🐊 Giant Wistul Creation

Jump to: Puppy, Mudling, Guppy

🌿 Rules 🌿

🌱 Regular MYO rules apply with the exception of the following:
🌱 This type of PC must be obtained through an event or something similar. They are not open to make unless you've earned one!
🌱 Generally speaking, when playing a PC, replace "Snakekey" and "keke" with "PC" where applicable. For example, one of the creation rules reads: A keke must be created at the hatchling phase. Since you're not using a keke, you'd read this as: A PC must be created in the hatchling (/puppy) phase. Granted, this won't work or make perfect sense with all rules, but it should be enough to get by
🌱 Unlike Crestuls, Giants can earn Snakekey upgrades at the regular price

🌿 Hillspawn 🌿

ddz9dze-da39b1ba-1941-46b4-9478-d5b9ede5🍃 Giant Wistul babies, sometimes called "terrestrial puppies" aren't born in water! Despite this, they're still significantly smaller than adults, akin to other Wistul hillspawn types
🍃 Giant Tuls still depend on water to produce offspring, as they still make mud hills (just on land!) This does give them some additional freedom, though. Babies can be spawned in caves, adults can sometimes be seen digging deep wells to access groundwater, and - in rare cases - parents will even bring water by the mouthful to waiting dirt mounds...!
🍃 Terrestrial hillspawn appears overall more developed than many other types of Wistul young. Their limbs are fully developed and they're able to walk after only a few days of emerging from their mud hill. It takes them a few days to actually be fast, so parents may scoop them up if some serious sprinting needs to be done
🍃 Hillspawn are not required for approvals! This is just info

🌿 Puppy 🌿Giant_Wistul_puppy.png

🍃 Giant Wistuls are more terrestrial than some of their cousins. They're not totally free of their amphibious history, but it's a step! This is most notable in puppies, who are born and live on land
🍃 Giants, true to their name, are larger than many other Wistul types. They're not massive, but they can be up to three feet (1m) at the shoulder as adults!
🍃 This Tul type has belly scales that run all the way up to the jawline and down the complete length of the tail. Their ears start small and aren't as frilly as some of their relatives'. They can be slightly raised with some effort, but for the most part, they hang downwards. Their feet are fully formed, having pudgy little hands and short hind legs with extensive toes and metatarsals. They walk atop their tiptoes on their hind feet, but they can look very large and silly when lying down or seated. The tail has a small "tuft" of stiff frills as a leftover from more water-bound days
🍃 The skin has mucus on it, but it's much less than say a regular Wistul or a Crestul would have. It just keeps them slightly slick while also preventing sunburns and dry skin. This mucus isn't thick enough to regulate a Giant's temperature, which is actually kind of an issue... Neither their blood nor mucus is fantastic at keeping them the right temperature, so they'll often have to supplement by sunning, taking dips in the water, panting, or just leaving their mouths open (like a crocodile)
🍃 The legs of a Giant Wistul are built for speed! Well... the hind legs anyway. The front ones aren't so great at keeping pace. When going especially fast, Tuls may tuck up their front legs and run bipedal!

🌿 Puppy Creation 🌿


🍂 1: Lines > Draw the base for your new PC. Be sure to look at the anatomy examples here!
🍂 2: Base > Pick a base color. It can be any color as long as it's solid
🍂 3: Belly scales > Any solid color you like. This is for belly scales, mouth/tongue, and blood
🍂 4: Eyes > Eyes can be any color, but only one. By default, Giants do not have visible pupils.
🍂 5: Description > You're ready to post your PC! Please be sure to locate the form below, fill it out, and put it in the description
🍂 6: Submitting > Submit your finished MYO to the approval folder, which can be found here

Type: Giant Wistul
Obtained through: (Link to event parts, mention a user, etc...)

🌿 Rules 🌿

🌱 Regular aging rules apply
🌱 The young and youth phases are lumped together into the mudling phase! A Giant can be drawn as either young or youth once this phase is approved

🌿 Mudling 🌿Giant_Wistul_Mudling.png

🍃 The frill tassel on puppies becomes a large, cobra-like frill at the mudling stage. Why this happens isn't totally clear. It might just be the "in-progress phase" of evolving from fins into something more useful on land. Giants sometimes use this frill for communication, swimming, swatting, and scooping
🍃 The ears get longer and, therefore, floppier! Like a dog, Giants can control a little bit of the ear towards the base, but most of it wobbles around all silly like
🍃 Some mudlings will develop an art type, though the chance seems to be less than the 50% that Crestuls have - more of a 35%, maybe. It's suspected that they don't have as much focus towards artistic pastimes because they must spend so much time regulating their temperatures (which can involve a lot of not moving)
🍃 Tuls at this age are capable of sprints of somewhat alarming speed, considering they're still clumsy kids! Beware of cold weather. When the heat doesn't slow them down, there's nothing saying you can convince a stampeding Giant to stop....

🌿 Mudling Creation 🌿Giant_Wistul_Mudling_aging_guide.png

🍂1: Lines > Start by drawing the base image for your PC. Be sure to follow the anatomy examples shown here
🍂 2: Base > PCs get their bases as babies - this step is done and you can move on!
🍂 3: Color method > Choose a coloring method. Keep in mind that "variations of your base color" must appear to be in the same hue as the base. This means you can move the color slider say, from light orange to dark orange, but do not touch the slider you would use to change orange to blue much!
            🌼 Method A: 0-3 variations of the base color
            🌻 Method B: 1 variation of the base color, 2 of any color you like! Note that this method requires the use of 3 colors total
🍂 4: Design > Design your PC with the colors you've chosen! Markings generally need to cover a lot of area. This can mean they are large in size or are very long. Smaller markings are okay as long as they're connected to a bigger marking of the same color. Spots generally should be no smaller than the entire hand and thin markings no shorter than arm's length. Do not use gradients on designs
🍂 5: Description > You're ready to post your PC! Please be sure to locate the form below, fill it out, and put it in the description
🍂 6: Submitting > Submit your finished image to the aging approval folder, which can be found here

Puppy approval:
Color method used: 
(A or B)
Upgrades: (List what the PC has applied)

🌿 Guppy 🌿ddz51go-e9a72a78-8331-4138-83de-3eadf289

🍃 A full grown Giant can be a somewhat alarming encounter for those who aren't aware that there are some pretty big Tul types... If they reach their maximum size of 3ft/1m at the shoulder, then they'll stand taller than your average joey when they rear up on their hind legs!
🍃 While these Tuls are definitely heavier than some of their cousins due to their size, they're also probably lighter than you'd expect. They certainly weigh less than a dog of that size would... They average around 70 to 80 pounds
🍃 The majority of Wistul types lack builds as well as differentiated ages, usually only having puppy and guppy age phases. For reasons unclear, the Giant has developed some of these additional features. For this reason, their "default" build is called the "breakthrough", as the trait has broken through whatever keeps this from developing in their relatives. Or... something like that

🌿 Guppy Creation 🌿


🍂 1: Lines > Start by drawing the base image for your PC, choosing their build in the process. Be sure to follow the anatomy examples for whichever one you end up picking!
🍂 2: Description > You're ready to post your PC for the fourth and final time! Please be sure to locate the form below, fill it out, and put it in the description
🍂 3: Submitting > Submit your finished image to the aging approval folder, which can be found here

Puppy approval:

Mudling approval:
(Breakthrough, trawler, and archaic are the defaults)
Upgrades: (List what the PC has applied)