chart
[Total Pieces of Art = Prize Earned]
1  = 20 Ethereal Dust
5 =  200 Ethereal Dust
7 = A Free MYO Slot
10 = A random mutation
13 = A Kichi Coin
15 = A Free MYO slot with up to 3 mutations OR a Hybrid MYO Slot
17 = A Mutation of choice [Includes Seasonal]
20 = A Kichi Coin
25 = An Unlimited MYO Slot / Custom

Any more than 25 and I will honestly draw you a full-on piece of art. Honestly, that's just god-tier.


  • This isn't an Art Trade- the person you draw art for doesn't necessarily owe you art. It IS a nice gesture, but this is about GIVING and not RECEIVING, yes?
  • Be nice! Everyone draws at their own pace. That's why this lasts the whole month.
  • Each piece should be posted in the This Thread so it's easier for me to count! If it's not posted there, just poke me if I forget to count it.
  • The prizes will be given out as art is shared in the thread 
I may add to the rules if I see something that needs to be said!

Another very important event: I need guest artists! I did this event last year and it went very well, so I'm doing it again~

Create a Ringox of your own design! There are no limitations for this design, and you can even make up your own type of Mutation that may become one in the future!  
After all the designs are submitted, I will contact everyone about what month I would like for them to be a Guest Artist.

This event ends on February 28th!

  • I want to see quality designs! Make it as if you were going to sell the design yourself (and you can, if you don't want to keep it)
  • You get to keep the design you make!
  • I will assign you a month, but you can always ask to be moved around if it doesn't fit in with your schedule.
  • If you are not contacted by me, you can always DM me and we can talk! This event isn't the only thing that chooses Guest Artists 
So, create a Ringox design of your own, submit it to me for approval! You can link them here as well.
After the event you may Sell/Trade your design or keep it for free!


Welcome to February, everyone! MYOs slots are available between February 1st - February 14th!
(There will be another announcement for February's events, stay tuned!)

MYO Information:

MYO Ringox are $10 each slot!
Mutations may be purchased for $3 each
HYBRID MYO are $20 each
There are 5/5 Hybrid slots available!



  • MYO slots are non-refundable from me, however you may re-sell the slot for the price you paid for it.
  • Finished and approved MYO designs can be resold for the slot's price, with price additives for any commissioned artwork you personally paid for, provided the artist allows it.
  • Designs cannot be used without my approval.
  • Designs may not under any circumstances infringe copyright of another species or media. I reserve the right to reject a design if I find it too similar to anything I have seen.
  • If your MYO is denied, don't feel bad! I will always give suggestions as to how to change something.
  • I will not tolerate any sort of art theft, tracing, or copying of any kind. There's a difference between reference and plagiarism. If I catch you after a design has been approved, you will be given a chance to change the design, and denial will result in the rejection of my business completely.
  • I must be credited as the CREATOR of your design if you upload them to Toyhou.se. This is not to steal your character, it is just to monitor trade activity. You are the Designer and Owner of the MYO, I am the Creator of the Species.


  • Hybrids between Ringox and another species are either with your own Closed Species, an existing species within mythology/lore, or with expressed permission from the species owner.
  • I  am not responsible for contacting the owner of a closed species, you  must provide proof. Often times, this would require another MYO slot  from another species, I assume.
  • Hybrids CAN be mixed with  species from games/anime/other media, I don't mind! They can also be a  mix of 2+ species if you can find a way to still make them look like a Ringox!


  • Once you purchase the slot, based on the guidelines provided in the sales post that show which traits you may use, you can then create your design. 
  • I will send you a "MYO Vial" on Toyhou.se with Masterlist info, mutation info, etc.
  • Unless specified otherwise, designs may be created using a base, free-hand, or by commissioning an artist. (Please credit bases & artists accordingly.)
  • Once the design is complete, it must be DMed to me on Discord or on Toyhou.se for approval. I will try my best to answer any/all approvals within 24 hours, however if I fail to, feel free to note me again.
  • Once the design is approved, feel free to use it as you would any other! It's officially yours.

Upcoming Events!

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago by BritishMindslave

Coming in February, I have a few things planned! I wanted to make an announcement since I mentioned it off-handed in my stream on Sunday.

MYO Slots Open

Typical announcement, will be re-stated in the announcement at the beginning of February. :>

Valentine's Exchange

Starting on the first of February, there will be an event to draw fanarts of other Ringox! For each piece, members will earn Ethereal Dust, Kichi Coins, MYO slots, and traits. This will last all month, so it provides some time for people to do their works.
These don't have to be Valentine-themed, but it's February. 

Guest Artist Tryouts

Just like last year, I want to have people in the community make completely unlimited designs as a test of their skill to see if they can become guest artists! They will be able to keep their designs, and maybe they will end up inventing new mutations. These designs do not have to adhere to the normal standards of Ringox (other than typical anatomy, of course) and can be as wild as the designer wants!

Thanks for reading, see you in February! If you have any questions, feel free to ask anything!

New Years Collab Reminder!

Posted 3 years, 5 months ago by BritishMindslave

Hey, all! This update is regarding the New Years Collab Gacha; it's just a quick reminder of a few things!

