Angelfish Aquarium's Bulletins

Angelfish Writer & Guest Artist Applications

Hello! We are looking to expand our team and invite some people to help us create content for Angelfish!

General Information

  • While we are not looking exclusively for people active within the Angelfish community, we would like people who are familiar with the species
  • The minimum age requirement to apply is 16
  • Both jobs come with compensation, which is detailed under their own individual header
  • For any questions, you may contact QIMERIC or GHOSTHYX on deviantart or toyhouse
Both jobs have a trial period of one month. This is for us to get to know you in the moment, on the job while still allowing wiggle room for all parties. After the one month period, you may decide to leave or ask to be considered for a permenant position.
Guest Artist

      Application Here

Submissions will be perpetually open, until we decide we no longer need to search for more artists.

We are looking to take on a small team of Artists/Guest Artists to help assist in adoptable creation! We are prioritizing interesting design concepts and experience with creating adoptables.

Guest Artist Vs. Artist

In order to make sure whoever we take on is compatible with our current team, we are providing all potential artists a 1 month trial period. People in this trial period are referred to as 'Guest Artists', because they are not yet (nor may intend to be) fully recruited onto the team. Any member of the team who is an 'Artist' has a few more perks than a Guest Artist, and a permanent position in the group. Please view the chart below to compare a Guest Artist position and an Artist position.

Guest Artist Artist  
Recieves full funds from adoptables
Recieves free MYO slots Only 1 On a regular basis
Time limit 1 month No time limit
Adoptable creation limit 10 max Unlimited

      Application Here

Submissions will only be open for a month, until 11/10/20 at 11:59 PM.

We are looking for a single writer to assist in writing flavor text. This entails creating narrative, location focused writing. Text will be around 100-400 words per piece, and will be used on different pages to help create an atmosphere. The contents of the writing will be guided, meaning you will be making content based off of a prompt, not from scratch. Please look at the paragraph below to see what kind of writing we are looking for.

Landing on Llyr, you find yourself surrounded by bright, flashing lights and buildings reaching from the oceans to the skies. The cities are packed tightly with people bustling about, mostly tourists from across the galaxy, alien species roaming the streets wearing sunglasses and shorts. It’s easy to see why it’s such a hot spot for travellers; the sun beams down with a pleasant warmth and it always smells of sea foam, a warm breeze making it the perfect vacation spot. Vendors sell knick knacks and the smell of traditional Angelfish food wafts down the streets, accompanied by the robotic songs of spaceships flying ahead. The cities are built upon massive structures above the water- be careful not to look down; some of the docks are made of glass. The water below is crystal clear, and everything is accompanied by the noise of gentle waves and people chattering in hundreds of different languages.

The writer position also has a trial period, to make sure you are compatible with our current team. During the trial period, you will recieve a MYO slot. Once you are a full member of the team, you will recieve regular MYO slots, a cut from MYO slot sales, and the ability to participate in mod adopt batches.

October 2020 Updates

Posted 3 years, 8 months ago by YzPaRjK2h2BcD2mx

October Updates - 10/04/20


This month, we'll be having our second MYO slot sale! It will open on 10/10/2020 at noon est and close on 10/12/2020 at noon est. It will be FCFS, and there will be 10 common slots for sale. FTO slots will be $15/1500 points/152VLF1oe, and non-FTO slots will be $25/2500 points/252VLF1oe

As for adopts, there are a few in the works, although they have no set ETA. Keep an eye out for future updates!


This month, we will also be opening up applications for Angelfish staff! There will be an opportunity to apply for a temporary guest artist position as well as a writer position for future arpg events.

More details about the jobs will be released in a future bulletin this month.

Angelfish MYO Sale - 8/7/20 - CLOSED

Posted 3 years, 10 months ago by chunsieur

Angelfish MYO Sale - 8/7/20 - Closed


- This sale is first come first serve, meaning those who comment first will be given a slot first
- Payment must be paid in full within 72 hours of confirmation
- You payment must be recieved before your slot will be put on the MYO slot tracker
- You must wait until your slot is confirmed and on the MYO slot tracker to begin designing your Angelfish
- To claim a slot, please comment on this post
- You may comment with anything to claim, such as a single letter or 'me'
- You do not need to specify how you will be paying in your claim comment--we will ask you afterwards
- FTO's may get a discount on the slot price. FTO or first time owner means that you do not currently own an Angelfish nor have owned an Angelfish in the past 4 months
- This event was concluded Monday, August 10th, 2020.

This sale contains a total of 15 slots, all common.

Non-FTO Common slots are $25/2500 points/252VLF1oe

FTO Common slots are $15/1500 points/152VLF1oe

Details on what you can make with a common Angelfish can be found here!

Any questions can be asked on our Discord, messaged to angelfish_admin or asked in our questions forum!

