A New Tale is basically just little stories of my OCs!

Each story is told in different ways; they can be told through animatics, animation memes, comics, stories, and possibly other ways depending on what I feel like doing! c:

This is more of a comfort thing for me, so it’s not really something that’s meant to be a big deal. I often make things up as I go lol. Sometimes I don’t take it seriously. I’d rather have fun. Lil fun fact: I stole some world building concepts from my old original species/universe thing that I never finished <3

I’m constantly editing information and stuff here whenever I feel like it. I also tend to shift my attention to different characters and stories a lot. Sometimes I finish a story half way and get fixated on another, sometimes I don’t even start a story yet before my attention already gets caught up on something completely different. Sorry for the mess, it will happen again

Also these characters have human forms, but they’re not canon nor can the characters actually transform into that form or anything lmao it’s just a fun alt form 💪