Roleplay Year 4

♈ (Aries) Early Newleaf
Coyotekit teaches Smokypaw and Snowykit about Riverkit after throwing snow at Snowykit.
Lunarstar, Owlfur, Deadsplash, Tidal, Ferretblaze, Crowkit, and Thornkit made it to clan territory. But Owlfur didn't make it to camp. Everyone else did and didn't notice until then. Owlfur was found dead, smelling like Hollowstar. Lunarstar ventured into the enemy territory and chased off everyone who crossed her warpath.
Cougarheart also returned to the clan, getting an ear full of yelling from Ravensong, who soon joined Timberjaw, Rayscorch, Dustpelt and Bluepaw to look for Lunarstar in Solarclan territory. They found Barkpaw- Rayscorch's missing daughter- had joined Solarclan! He tried to convince her to come home while the others went on. They got separated and the Solarclan cats were fine with them being there to take back their "scary" leader. Cougarheart followed the scent and ended up in the mix of lost cats. Leafpaw also went in, seeking to betray his clan and join Solarclan. Timberjaw, Ravensong and Bluepaw found him and called him out on his treachery. Bluepaw and Leafpaw, siblings, started to fight, which sparked a fight between the rest of those present. Timberjaw and Martenfur had a very intense fight but soon Timberjaw was relentlessly hurting the enemy, rendering him helpless. Ravensong nearly fought Newtpaw (the medicine cat apprentice), but noticed Leafpaw killing Bluepaw and forgot about them, fighting the apprentice instead. Timberjaw didn't notice, too busy beating up Martenfur. Newtpaw intervened and got thrown half-way across camp, but it did allow Martenfur to get away. Leafpaw jumped down from a tree, landing right in front of Timberjaw and got punched halfway across camp. Cougarheart then appeared. Dustpelt had found Lunarstar and they showed up in the camp. Cougarheart told Lunarstar it's time to leave, so the Lunarclan cats left, Hollowstar and Leafpaw still alive, and Barkpaw still there.
Lunarstar announced her return to the clan and that Timberjaw would continue to help run the clan as Lunarstar had to raise kits alone. She announced the deaths of Owlfur and Bluepaw- both now in Starclan. Tidal was made an apprentice, Tidalpaw, and was assigned Flametail as a mentor. Duskscreech and Stormglare, exiles, were both fully accepted back into the clan.
Quickpace gave birth to Whitekit, Shadowkit, and Quailkit, children of Dustpelt. The names Whitekit and Shadowkit were a point of gossip among cats who remembered the queen's former interest in Whitewind and Shadowmask.
Driftpaw left the clan for Leafpaw. Driftpaw became Hollowstar's apprentice, Leafpaw to Martenfur, and Barkpaw to Scorchgaze.
Leafpaw needed fighting training so he, Martenfur, Newtpaw, and Foxfray went to kill Tidalpaw, the Lunarclan cat Solar had been asking everyone except Martenfur to kill. They get to the target on a patrol along with Flametail and Ravensong, but Martenfur immediately withdrew the attack. Both Martenfur and Tidalpaw were very quiet going home. Unbeknownst to the others, Marten and Tidal were boyfriends back in the day, Marten was exploring the city, and the two met each other- but Solar chased him away/beat him up, and they hadn't seen each other since.
A cat named Star was taken prisoner in LunarClan and questioned once the clan returned to the camp.
♉ (Taurus) Mid-Newleaf
The Gathering was very tense.
Acornkit became Acornpaw, Dustpelt as his mentor, and Copperpaw a warrior, Coppershade.
A loner named Pickles arrived and soon 'adopted' the entirety of SolarClan to keep them safe.
Hollowstar meanwhile, was devising strategies to attack LunarClan.
A strange cat named Duckfreeze arrived from a fallen clan, for which he had been the medicine cat. Coyotekit supposedly received a message about him from StarClan; "The traveler, guided here by the stars to be our salvation." she said, with confidence. Duckfreeze had no idea what she was talking about, but Lunarstar realized that Coyotekit, Forestkit, and Riverkit are Specklefern and probably Deadsplash's kits. As such, Specklefern was relieved of her medicine cat duties as punishment, and Duckfreeze, who had been trained, took her place as medicine cat and Sunpaw's mentor, thus being the Savior he was described as.
Cougarheat went and got into a fight with Foxfray for personal reasons, likely regarding Ebonymask.
A young loner named Spider was captured by apprentices Russetpaw, Troutpaw, and Tidalpaw. Turns out, he and the prisoner Star were brothers. Star joined the clan as Darkpaw, Deadsplash as his mentor. Spider joined as Spiderpaw, Timberjaw as his mentor.