Official Free MYO Event - CLOSED

Posted 3 years, 10 months ago by angelfish_admin

Hello! Thank you so much to everyone who has participated in the event! Any MYO slot not granted an extension will now be permanently void! I believe that all extensions that were asked for have been given, but if you have asked for one and it has not been marked on your MYO slot (you can check your slot by looking for it here) please contact us on our discord or DM angelfish_admin!

We hope to bring more events to you in the future, and are so appreciative of everyone who joined! Your support means a lot to us, and we are so excited to keep working on and developing this species!

As a reminder, the free MYO event will close tomorrow (8/6) at midnight EST.
You may ask for a 2-week extension during the period before closure. To do so, please DM angelfish_admin or contact the mods on discord.
Slots not used or extended will be permanently void.

August Updates - 2020

Posted 3 years, 10 months ago by chunsieur

August Updates - 08/04/20


This month, we will be hosting our first MYO sale! It will take place on August 7th (8/7) and close on August 10th (8/10). It will be FCFS, and have 15 common slots available for purchase. More information will be released in a bulletin closer to the sale time!

As for adopt sales, due to unforseen circumstances the adopts for July have been postponed. We are planning to get some out this month though, so stay tuned for more information!

Event Deadlines

As a reminder, for those of you who participated in the Free MYO Event, you need to turn in your designs by August 6th (8/6)! Extensions can be provided if asked for--please send a DM to angelfish_admin or contact us on discord! Any slot not used by the deadline will be permanently void.

The Artfight event will end when Artfight ends--on August 10th (8/10). Please be sure to turn in your art to redeem crackers if you haven't already! More information can be found here!

Artfight 2020 Event - CLOSED

Posted 3 years, 11 months ago by chunsieur

2020 Artfight Rewards

Hello all! We've decided to allow people to earn some rewards for attacking Angelfish on Artfight! Please read more about it below if interested.

What you can earn

Angelfish currency, crackers! Crackers are represented by 2VLF1oe, and are the currency you can earn through participating in the Angelfish ARPG. As more and more of the ARPG is finished, you will be able to turn in crackers you earn for trait upgrades, MYO slots, items, and more! Currently, the only ARPG infrastructure available is earning crackers.

How to earn crackers

For every Angelfish you attack on Artfight, you can earn crackers!

  • The minimum art requirement in order to earn crackers is a waist up, flat colored sketch
  • The drawing must have at least one Angelfish in it to count
  • Each drawing can only be redeemed once
  • There is no limit on how much you can earn/turn in
  • In order to count, all drawings must be submitted through Artfight
  • The event ends when Artfight ends (August 10th)
  • You do not need to own an Angelfish to participate
  • Any art made for Artfight of an Angelfish before the creation of this event may be turned in for crackers

Each drawing completed will earn you 72VLF1oe.

To turn in art for crackers, follow the instructions and reply to the comment here.

To link to your Angelfish's artfight, follow the instructions and reply to the comment here.

This event was concluded August 10th, 2020.

View your cracker total here

MYO Event Closure Time

Posted 3 years, 11 months ago by chunsieur

The free MYO event will close at 12:00am EST today! Make sure to claim a slot if you haven't already.
As a reminder, if you have already claimed a slot, you have until 08/08/20 to complete your MYO and turn it in! If it isn't turned in by this time, your slot will be voided.

Hello! As you can see, the world looks a bit different. I coded all the CSS myself, but I'm not an expert, so if you encounter any bugs/glitches please let me know!
The only thing thats been moved is how pages are organized. They've all been sorted into folders, and any new pages that we may create will also be put in folders.

Archive: This is just a list of links to any bulletins/events posted here. The way bulletins are organized is hard to see, so this is just for archives of those things.
Information: Has any Angelfish related information, like the MYO guide, species info, and TOS.

Feel free to comment or post a question on our questions forum if you need any help!

July 2020 Updates

Posted 3 years, 11 months ago by chunsieur

July Updates - 07/01/20

First off, we want to say thank you to everyone who has joined in our event so far! It means a lot to us, and it's so wonderful to see fish being made! We would also like to thank everyone for their patience while we work out what is working/isn't working.

World Updates

We are working on adjusting the way the Toyhouse world looks! This change will mostly be visual, but some things (MYO guide, TOS, etc.) may be relocated to a more convient place. If these things are changed, an update post will be given, detailing where you can find everything.

You may also notice submission forms changing slightly—this is just so the mods can update things easier. Some of the forms have much less information on them than is actually needed, so a change is necessary.

Free MYO Event

The free MYO event is still ongoing, and you can still claim slots + rare traits! You can join the event here! Slot claiming will close on 07/09/20!

If you have already claimed a slot, remember that you have until 08/06/20 to finish your MYO design and submit it! Information on extensions will be given the closer we get to closing time. Any slots not used by this time will be voided, so make sure to get your design in!

Adopts and MYO sales

Due to the free MYO event, there will be no MYO sales this month.

There are adopts in progress, though the time and type of sale will be kept hidden until they are released! Previews will be posted in the Angelfish discord.