  • All 3 designs must be completed and submitted to me by 11:59 pm EST tonight! (If I don't reply to you, as long as you submitted it to me before I wake up tomorrow morning that's okay lmao)
  • You must have 3 designs finished. If they are not, you don't qualify for this Gacha! You can keep the designs for if you become a guest artist, for MYOs, or future FTO events in the coming year.
  • You MUST submit the designs to me either via Discord or Toyhouse PM! I need to approved the designs in order to add them to the Gacha!
  • Please send me the transparent background PNG when you are finished; I put them on my Sta.sh on deviantART so I can link the design to the purchaser; you can submit the design to TH on Private or I can submit it myself if you would like!
  • You may watermark the design you give me for the Gacha Roll if that makes you more comfortable! The one on TH needs to be watermark-free, however.
Those are some crucial points I wanted to reiterate! 

Now, I'm sure you're all wondering about HOW you're gonna get paid for each design!

Payment Procedure

  • Since the designs are random for each roll of the Gacha, the easiest way I find to take payment will be to take the money via Paypal myself. 
  • After the roll is done and the design is selected (there WON'T be rerolling this time!) 
  • I will collect payment and send the money over to the appropriate artist!
  •  I will be messaging everyone who has participated for their PayPal so I can properly send the full amount!
If you have any other questions, PLEASE let me know! This is the first time I've done a large event like this and I want to make sure everything runs smooth!

Hey, all! 

For New Years this year, I wanted to make a community collaboration: A Gacha Machine filled with designs from artists in the Ringox Community (newcomers welcome!)

It's super early for this, but with Christmas season around the corner, I wanted to give people in the community an opportunity to sign up and have time to draw without stress! I can't take all the credit for this idea, as Empxleon gave me the idea after out last gacha event. So thank you for the suggestion!


  • Sign-up will close November 30th. Once I reply to your comment that you're in, you can start working on your designs!
  • Each artist contributes 3 designs MAXIMUM. No more, no less. 
  • Designs must be done and approved by DECEMBER 31st. 
  • Gacha Machine will be posted January 1st.
  • An equal percentage of the total sales will go to each participant!
  • All designs will have a similar theme to choose from: Zodiac, Celestial, Gold, Stars or Astrology
  • You may use up to 3 mutations
  • We WILL have a quality standard for this one. You may use my base, your own, or freehand them if you'd like, I won't be picky about that! 
  • Don't share the designs, so we can keep them a surprise!
  • ALL DESIGNS MUST BE APPROVED. Please DM me here or on Discord! I may be far more picky this round, but I'll give tips and reasoning I promise!


[Ringox 2020 Base] | [Ringox Species Information]

To sign up, just comment on this bulletin! 

November MYOs + Guest Artist!

Posted 3 years, 7 months ago by BritishMindslave

Welcome our guest artist for this month, Holyspacegoat!
Stay tuned for their upcoming designs all month!

MYO Information:

MYO Ringox are $10 each slot!
Mutations may be purchased for $3 each
HYBRID MYO are $20 each
There are 4/5 Hybrid slots available!



  • MYO slots are non-refundable from me, however you may re-sell the slot for the price you paid for it.
  • MYOs cannot be traded as just an empty slot, only sold. They can only be traded as completed and approved designs.
  • Finished and approved MYO designs can be resold for the slot's price, with price additives for any commissioned artwork you personally paid for, provided the artist allows it.
  • Designs cannot be used without my approval.
  • Designs may not under any circumstances infringe copyright of another species or media. I reserve the right to reject a design if I find it too similar to anything I have seen.
  • If your MYO is denied, don't feel bad! I will always give suggestions as to how to change something.
  • I will not tolerate any sort of art theft, tracing, or copying of any kind. There's a difference between reference and plagiarism. If I catch you after a design has been approved, you will be given a chance to change the design, and denial will result in the rejection of my business completely.
  • I must be credited as the CREATOR of your design if you upload them to Toyhou.se. This is not to steal your character, it is just to monitor trade activity. You are the Designer and Owner of the MYO, I am the Creator of the Species.


  • Hybrids between Ringox and another species are either with your own Closed Species, an existing species within mythology/lore, or with expressed permission from the species owner.
  • I  am not responsible for contacting the owner of a closed species, you  must provide proof. Often times, this would require another MYO slot  from another species, I assume.
  • Hybrids CAN be mixed with  species from games/anime/other media, I don't mind! They can also be a  mix of 2+ species if you can find a way to still make them look like a  Ringox!


  • Once you purchase the slot, based on the guidelines provided in the sales post that show which traits you may use, you can then create your design. 
  • I will send you a "MYO Vial" on Toyhou.se with masterlist info, mutation info, etc.
  • Unless specified otherwise, designs may be created using a base, free-hand, or by commissioning an artist. (Please credit bases & artists accordingly.)
  • Once the design is complete, it must be noted to me for approval. I will try my best to answer any/all approvals within 24 hours, however if I fail to, feel free to note me again.
  • Once the design is approved, feel free to use it as you would any other! It's officially yours.