Housing store



In default, all ProtoNets automatically have their own personal room to start their adventure and stylising their own private space. Similar with a hotel room only without the bathroom as it is separated for the whole dormitory use. Always have serparate laundry area no matter the apartment room. Houses have personal laundry room.

In default, the room has a bed, communication screen, and giant wardrobe(closet). The room size is about 3x4m in size.

Personal Rooms and Houses

Private Studio room: 1000 Bits
5x8m in total size, 2.5x2m for bathroom and 2.5x3 for balcony. The rest of the space includes open one-person bedroom and a kitchen. Always facing to Bio-Statis. Artistic freedom on how this can be implemented as long as it has rectangle shape.

One-Bedroom Apartment: 1500 Bits
15x22m in total size, has separate 3x4m up to two-person bedroom with built-in giant wardrobe, 3x3m for bathroom, 8x3m for open balcony connected to the kitchen, and a living room. This has more space to place more items. Artistic freedom on how this can be implemented as long as it has rectangle shape.

Two-bedroom Apartment: 2000 Bits
18x25m in total size, has separate 5x4m up to two bedrooms with built-in giant wardrobe each, 3x3m for bathroom, 8x5m for open balcony connected to the kitchen, and a living room. This has even more space to place more items. Artistic freedom on how this can be implemented as long as it has rectangle shape.

Cottage home: 3000 Bits
(Located on The Willow private land) Varied in size and shape for the building, mostly 30x50 in land total size but can have up to three stories. Standard built-in features are up to three bedrooms, up to two bathrooms, one laundry area, one kitchen, and up to three balconies. Any leftover space will be free to be fill by other furnish.

Family home: 3500 Bits
(Located on The Willow private land) Varied in size and shape for the building, mostly 80x50 in land total size but can have up to three stories. Standard built-in features are up to three bedrooms, up to two bathrooms, one laundry area, one kitchen, and up to three balconies. Any leftover space will be free to be fill by other furnish.

Furnish Purchase