M A K E . Y O U R . O W N

OFFICIAL masterlist | MYO masterlist | adoptable TOS

By purchasing an MYO Slot from e-su / e-su, you are agreeing to the full conditions of this TOS.



✦ You can only ever obtain/buy MYO slots for my Closed Species from e-su / e-su.
✦ Once you have purchased an MYO slot you will received a "MYO Certificate" (Google Drive link) which states your MYO details as proof of purchase.
✦ You must check with e-su before posting the MYO to make sure all the traits are correct
✦ The MYO drawing must be clear and fully coloured so there are no misunderstandings.
✦ You can commission others to design the MYO for you.
✦ Upon completion, you must send e-su a clear unwatermarked file of your final MYO design for the Masterlist.
✦ Once your MYO design is approved, you will receive a "Approved MYO Certificate".
✦ MYO designs can only be traded/resold/gifted after they have been approved by e-su and you have received an "Approved MYO Certificate". 
✦ An unapproved MYO design, unused MYO slot or "MYO Certificate" cannot be traded/resold/gifted/transferred.
✦ The resell price must be below or equivalent to the MYO slot price and commissioned art.
✦ Where unspecified on this TOS, the rules in the adoptable TOS will be applied to MYO designs.
✦ MYO design and slot is for personal use only. You are never permitted to use my closed species for any commercial purposes, this includes NFTs or Vtuber. If the traits from my closed species are removed (and no longer part of the MYO masterlist), then the designer/owner regains all rights.
✦ If rarities of a Closed Species changes (e.g. uncommon -> common) I will give MYO owners a chance to change the rarities of their MYO design depending on the rarity package they buy.


✦ If you want to give another designer's closed species/non-CS design an "alternate design" using my closed species' traits via MYO, it will need to be discussed before purchase. I reserve the right to decline or accept, case by case. It will also need permission from the other creator. If your case is accepted, then the alternate design that is part of my closed species will be added to the MYO Masterlist.

✓ Allowed: X is a closed species design created by Artist B and is owned by Person A. Person A gets permission from Esu and Artist B to create an alternate design. Using a MYO slot, Person A gives X an alternate design with traits from Esu's closed species. X's alternate design is now part of Esu's MYO Masterlist

✦ If you want to give your closed species/non-CS design an "alternate design" design using my closed species' traits via MYO, I will need to be notified before purchase.

✓ Allowed: X is a closed species design created and owned by Person A. Person A notifies Esu that they are creating alternate design using the MYO slot. Person A creates an alternate design for X with traits from Esu's closed species. X's alternate design is now part of Esu's MYO Masterlist


✦ If you are re-homing/transferring a character that has an "alternate design" from my closed species, then you must let the new owner know about my TOS.

✦ You or the new owner must notify me when an alternate design from my CS is being removed in the transfer. You are NOT allowed to include the price of the MYO slot/design in the transfer if it has been removed.
✦ If you decide to remove the alternate design from my CS, then it is permanently removed from the MYO Masterlist. You are not allowed to transfer any art showing the MYO design that is part of my closed species. If I see the MYO design being used again by any future owners (after it has been removed from the MYO Masterlist), you will be held responsible and blacklisted.

✓ Allowed: X is a closed species design created by Artist B and is owned by Person A. After purchasing an MYO slot, Person A commissions Artist C to create an alternate design of X using traits from Esu's closed species. After a while, Person A decides to keep ONLY Artist B's design and discard the alternate design from Esu's closed species. After notifying Esu, X is permanently removed from Esu's MYO Masterlist. When X is transferred to a new owner, Person D, the price of the MYO slot and Artist C's alternate design (MYO) is not included in the transaction. Person D only has ownership of Artist B's design and MYO design from Esu's closed species.



✦ Once an MYO design has been approved, you will not be allowed to add or change any of the closed species traits.
✦ SMALL design edits such as: slight colour shifting (e.g. red to orange/pink), changing hairstyle, changing gender or slightly altering body type, can be freely made and there is no need for approval.
✦ MAJOR design edits to the MYO will need to be approved and updated in the MYO Certificate in the Masterlist. This is to avoid confusion in numbers. The history of design edits will be recorded in the Masterlist.
✦ MAJOR design edits include: completely changing a main colour, changing eyes to heterochromia, changing skin shade, adding large tattoos or big anatomy alterations.

✦ Any Major Edits that are not listed in the MYO Masterlist are unapproved.


