Long, long lives.

Eternity has never seemed so long, nor so lacking.

Eternity has never seemed as though it offered too short a time. But now that this long life of yours has ended-


The ground welcomed you; your progeny mourned you as they returned their forefather to the earth.

So very long. Such a long time.

To your dying day, you'd believed that when Death kneeled before you, it would be with gratitude that you take its hand.

But did you truly die with no regrets? In the depths of your being they lay scarred; the things you could never admit.

On the first day the earth embraced your body; on the second, your mind sank to the depths of the peaceful darkness.

On the third, only the shapeless effigy of your soul remained to answer Sancta's summons.

I shall take and renew you.

Come, little soul.

Without a mind, without a body; all that remained was the pure color of your soul. It flared; it sparked. It refused to let go.

Death's hand reached out, and your soul screamed its defiance.

And in response Death smiled gently, and its hand caressed the embers of your soul. Not crushing; not claiming... only resting, softly.

Instead of taking you into itself, Death gave of itself.

Then I shall reply, "Sancta has heard." Life without rebirth I shall grant unto you; go and achieve what you have left undone.

And then Sancta's flickering, indistinct countenance froze; his smile twisted like a coiled serpent.

Little soul, the natural laws cannot be broken. Though I can grant exemption, there is always a price... and you may yet discover that my gift was not worth its cost.

Cursed shall be the parched earth; cursed shall be the blood that it drank. 

Never again will you receive its blessing.

Although Death is patient, it shall not wait indefinitely. 

It is time, now. Wake.