✦ Virios ✦


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Serein and Virios are closed species meaning you are NOT allowed to use the lore or make your own without explicit permission from me! I do NOT own bone tails/spines or mermaid tails (the individual traits themselves). I only own the overall species' concept, lore and design.


Common ✦ | Uncommon ✦✦ | Rare ✦✦✦ | Mythical ✦✦✦✦



"The Will of the Sea"

Virios are the precursors of Serein, created long ago when the 'Sea' first came to be. To be able to survive the harsh environments in the deep and dark waters, the 'Sea' sculpted bones from the rocks found at the bottom of the ocean. When these dense bones were given life, the first Virios' came to be. These creatures were blessed with the ability to grow, contract and contort the bones in their bodies however they wished. The 'Sea' granted these Virios' with a task to roam as the protectors of their assigned territory. They became the will of the 'Sea' and its dutiful guardians.

However, when a young and ambitious Virios desired more territory, they betrayed the 'Sea'. Killing and eating the flesh of other Virios, they gained the power to manipulate the bones and bodies of those they feasted on. Greed spread, thus forcing the 'Sea' to turn against its first children and seal off their power.


Virios are typically more 'lone wolfish' than Serein, and it is difficult to find Virios communities due to their innate territorial instincts against other Virios. However, sometimes they do form packs with whom they are closely bonded with, and those creatures can include other sea creatures, Virios, Serein and even humans. Generally, Serein hold great admiration and respect for Virios for their strength, and Virios are quite protective of the fragile Sereins. The two species co-exist peacefully in the ocean, with Virios as protectors and Serein as gifters.



'Sealed' Virios are unable to force their bones to contort outside of their bodies like 'Unsealed' Virios can. Their full abilities are suppressed by the bone 'cage' wrapped around their tails as well as the various bone seal markings around their bodies. Despite that, 'Sealed' Virios still possess the ability to internally manipulate their bones, such as contorting their ribcage to protect their heart or increasing the density of their bones.

'Sealed' Virios still have incredible physical abilities, such as being able to withstand the great underwater pressures at the ocean floor. Their tails are powerful and may carry them great distances without stopping, allowing them to have very large territories.

When a Virios is unsealed, it's back wings and tail wings split, the eyes on their fins open, and their ears change. (Fun Fact: their unsealed form was inspired by dragon slugs!) Their bone cage will disappear and the bone chain markings also become 'blackened' or 'broken'. 'Unsealed' Virios can cause the bones in their tail as well as their upper body to protrude outside, and even multiply or grow bones outside of their bodies. They also have very fast healing and a high pain tolerance, due to having to pierce their own skin and flesh many times when manipulating their bones.

The bone seal markings must always be found on their ears, back wings, and tail fins (✦). But sometimes the markings can occur on other parts of the body, for example the torso or face (✦✦). 

Note: These are example designs of already existing Virios.

Note: These are example designs of already existing Virios. The bone cage can vary in design as well as either wrap the front or the back of the mer tail.


The pair of bone chains can be located on any part of the body and the tip can vary in design (no rarities).


The only way a 'Sealed' Virios' bone seal can be removed and unlocking their 'Unsealed' version is through the 'Sea's blessing. When the moon is closest to the earth and the 'Sea' is at its mightiest, Virios will gather in a large group where they celebrate and worship the 'Sea'. However, by midnight, all Virios will fall into a deep hibernative state. No one knows what particularly happens during this part of the blessing ceremonies but the hibernation can last from a few days to months. Hence, during the Virios' most unguarded state, when they sleep, it is rumoured that this is when the true blessing ceremony occurs.

Different Virios will awaken at different times from the hibernation, and they may choose to leave the ceremony grounds or stay to protect the vulnerable ones still asleep. The blessing ceremony officially concludes when the last Virios awakens. Often, there will be no blessings given by the conclusion of the ceremonies, but once in a blue moon, the last Virios that awakens will suddenly find their seals broken.

Many believe the blessings ceremony is a test of vulnerability, which is why an 'Unsealed' Virios will always have the longest period of hibernation, and therefore, the longest period of vulnerability. However, no one except Virios know for sure because they forget what occurs during the hibernation when they wake up.


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