Flametail was lit on fire by Riverkit in a dream and went to Solarclan to attempt to seduce Martenfur. Flametail was taken prisoner of Solarclan. Dustpelt, Ravensong, and Russetpaw went to take back Flametail, an easy task since SolarClan really did not want him.
Night-tail and Tidalpaw bond while Ferretblaze and his seductive pinecones were out of the picture. Tidalpaw knew how to woo the ladies (... not just the ladies), and Ferretblaze simply did not.
♊ (Gemini) Late Newleaf
It was revealed through rogue chatting that Snap has died, accidentally eating death-berries, and Bonnie has died of greencough.
Mapleshine's depression drives a jump into the river. She went to StarClan. It was the last straw for Puddlepaw, who couldn't take this life anymore and ran away. Honeypaw, after losing her mother and half-brother that actually paid attention to her, becomes an apprentice to Ravensong.
Also in LunarClan, Snowypaw was apprenticed to Duskscreech, with a warning to the new mentor that if he hurt an apprentice again, he would be exiled again.
Sparrowpaw joined SolarClan, Foxfray was chosen as her mentor... and actually was her dad.
♋ (Cancer) Early Greenleaf
Tidalpaw finally was named Tidalfang.
Leafpaw became Leafstrike, and Newtpaw a fully trained medicine cat, Newtspirit.
Hollowstar had 4 kits, Otterkit, Mothkit, Kestrelkit, and Daisykit
A kittypet going by 'Lynx' approached the clan and was detained for being a dorky loser. She was determined to impress them though.
Cloudfrost dueled Pickles, and several cats realized they'd never noticed her in the clan before.
♌ (Leo) Mid-Greenleaf
In LunarClan, Coyotepaw was apprenticed to Rayscorch, Forestpaw to Tidalfang (much to Deadsplash's chagrin), and their mother Specklefern's to Cougarheart, as an apprentice again.
Amberclaw, the deputy, seemed to be deteriorating, but Lunarstar chose to see if she could heal, and did consider forcing her to retire.
A former kittypet named Ashpaw was apprenticed to Stormglare.
In SolarClan, Sparrowdust earned her warrior name, and Lynxpaw was finally allowed to join as her apprentice.
Barkpaw was wounded, and Rayscorch made a scene about it at the Gathering.
♍ (Virgo) Late Greenleaf
Fawnpaw was apprenticed to Martenfur.
Lunarstar got struck by lightning and lost a life. Thornkit and Coyotepaw saw, and Thornkit developed a phobia of thunderstorms. During the storm, the medicine cat Ebonymask was found dead by Lynxpaw and Fawnpaw, who reported that it appeared that Cougarheart murdered her. Cougarheart disappeared before he could be talked to about it. The murder was unlikely to be endorsed by the Lunarclan leader as she was getting struck by lightning at the time. Newtspirit became SolarClan's new medicine cat.
Darkpaw became Darkstrike, who then went and trespassed on SolarClan territory. Leafstrike and Half-face fought a LunarClan patrol there to take back Darkstrike, but Martenfur and Cloudfrost showed up like 'what the hell guys we don't even want him' and they gave him back.
During his assessment, Troutpaw almost got eaten by a coyote but Robinpaw saved him very dramatically. It involved a transport truck, a free fall, and some gay thoughts. They both got warrior names, along with Snowpaw; Troutstrike, Robintuft, and Snowfire. Then they get apprentices; Applepaw, Thornpaw, and Crowpaw respectively.
♎ (Libra) Early Leaf-Fall
Two warrior ceremonies in LunarClan, Russetpetal and Spiderjump.
Flametail's younger half-sister joins LunarClan as Dawnpaw, apprenticed to Spiderjump
Quailpaw, Whitepaw, and Shadowpaw become apprentices to Russetpetal, Flametail, and Lunarstar respectively.
Cougarheart returns from the north, deciding he belonged in LunarClan. There were no consequences for killing Ebonymask because Lunarstar did not care.
With Robintuft being an adult, the prophecy battle was set. But he and Hollowstar had a strategy against Timberstar, who was significantly stronger.
Right when the battle was about to begin, it was revealed that the prophecy heroes aren't Robintuft, Timberjaw and Hollowstar but in fact, still Basilleaf, Stormglare and Shadowmask- the younger ones were just representatives. Basil-leaf and Shadowmask were members of the afterlives they were representing, and Stormglare represented only himself, the cat of no true allegiance.