✦ Any edits regarding a CS Trait design of an MYO such as: the colour of the liquid inside of a Floatsu's ears or the imprint design of an Equos, are counted as Major Edits. You will need to get approval for these edits. Please stay within a 75% degree of similarity when editing a CS Trait design of an MYO.
✦ Editing a CS Trait design does not mean upgrading a rarity or changing the trait itself. You will not be permitted to change a CS Trait type once the MYO has been approved/is official. For example: changing a Floatsu's liquid from 'Gradient' to "Glow-in-the-Dark' is not allowed.
✦ Extra Note: In CS designs by e-su (non-MYO), the CS traits aren't allowed to be edited at all. 



✦ Join the discord server: INVITE LINK
✦ The channel will be made public and you won't need to become a member to claim.
✦ Post your claim in the 'MYO-Claiming' Channel.
✦ If your claim is confirmed and successful, please send me a filled MYO form and your Paypal Email in a direct message on Deviantart or Toyhouse within 24 hours.


✦ Post your claim in the bulletin made when MYOs open.
Latest MYO Sale Bulletin


✦ Claims can be made as soon as the MYO slots open or countdown timer ends. Claims made before the opening time are not counted.
✦ Claims must state the Rarity Code, Closed Species, Who you are claiming for and the username's Platform.
E.g. Claiming one [rarity code + CS name] slot for [username] @ [DA or TH]
✦ In a single claim comment, you can claim a maximum of 2 slots for yourself (unless stated otherwise in the 'Slots Available' info section). e.g. Claiming two [rarity code + CS name] slot for [username] @ [DA or TH].

✦ If your claim is confirmed and successful, please send me a filled MYO form and your Paypal Email in a direct message on Deviantart or Toyhouse within 24 hours.
✦ MYO forms will have a password to fill. Wrong passwords will revoke your MYO slot. The password is stated in this journal, please read carefully.
✦ You must fill in the "Rarity Code" but the "C/U/R Traits" section on the MYO form can be left blank if unsure. If you decide to leave this part of the MYO form blank, you must submit a filled version when you send the completed MYO design for approval.
✦ Filled MYO Forms can also be submitted as a claim.

✦ Payment is required within 24 hours of the Paypal invoice being sent, or your MYO claim will be revoked.


✦ You may only have one claim helper, multiple claims for one person is not allowed (unless stated otherwise in the 'Slots Available' info section). Example: both person A AND person B claiming slot for person C is not permitted.

✦ In a single claim comment, you can only claim one slot for you and one slot for another person.
e.g. Claiming one [rarity code + CS name] slot for [username 1] @ [DA or TH]
Claiming one [rarity code + CS name] slot for [username 2] @ [DA or TH]
✦ If you are claiming for another person and paying for their slot please state it in the MYO Claim
e.g. Username 1 @ DA or TH is paying for Username 2 @ DA or TH.
✦ As of 2022, the pa-ss-wor-d for the MYO form is 'my fridge door is stuck'.


1. Claiming one AC Equos Slot for e-su @ DA.
2. Claiming one AC Equos Slot for e-su @ TH. Claiming one AC Serein Slot for us-e @ DA.
3. Claiming two AC Floatsu Slot for e-su @ DA.
4. Claiming one AC Floatsu Slot for us-e @ TH. e-su @ DA is paying for us-e @ TH.



✦ Note: the rarity codes/packages set the limit of rarity of your MYO slot. 
✦ Unlimited: this means that you can use as many traits of that rarity as you would like (unless specified for the species).
In C1R, you may use common traits and 1 rare trait (no uncommon traits allowed).

In CU1R, you may use common or uncommon traits, and you can only choose 1 rare trait.


✦ AC = $25 USD
✦ C1U = $30 USD
✦ C1R = $35 USD
✦ AU = $40 USD
✦ CU1R = $45 USD
✦ AR = $55 USD

✦ Note: For AU, CU1R & AR you may only choose a max of 2 traits from the "Liquid/Smoke & Ears & Tail" Section to make a combo. (e.g. non-animal items in liquid + glow in the dark)


✦ AC = $55 USD
✦ C1U = $60 USD

✦ C1R = 

✦ AU = $70 USD


✦ AC = $30 USD
✦ C1U = $35 USD


✦ AC = $35 USD


✦ AC = $20 USD
✦ C1U = $25 USD