
Welcome to GATE Re:Access!

"ProtoNets are a lore-based SEMI-CLOSED SPECIES owned, created, and maintain by Arzen, All rights are currently reserved. You are not allowed to make your own unless given permission. You may not steal this species, mimic this species, or trace this species artwork. We do NOT take kindly to thieves."

"ProtoNet species originally based of Digimon and NieR series, as the species creator I don't claim the sources and inspirations as my own but have full rights to claim the ProtoNet concept."

Everyone is invited to join, even if you don't have any ProtoNet yet!

In order to join Gate Re:Access community you must join both ToyHouse and Discord group. ProtoNet activity will be focusing on their Discord group but updates will be on both ToyHouse and Discord, so join the fun!

All informations are available below, if you have any questions please ask on our Discord group for faster response.

This species is planned to be an interactive community (similar with ARPG) where each Protonets have their own private room to decorate, PodZoids as pets and companions, and mounts your ProtoNets can ride to explore their world. Each prompt will be submitted at indefinite intervals but members can complete the quest anytime so there's no need to rush but finished prompts will grant your ProtoNet achievements.

Protonet activities will be divided into three types: Prompts, Events, and Main Scenario.

Keep in mind that each finished prompts and their achievement are character bound and can't be transfered or claimed by other Protonets, so make sure to have a ProtoNet you will use for a long time if you don't want to lose achievements.

Do you have a ProtoNet and their pets/mounts? Submit them to this group! No need to worry on putting them on unsorted folder, admin will put them to the correct folder

"What are ProtoNets?"

ProtoNets are digital beings who lived on the network, able to travel from places in a matter of minutes even seconds as long as there's enough stable connection between the two areas, similar with transfering datas.

Their origin history had been deleted and only a number of witnesses and beings who actually know the whole story behind their existence. Some speculated that their existence is similar with computer program because they often seen showing interest with software programs.

Because of their fast adept towards new surroundings and their fast actions towards digital viruses, they often help people especially for those who can't enter the network and digital gadgets as anti-viruses to eliminate all bad programs and datas they can find. They can enter digital gadgets by placing their palm on the screen and pixelate themselves to enter.

Little to their own knowledge, their actual reason of existence bear more than that...



Role: Founder, full rights


Role: ML Account

Discord Server

Mascots and NPCs


Role: Mascot (Common)

"I never knew this world is really beautiful..."


Role: Mascot (Limited)

"Must... Destroy... Hhhhggghh...!"


Role: Mascot (Limited)

"...we need to protect this world..."


Role: Mascot (PvP)

"Dare to test your mettle, traveler?"


Role: Mascot (Shop owner)

"Welcome, welcome! Please take a look!"


Role: Deity

"Only by the words of gods salvation will save everyone"

World Map