Quickpace was killed by Shadowmask's ghost, once friends. Duskscreech killed his SolarClan son Nettleswoop. Solar was getting killed by Deadsplash, Lunarstar, Tidalfang and Martenfur all at once but wound up choking on grass Weedwhisperer shoved into his mouth. Weedwhisperer proceeded to marry Lunarstar as Pinepool was killed by Dustpelt. Lunarstar proceeded to kill Thistleflare. Tidalfang told Leafstrike he banged his mom, then nearly killed him, but Bear (a literal dog) threw the LunarClan warrior into the lake. Darkstrike accidentally fought Spiderjump for a moment. Foxfray got an eye injury.
Basil-leaf double-killed Shadowmask, and then blinded Stormglare, winning the war in the name of StarClan.
Frustrated by Robintuft and Hollowstar's strategy - completely avoiding the battle - Timberjaw killed Nightwing, who dared cross her path. She also screamed at the ocean, and ate an entire live crab. Robintuft gained control of SolarClan despite his mother having done everything. As the others dealt with the aftermath on the field, he went to StarClan to receive his nine lives: Stone gave him a life for humility, Basil-leaf gave him a life for compassion, Owlfur gave him a life for loyalty, Softkit gave him a life for strength, Hawkstrike gave him a life for selflessness, Bluepaw gave him a life for bravery, Nightwing gave him a life for joy, Braveheart gave him a life for patience, and Riverkit gave him a life for a slightly better digestive tract.
Robinstar named his sister Barktooth, Half-face joined LunarClan, Darkstrike and Ravensong became mates, and Hollowstar, now Hollowcall again, fled to be a loner.
♏ (Scorpio) Mid-Leaf-Fall
Stormglare moved to the elder's den, not used to being blind. Thornpaw was assigned Moonlight as a mentor since Robinstar was in a different Clan.
Cougarheart slept with Foxfray for reasons unknown.
Whitepaw, Destinypaw, Brightpaw, Mistypaw became LunarClan warriors, Whitetuft, Destinytear, Brightstripe, and Mistywing.
Night-tail had five kits; Brinekit, Twilightkit, Windkit, Ripplekit, and Streamkit.
♐ (Sagittarius) Late Leaf-Fall
Two rogues being chased by a dog entered LunarClan camp. Timberjaw tried to eat the dog, unsuccessfully. One rogue, Maple, was sent to the medicine den with a broken leg, the other, Russel, was taken prisoner.
Sunpaw earned his full medicine cat name, Sungaze.
Palepaw was made an apprentice, late due to an illness, Darkstrike her mentor.
Lunarstar let Maple and Russel join, Maplepaw and Russetpaw, apprentices to Ravensong and Timberjaw respectively.
In SolarClan, after a little fight, three rogues joined the clan; Dustpaw apprenticed to Driftstorm, Mudpaw apprenticed to Robinstar, and Snowpaw, a cat Barktooth had a fling with, apprenticed to Foxfray.
♑ (Capricorn) Early Leaf-Bare
When Barktooth went into labor, Robinstar freaked out and got their dad Rayscorch from LunarClan. Their sister Russetpetal came over too while Robinstar fought Leafstrike in LunarClan territory. Barktooth gave birth to two kits, Mosskit and Pigeonkit.
Cloudfrost gave birth to three kits, Cinderkit, Moosekit and Tinykit. Robinstar found two kits, who were adopted by Cloudfrost. They were named Whisperkit and Barleykit.
Pickles also brought in a kit to LunarClan. Named Talonkit, he was old enough to not need a nursing queen.
Fawnflight and Lynxpad became full warriors of SolarClan. Mothpaw, Kestrelpaw, Otterpaw, and Daisypaw became apprentices, mentored by Scorchgaze, Lynxpad, Martenfur, and Leafstrike, then Sparrowdust immediately after since Leafstrike would later be exiled.
A rogue named Adder trespassed, and tried to kitnap Moosekit and Mosskit. He was stopped by Foxfray and Cloudfrost. Mosskit got some scratches and fell into shock, and Moosekit got a concussion. Newtspirit tended to them as Martenfur returned to slam Adder's face into the nursery wall for hurting his daughter. The overall resulting damage to Adder between Martenfur and Snowpaw included two broken paws and several lost teeth, probably a broken nose, and a lot of bloodloss. Leafstrike interfered with the attempted killing of Adder, who was ultimately taken prisoner, and got into a fight with Robinstar. Robinstar lost a life and some ear, and upon revival, banished Leafstrike, Driftstorm following him.
Mudslide, Dusteye, and Snowstorm became warriors, and Dapplepaw joined, Fawnflight assigned as her mentor. Hollowcall also returned to the clan to mixed reception.
In LunarClan, Russetwing became a warrior. Flametail gave birth to Leapkit, Lionkit, Tigerkit, and Emberkit.
