

What is Bio-Distortion?

A computer virus with no known origin for many ProtoNets who never go outside the ReBoot Facility, their main safe area. The only fact the protoNets know about this is that it can only be transmitted through parts donations/transfusions.

In order to survive, a number of ProtoNets who have better immunity and decent at fights will explore to find any clues to find the cure.

Despite the nature of the virus, Dark type ProtoNets can carry but not infect others by physical contacts.

By their nature, Light type ProtoNets can handle and immune with the virus the best compared to other types.

The monsters lurking on their world are speculated as unfortunate ProtoNets who had been infected and unable to be saved on time, which gradually transform them slowly.

Physical Appearance

The monsters appeared in various forms, from small snakes to giant cryptids. The most notable part of their appearance is their half pixelized body where the polygon lines are visible.

The also have broken faces and leaking data all over the body.

For low level monsters they would only attack with slams and scratches at most. High level monsters could cast magic and perform raidwide damages. Be cautious when dealing with one.

These monsters could drop items ranged from common ones to rare ones. High rare drops could enabled ProtoNets to gain traits and items to support themselves in the future even upgrade their appearance.

Items not limited to: Weapon coupon, upgrade items, design change, pets, mounts, Bits, even unlisted items.
