Character Creation

  • Keep to semi-realistic colors for the pelt, eyes, and skin. For example, no green fur or purple eyes.
  • There are no restrictions on how many characters may have a particular trait, no currency to pay for rare traits.
  • If a trait or condition exists in real life, and the cats with it have survived, it is allowed. Provide a source if asked.
  • Character height should fall in range of the height chart unless they are a hybrid or non-cat (see Non-Felis Catus Characters section below).
  • Accessories are allowed provided it's explainable how they were put on.
Character and Backstory
  • Do not use a name that is already used on the Masterlist for your character or NPCs unless they are the character on the list. This is so there is no confusion as to who is who in stories. The exception is kit and apprentice names ending in -kit or -paw, in which case, a [#] number will denote which is which on the list.
  • Prefixes Star-, Lunar-, Solar, Shade-, Brave-, and Tempest- are banned in the main clans. Crystal- may be banned in the future. Avoid any prefix used by a past or present leader if you would allow that character to ever become deputy or leader.
  • Clan names must be words the cats might know. To check if you can name a cat after a species, see Herbs and Wildlife or submit it after looking it up and confirming presence. Names from lore and extirpated animals are also allowed.
  • Leaders must approve any offensive or ableist names, even if the leader who would have named them is no longer in the role.
  • Non-clanners can have any name provided it is relatively inoffensive.
  • All genders are allowed.
  • Be respectful and realistic if your cat has a disease, disability, or other condition. Do note that the canon Warriors series is often criticized for ableism.
  • Backstory must be feasible. Check the roleplay summary or ask for help determining the history that has passed in your character's lifetime if applicable. Notably, all of the clans have been founded in recent years and may predate the birth of a character, so they could not be clanborn. Backstory NPCs would not have been high ranks as a complete record of these ranks in the five clans is known.
  • You may not be related to another person's character without permission from an appropriate family member.
  • You may not godmod other characters in your backstory, high ranks included. The general NPC clan populace likely acts how they're described on the Clans and Code pages.
  • This is not the canon Warriors series, and we are only connected to the groups NewfoundClans, Wayward Warriors, and Seasideclans. Your character's story can not establish any clans outside of the existing ones in the group, with the exception of WeedClan, PoolClan, SurfClan, HillClan, and with permission, CrystalClan.
  • While there are general trends as to how cats in a particular clan look or act (see Clans), these are not rules. Your character can be however you like.
  • There is no limit on how many characters you may create. We advise starting with one or two to get a feel for if you like the group before committing.
  • There may be bans in place on new characters in certain clan ranks or genders, for balancing purposes. See active bans here.
  • You may not give your characters special powers without Alopiidae's permission. Qualifiers would include a history of being consistently active and a narrative reason.
  • Likewise, being a reincarnation is restricted. A reincarnation would have the soul of a dead character in a living one. The two souls are separated when they die again.
  • If a character is moved to the Archive, they may lose their mentor/apprentice, mate, or rank depending on the circumstances. If they return, it will be retconned to be that they were missing. They will die if they hit the maximum age.
  • While a moon cycle is 28 days in real life, we instead tell time with the twelve Zodiac signs (which line up with the seasons better than months) and call them moons.
  • Pregnancy lasts about 2 moons.
  • Kits have their eyes closed for 1 week.
  • Kits are finished weaning after 2 moons.
  • Apprenticeships typically start at 6 moons.
  • Apprenticeships typically last 6 moons, give or take.
  • A cat is considered an adult at 12 moons.
  • A cat is fully grown at 14 moons.
  • Retirement happens when a cat slows down or is disabled in a way that requires it, but can also be earlier than that if the cat wishes and the leader allows it.
  • Maximum age is 200 moons. Leaders will start to die of old age each moon until their lives run out
  • The reference template can be found Here. Do note there is an image and a text template. They must be submitted together, either on the same webpage or with one linking to the other. The link to the reference will be included on the appropriate Allegiances page. Let us know if you have a new reference! 