Both SolarClan and LunarClan began to see an unfamiliar illness in cats. Sungaze and Newtspirit went to speak to StarClan, leaving Duckfreeze behind as he wasn't feeling well. By the time they got there, Duckfreeze was in StarClan, telling Sungaze he was now LunarClan's medicine cat. They were told to separate the ill from the well and treat them as best the could as a large patrol heads north for the cure... an herb that did not grow on the territories.
All the ill cats moved to SolarClan camp, and the healthy to LunarClan, where they held a meeting. Both leaders were ill, so the medicine cats delegated Spiderjump and Martenfur to co-lead the healthy cats for the time being. Rayscorch and Russetpetal joined the medicine cats in helping those sick. Lynxpad, Foxfray, Snowfire, Dustpelt, Mudslide, Timberjaw, Kestrelpaw, Ravensong, Troutstrike, Quailpaw, and Russetwing were sent on the patrol to recover the cure. They argued a lot, and first rested in some clans that were north of their own territories.
Dustpelt went for a walk in the city and found Leafstrike, Coal and Driftstorm in and soon out of the picture, in trouble with Rot and Mushroom. Forestdream also wandered in on this, despite Riverkit advising he go home, and wound up revealing Tidalfang's location. Mushroom wanted to kill Tidalfang over a fight they'd had about a year ago. When Forestdream got home and told Deadsplash, Deadsplash and Tidalfang moved to strike first. Riverkit directed them, the rogues, and the next generation, Sungaze, Coyotespring, Troutstrike and Forestdream, to a dock, arranging the show-down. While Leafstrike talked to strangers Dagger and Runt in the background, Deadsplash's fight against his mom went not-so-great as lots of things got in his way. Tidalfang however didn't let things get in his way, and dramatically killed Mushroom by beating him up, throwing him into a net and dropping it to the dock. Hawkstrike then used the forbidden technique of spirit possession to take over Troutstrike and tell Rot to flee, who did what she could to free herself from Forestdream. She fled.
Meanwhile, Dagger left Runt wounded and close to death. Sungaze tended to him, and the LunarClan cats took him back with them.
Forestdream and Fawnflight started to fall for each other, cross clan.
♒ (Aquarius) Mid-Leaf-Bare
A kit named Basilkit was brought to LunarClan. Her resemblance to Basil-leaf was haunting to Stormglare, who went out of his way to avoid who really was his sister reincarnated.
Talonkit, a healthy cat, regularly tried to escape to SolarClan to help, but was stopped each time.
The patrol on the quest met loners Tornado and Hurricane, who decided to show them the way to the medicine... so that they could join the group and go to the clans themselves.
♓ (Pisces) Late Leaf-Bare
The quest cats finally made it to the herb's location as the full moon arrived, without a gathering to go with it. Steel joined these cats, noticing Coyotespring's resemblance to Specklefern- his ex/her mother. He had moved away from the territories years ago, with his two-legs.
Lunarstar and Robinstar both died due to their illnesses. Upon haing their lives restored, they were well enough to resume leader duties, such as letting Thornpaw become a warrior- Thornshred, and giving Whitepaw the chance to also become a warrior. She beat up Robinstar, and thus earned the name Whitewisp.
Talonkit finally got to the medicine cats to tell them his obscure knowledge from his mysterious late mother, which helped.
The quest cats tried to go their way, but were attacked by cannibals! Dustpelt lost an eye, Troutstrike killed Shia Laboeuf, Foxfray killed Torn, and Meena and Winter escaped.
Lynxpad had the idea to catch a ride in a monster... she did not fear them having grown up a kittypet, and guessed that it was likely headed to the two-leg place near the territories. The cats slipped into the compartment with the herbs, and were to the city in a couple of hours. They brought the herbs to the clans, and slowly, everyone healed...
Applepaw told Troutstrike he didn't want to be his apprentice, so Troutstrike left for SolarClan, having been asked to go by StarClan already anyway. Applepaw then got Timberjaw as a mentor.
Leafstrike returned to SolarClan, and killed Adder to redeem himself, on Newtspirit's suggestion. Coal also joined as Coalpaw, his mentor being Primrose. Tornado also joined as Tornadopaw, with Sparrowdust as a mentor.
In LunarClan, Crowdive got his warrior name, and Steel and Hurricane joined as Goosepaw, apprenticed to Forestdream, and Hurricanepaw apprenticed to Tidalfang.
Newtspirit accepted Talonpaw as the medicine cat apprentice.
Robinstar learned his mother was alive on earth as a LunarClan kit.
Birth of cat later known as Flywish.