  • Here is a template for coding the reference text on Toyhouse. To use it, go to the appropriate header (CotZ for Clans of the Zenith) and copy it into Code View on the Toyhouse editor.
  • NPCs have a template (here) that does not require stats.
  • Special NPCs and CrystalClanners have a different template, but access to it is only given after your character concept is approved. See NON-PLAYER CHARACTER (NPC) RULES below for more information.
  • If you have limited editing capacity, here is an MS Paint-friendly template. You may ask the Admins for help at any point creating your character.
  • There is an Admin account on both Deviantart and Toyhouse. If you want us to host your character's reference or have edit access to it, let us know.
  • Every character needs their own reference (no sharing).
How to fill out the Visual Section
  • Include an image of your character in the large box, showing all important scars or markings. This image may be your own art, someone else's, or even a photo. Just be sure to credit appropriately! Try to keep the image current by editing or redrawing it. Ask for help if necessary.
  • You may include alternate appearances (including non-canon depictions) and angles in a gallery, or linked in the description.
  • A character may have up to 30 stats (of the 75 boxes present), unless they are a leader (see High Rank Rules section below). Leaving stats blank is 0s across the board. Please be clear about which boxes are filled.
  • Stats and height are relative to the age of the character. If making a kit, use their final height and stat distribution.
  • Stats are recorded in the Stat Tracker, so you need to let an Admin know if you want to change them. Changing them is generally only allowed once, or in the case of a newly acquired disability, or if the character did not have the full 30 before.
  • If you would like to match the text, the font is Copperplate Gothic. This is not necessary.
How to fill out the Text Section
  • Fill in each applicable line. Specifics under personality do not need to be filled out if you do not want.
  • Avoid naming NPCs you do not intend to reference again.
  • Include the character's current age in moons or by birth season and years or submit it elsewhere. They will be added to a list of ages which will be updated, so you do not have to track it yourself.
  • Include a content warning on any potentially triggering history elements.
  • Relations are intended to help you track your character's relationships with the cats they've met. It does not need to be filled out, but we recommend updating it as you roleplay.
  • You only need to submit your roleplayer information once, but it may be handy to attach it to your character refs.
  • You may add additional information as you wish.
High Ranks are characters with special roles in the story. A roleplayer needs permission to hold a high rank, which is typically attained through try-outs, and can be revoked by the Admin if necessary by means of the story or by roleplayer behaviour.
  • High Rank try-outs are opened when a position is vacated. See open Try-Outs here. Try-out time limits should be defined.
  • An activity challenge may be issued to a high-rank holder requiring an extra Activity Check of them to prove that they are active.
  • Inactive high ranks may be taken over by the Admin as NPCs until they may be replaced.
  • There is no limit to how many high ranks a person can hold, as unfortunately, the group fluctuates in size.
  • Preference is typically given to those with a history of active roleplaying. We do not recommend starting with a High Rank application.
  • The admin will help collect the information and make recommendations, but it is up to the leader or medicine cat who is chosen.
  • High ranks do not have to be good at their jobs, but expect consequences in that case!
  • A leader is a cat in charge of a clan. They make calls on joining requests from outsiders, mentor assignments, which deputy try-out is selected, and any other major clan decision. They have the right to punish a character, expel or reject them from the clan, reject names, and delay assessments.
  • Leaders will be asked about their views on the Warrior Code and punishments and Clan Relations.
  • A leader's roleplayer has one week from contact by Admin to resolve a question. Otherwise, the deputy or Admin will resolve it depending on what it is. This phase will be skipped if the leader formally announces a hiatus.
  • If a leader is being unreasonable, it is likewise expected that the warriors can remove that leader, should it make sense in story.
  • Leaders may receive 9 Lives from StarClan, allowing them to come back to life eight times unless severely mangled. These additional lives come with blessings that may increase a cats stats by 9 points.
  • Deputies become leaders when the Leader position is vacated, unless of unusual circumstances.
  • If the previous leader did not die, the number of lives received by the new one may be reduced. They will get a corresponding stat boost.
  • Deputies are chosen by leaders when the position opens. A deputy is expected to be a warrior who's trained an apprentice before, and is chosen by the end of the day.
  • Deputies assign patrols and can make calls in a leader's absence depending on the circumstances.
  • Deputy try-outs stay open for a week. Time in-game will be on hold until they are chosen unless the leader deliberately put it off.
Medicine Cats
  • Medicine cats handle the healing and treatment of cats, as well as the spiritual guidance.
  • Medicine cat apprentices take over this role when it is vacated.
  • Medicine cat roleplayers should refer to the Herbs and Wildlife page to determine which herbs to use.
Medicine Cat Apprentices
  • Unlike the other positions, medicine apprentice can be left open without issue, so try-outs may persist until the medicine cat decides on one. Try-outs may be sped up if the medicine cat is not active enough.
  • Kits may try out for medicine apprentice, and the position may be held for them.
  • Training takes about 8 moons, longer than a warrior apprentice's.
  • Medicine cat roleplayers should refer to the Herbs and Wildlife page to determine which herbs to use.
Unofficial Leaders
  • There are no special rules or privileges for leaders of non-clan clowders. Do note no one will take your character seriously if you cannot amass a following.
  • A clowder's name will be listed next to a non-clan cat on the allegiances.
  • An NPC is a character created for background or plot purposes, as opposed to a main character. If a character is named without a reference sheet (for example, the parents in a backstory) they are now an NPC. Their name belongs to the person who first mentioned them, and that person may allow someone to make the NPC as an actual character.
  • A Special NPC has extra stats or abilities that don't draw from the creator's supply. Special NPCs can only be made with permission from the founder. All extra power and a description of the plot is required.
  • Special NPCs use a different reference sheet from normal characters and NPCs which is not publicly available and will be given after the character is approved.
  • An NPC can have a reference or profile, but their name will be italicized on the list.
  • An existing character can be surrendered as an NPC. Adoptable NPCs will be killed off if their owner leaves the group.
  • Except in special circumstances, NPCs cannot hold high ranks in clans or be a mentor or apprentice to a player character.
  • You may be asked for Warrior names for kit/apprentice NPCs that grew up.
  • NPCs can be killed/destroyed in battle without express permission within reason in terms of plot completion. Similarly, they can be maimed/permanently altered. This exception to the rule does not include pregnancy/siring kits.
  • If an NPC does not have a reference sheet, they have no stats.
  • One needs permission to make an NPC that was a high-rank or had something else special about them.
  • NPCs with profiles are included on the Age List. NPCs without will be presumed dead if the character they are an NPC for is no longer alive.
  • Plot-relevant NPCs or those that required special permission are shared between the group and creator: if the creator chooses to withdraw from the group (or fails to respond to an activity check), any plots using the NPC will continue to completion. The creator may still use the name and design of the character in other works, but the character remains in the group canon until no longer needed.
Want to play a character other than a domestic cat? Read these rules.
  • Domestic hybrids like Savannahs are allowed, provided they exist in the real world. These are also allowed in the clan.
  • No other animals are allowed to join the clans without admin permission.
  • Small dogs and other animals of similar or lesser capabilities to a cat are allowed, but may only know how to speak to cats if the backstory explains it.
  • Anything that can easily kill a cat requires admin approval, which will only be given to active, relatively behaved members.
  • It must be explained how any non-local species are present.
You are allowed to make group adoptables or adoptable NPCs.
  • Set the rules and your conditions clearly when posting. If an adoptable is a Clans of the Zenith character, it should be kept in the group unless you allow otherwise.
  • Include a time limit to get the reference sheet done so that the character isn't ambiguously abandoned.
  • You are responsible for existing characters like regular NPCs until they are adopted unless you surrender them to the Admins.
  • There can be no more than five kits in a litter that contains open Adoptables.
  • If your adoptable is not group-specific, members can promote adopts that are usable within the group in the Discord or Deviantart gallery.